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so, what did you do....

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  • 3 months later...

I was in Lexington, Michigan with my brother and Destiny. We started off looking at some of the local shops. I bought a new sweater for me and a new dress for Destiny for Christmas. Nolan got her a really gorgeous jacket that just fits her personality so perfectly. We went back up to the cottage and napped for a couple hours. I love naps! Then Destiny made some kickass kapusto (sp?). I had a glass of shiraz and a bowl of kapusto. Then I had a mojito and more kapusto. Then I was feeling buzzed enough to stand on the porch and sing at the top of my lungs while smoking a cigarette. When I came back inside, Nolan and Destiny were blasting Tool and Clutch and Rage Against the Machine and Korn. We danced crazy and drunk. I think they pretty much had two to three drinks to my every one last night! Then, after my second mojito and another two glasses of wine, we decided to take a walk along the beach. [5 drinks, my record, but over the course of 8 hours.] It was only freezing out and no colder. Besides, I wasn't feeling it. So, we ventured a little further on the ice than is probably prudent just so we could sit on the piled up ice and dangle our feet over the waves. We all fell through the ice on the way back, but the water was only about 18" deep there, so we were lucky. (That's where my brother dropped his car keys. After a frantic search for hours today--I nearly had to run about town collecting his spares from various people and drive back there--he found them right next to the hole in the ice; how lucky is that?) Upon warming up inside dancing to cheesy 80's soundtrack songs [you're the best around/nothing's going to ever keep you down!], we decided to watch "Heavy Metal in Baghdad". Good documentary if you haven't seen it. I took a shower and went to bed around 4:30 am. They didn't. Good thing for me that I sleep so soundly when intoxicated or else I would have heard much a sister should not hear. I so love the way they treat each other. My brother is so happy and spontaneous in a way I've never seen him be before except in the company of his best friend since the 3rd grade. * hoping, hoping hope, hope that they get married some day--Nolan and Destiny, I mean, not Nolan and Kamran*

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Argued with someone about the things drug dealers and artists have in common

1) they both try to sell you something YOU DON'T NEED

2) they overcharge for it

3) they have HUGE EGOS

4) Most of the time they are not doing well in life

5) most of them are high a lot of the time

6) they usually border on sociopathic tendancies as in, its ok to rip you off if it furthers my cause...who cares if this painting is a piece of crap...or the drugs don't get you high...I am next to god...BUY IT ANYWAY!

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Saw The Punisher and had dinner with a guy who runs the local comic shop. It was me, David, Tony (the comic shop guy), and his friend Curtis. Much fun was had by all. It was a good movie. Also nice that we got in free (the theatre is near the comic store, and they frequently let him and his friends in free to comic book films).

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  jynxxxedangel said:
Not especially. I wonder who the genius was, that thought of putting nerves inside a tooth?! Total design flaw, if you ask me..

Indeed...you know what's really cool? When I was getting my root canal a couple months ago, and the Dentist kept asking why I was sweating bullets, writhing, and wincing in pain. "

"Does it hurt? Can you feel this (pokes into my exposed flesh with an iron pick)" :ohmy:

Then He said, "Oh, that's why, you have a fourth nerve in there...I'll give it another shot, that'll help." :shock:

Apparently, there are only supposed to be three in a molar. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Meeeeeeeeee! :no

12 minutes later, I unclenched my buttocks from the chair and he continued.

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