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bolting dog saga

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Yech. So I went to bed early tonight, cause I was feeling poopy, and woke up about eleven forty or so because the dogs were barking something fierce. I'm house sitting right now in a really.... NICE neighborhood, and the poodle is an instigator, Ichabod only barks when she does, and even then, only for good reason, such as a scary person or animal.

So I drag my tired cranky icky feeling self out of bed, look out all the windows, and I don't see anything out of the ordinary. I go downstairs and outside, and the dogs are running around, looking confused and alert. I make them sit down, then open the gate. Ichabod comes out first and doesn't go more then five feet, but as soon as Nona comes out (the poodle) she bolts down the driveway and runs down the street. I start snapping and whistling and calling to her, but she doesn't come. At this point, I'm thinking "great, now I'll have to chase her down, in my pj's, and yell for her in a rich neighborhood. awesome."

So I exit the driveway onto the street, yelling, and I see her at the end of the block, jumping around like goddamn bunny rabbit. When I get closer, I see something hanging out in someone's yard. I'm not wearing my glasses, so at first I think "why the hell are there horses in that yard?" Then I realize that they aren't horses, they're fucking MOOSE. Now, you may not be aware of this, but moose are HUGE animals, on big stabby spindly legs, good for trampling. I've been less than five feet away from one before, and it didn't exacly please me. Moose are friggin' scary!

So this is when my heart starts to race.

I call to Nona again, and she goes closer to them, then Ichabod tries to go over to her, and I have to call him, and I'm starting to get really nervous, cause Nona is jumping over to the moose, and it's two mommas and a baby, and they are super territorial. Sure enough, Nona gets within three feet of one and it fucking GROWLS at her, then CHARGES. Luckily for the dog, she's very fast, and bounded out of the way. I'm maybe thirty or forty feet away at this point, and screaming at the dog. Neighbors are coming outside to see what's going on, I feel like I'm going to have a goddamn heart attack, and the dog tries to follow them again. I grab my dog by the collar, then manage to call Nona close enough to run over and grab her, then Ichabod drags me, while I drag Nona, and we go back to the house.

I was so scared I had to call scott at work to recount the story so he could help calm me down.


I was pretty sure that either one of the dogs was going to get trampled, or I was going to have to do something stupid to save one of them, and get trampled myself. One moose by itself I can get around. Two adults trying to protect a baby, and I'm thinking maybe I should have stayed in bed.


So that's my scary story for the day. Doesn't sound like much, but it all happened so fast, I didn't have time to think anything but "shit, fuck, dammit, oh my god somebody is going to get hurt."

Luckily, that didn't happen.


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Also... in case I didn't indicate enough how scary this was... I don't think I'll ever be able to forget the growl of the moose. I've never heard one do that before. Much worse than any rabid dog or murderous bear. My heart was pounding like I'd run a mile. I almost started hyperventilating. I mean, fuck.... SCARY!

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and years from now everybody will remeber the story of brave mallochai and the angry moose children will flock to her for protection kings will call on her to lead their wars and i dont even want to mention what the chickens will do

im glad you made it out of this okay godspeed brave warrior

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