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Don't You Just Love Being In Lilith?

(i have to add Mr. L was sitting here while i did this and he said "WHY YES,Yes I DO love being in Lilith!!!!!!" :woot: )

Only Lilith Can Prevent Forest Fires.

(umm does the nick name supersoaker mean anything to you :whistling )

When You've Got Lilith, Flaunt It.

( ohh Mr. L does)

It's How Lilith Is Done.

( hey who let out my secret?)

A Day Without Lilith is Like a Day Without Sunshine.

(and on that note i will end this post :grin )

lol to funny


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An eviiill vetranarian?


and an evil pet shop, and an evil petting zoo....

everything's better with Evil.

put some Evil in your life.

the good, the bad and the Evil.

life without Evil would be even more unbearable.

all you need is Evil.

get down with the Evil! (sorry, a little bit of Disturbd popped in my head.)

one fish, two fish, red fish, Evil fish.

the game of Evil.

there's Evil in my pants!

i love Evil.

the Evil Eve show.

Evil 3000; it's so good, no wonder it's Evil.

old Mcdonald had an Evil farm...

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and an evil pet shop, and an evil petting zoo....

everything's better with Evil.

put some Evil in your life.

the good, the bad and the Evil.

life without Evil would be even more unbearable.

all you need is Evil.

get down with the Evil! (sorry, a little bit of Disturbd popped in my head.)

one fish, two fish, red fish, Evil fish.

the game of Evil.

there's Evil in my pants!

i love Evil.

the Evil Eve show.

Evil 3000; it's so good, no wonder it's Evil.

old Mcdonald had an Evil farm...


ROFL!!! your killin me...thats hilarious!! :laughing

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ROFL!!! your killin me...thats hilarious!!  :laughing


aww, is that just too much Evil for you? :grin

you can never have enough Evil...

start your day off the Evil way with Evil-Chex!

Captin' Evil Crunch!

i see Evil people! they're everywhere!

from the fru-etes of the Dev-veal... it's Ev-veal!

can't go wrong with Evil.

Evil is as Evil does.

Evil ate my socks.

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Don't leave home without Shade.

Time for a sharp Shade.

Kills all known Shade - Dead. (No way, I'm worse than cockroaches.)

Yo quiero Shade. (Figures I'd get the one with the damn chihuahua.)

It's a Shade adventure.

Make fun of Shade. (Yeah, go ahead, I won't mind.)

Do you eat the Shade last?

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I was playin' around with this thing a couple of years ago, wayyyyyyy before I joined the board. My computer broke down and I lost the web address for it. Anyhoo, here goes...

I Wish They All Could Be Slingerlandstyx Girls.

Slingerlandstyx Keeps Going and Going. (already been posted, but I can't help but brag :innocent )

I'd Like to Buy the World a Slingerlandstyx.

The Best Part of Waking Up is Slingerlandstyx in Your Cup.

Slingerlandstyx-Lickin' Good.

Happiness is Slingerlandstyx-Shaped.

3-in-1 Protection for your Slingerlandstyx.

Do The Slingerlandstyx.

Why is it that the best ones are the incredibly perverted ones? Or is that just me???

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Why is it that the best ones are the incredibly perverted ones?  Or is that just me???


because we all have dirty, evil mind... that's why the perverted slogans sounds the best! :devil

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aww, is that just too much Evil for you? :grin

you can never have enough Evil...

start your day off the Evil way with Evil-Chex!

Captin' Evil Crunch!

i see Evil people! they're everywhere!

from the fru-etes of the Dev-veal... it's Ev-veal!

can't go wrong with Evil.

Evil is as Evil does.

Evil ate my socks.


Evil....the other, other white meat

Got evil?

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Evil....the other, other white meat

Got evil?


how much evil could an evil chuck chuck, if an evil chuck could chuck evil?

(wow, say that 3 times fast!)

evil banana phone.

once you go evil,.... (i can't think of anything that rhymes with 'evil')

once upon(what kind of word is 'upon') an evil time....

there was an old woman who lived in an evil shoe...

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