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[07/23, Sat] DGN Aftermath

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aight. aint none o ya cant complain no more. i went. i even got there before 2. and i met people. :laughing

even though i worked all morning and played geeky wargames all afternoon, i still wasnt tired enough to sleep.

i wore my 'People Suck' shirt in honor of suck week! :woot:

master spiral, lord of the drinks: man, you rock, even if people suck. :grin

daevion: nice ta meet ya man, i guess i blew my cover (or maybe im really an android...) :fear

headless goths roommate? im not sure who that was exactly, but apparently nobody did. hi.

nienna: yes, it really is me! :laughing you looked quite fetching. i think you said you wanted to get into wargames. i know you are going to click the link in my sig and become a brainwashed gaming addict. :wink

BS9 and ms malodorer: im sure i spelled something wrong there, but you guys are a sexy couple, which must be why you left when i got there. :laughing

i also saw crank. and just saying that makes me feel a little odd... :wink :laughing hey man.

i believe i saw medea? but i was a sweaty dancing fool, so i didnt say hi. maybe i still suck?

i think thats it. if i missed you, sorry. i suck. my sig says so, so it must be true.

btw, i also won the best sportsman award in the geek tournament yesterday, which means im a popular geek and that i get a free, expensive model! WOOT!

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well I got way too drunk before I even left for City Club and sadly I made a complete fool of myself. Thus I am NEVER EVER EVER NEVER going back to city club. or at least until next saturday. maybe even this coming friday. But I swear this is my VERY last post on DGN. I had 2 gallons of vodka and chased it with absinthe, and that was my pre-drink warm up. I moved to the hard stuff after that.

I remember bits and pieces. Apparently I was molesting Troy. I called people by the wrong name. I remember waiting in line to use the bathroom and then the sweet release of finally going and having someone tap me on the shoulder and ask why I was urinating in the DJ Booth. whoops!

I remember talking to Paper Hearts about politics. But like Lenin, Trotsky and Noam Chomsky, he is a little conservative for me. But then again I'm so left wing that I don't even have a right turn signal on my car. I'm so liberal I considered Ghandi a neocon. Actually I don't even own a car and I refuse to own one til that evil George Bush ends the unjust and illegal occupation of Texas.

I remember talking to Nienna. If you want to call it talking. I think I was just slurring my words. If it was 7-11 you would say I was a slurr-pee. that was one of the worst jokes ever, but I don't regret typing it.

I remember peeing in the back of Troy's car, which I felt bad about until he told me he was into it and we proceeded to pee on eachother.

I remember talking to Daevion about taco bell. We had a fairly long talk too, until I realized it wasn't Daevion, it wasn't anyone, I was talking to a wall which I thought was Daevion. Which was probably a good thing because I asked the wall to make out with me, sadly I got rejected. I did stick my tongue in an electrical socket once in my experimental phase, it hurt so good.

I ended up going home with a crackhead who lived in a dumpster. I payed him $1.50 to do "certain things" to me and we've been living together happily ever since. We have internet access and everything at the dumpster and all you can eat chinese food though I can't guarantee the authenticity of the rice after a certain point, if you know what I mean.

All in all this was a great night, trailing only the time that Cameron, Sloan and I skipped school and Rooney was after us all day or the time Elizabeth Shue was babysitting me and we got chased by criminals while picking up her stranded friend.

But I am shamed so I am leaving DGN forever.

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I was there.

BS9 and I talked about soccer and you know what, BS9? I think you're right, now: I believe USA does have a Donovan (mid fielder) playing fo them, as well as Ireland-not sure which it is that plays for LA though...must be the American, the Irish guy, I believe, plays for Some club in England...Either Arsenal or Manchester U, seems like.

Talked to Troy and Nienna about Peter Murphy and books.

I talked to Daevion about Batman and the recession and cheese.

Darkchylde and Crank and I continued our discourse on Peasnov.

It seemed like a tame weekend after the last, with Brenda, here and that.

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I do have to say one thing. I make alot of public compliments about MsMalador and I've made it quite known how great I think she is but she keeps adding points to her resume as the best partner ever. She was totally understanding during my drunken stupor and then the next day I had a wicked hangover, complete with violent vomitting and she was so great and understanding.....made me coffee, offered to make me soup, checking in on my several times to make sure I was ok. Many girls could have just been angry at me for letting myself get that drunk, especially since she had to put up with my stupidity the night before. So again, she is the BEST.

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Guest MsMaldoror

You missed out, GOC. BS9 was soooo drunk that he was buying EVERYONE drinks. Doesn't he owe you a couple of drinks?

OK, I'm kidding.

damn...you're right BS9...I should have come to CC

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Guest Game of Chance

You missed out, GOC.  BS9 was soooo drunk that he was buying EVERYONE drinks.  Doesn't he owe you a couple of drinks?

OK, I'm kidding.


lol...there was something in the tone of his voice at about 11:00 or so when he called and said, "I think you should come to City Club tonight!"

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Guest MsMaldoror

I had a fun night despite the fact that I was unnaturally tired this past weekend. It was nice hanging out with Troy, Nienna, and BS9 in Troy's vehicle (aka the gothpartymobile) before wandering into CC. :grin

DGN sightings:

Troy Spiral





Paper Hearts


Belle Morte--I hope you feel better.




Paradox--It was nice to finally meet you!

I hope I didn't miss anyone. There were less people than usual, and I'm sure that was at least partially due to the heat. BS9 and I left right before 2 AM because I couldn't stop yawning. Otherwise, it would have been nice to chat with Paradox (who we just met before leaving) and everyone else a bit longer.

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K, I'm not gonna be lazy this week, so I'll post names...if I forget anyone, I'm sorry, I was drunk as hell!



BS9 and Ms Maldoror



Lady Windstone


Paper Hearts

I think that was it....

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I had a good time, saw the usual suspects, as well as Dirty Whispers and BeanWater.

I had a really good talk with Jen, I really enjoyed speakin with her.

And I also really enjoyed watching Troy dance. I believe that he creates his own little dances. One I call the Lost Puppy. Another one called The Thinker. I really enjoy coming up with names for Troy's patented little moves. :p

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Damn goth, breaking DW's heart...what's your problem? lol ...I still love you, babe! Had an ok time, i was out of it to start with, a bit sick...cough, blah blah blah, so...i left early...other than that, i always have a good time!


Aww thank you at least some one understands my pain.

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It was fun, had a bit diffrent look going. Hmm lets see who I remembered.






Troy Spiral






and I think that covers it (has a feeling of missing somone). Once again I am DarkChylde on the board not Rambo.

Edited by DarkChylde
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Damn goth, breaking DW's heart...what's your problem? lol ...I still love you, babe! Had an ok time, i was out of it to start with, a bit sick...cough, blah blah blah, so...i left early...other than that, i always have a good time!


don't let those fake tears fool you, she was forewarned, she just loves sympathy.

Edited by Goth Brooks
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