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whats your view on drugs?


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Guest MsMaldoror

Sometimes they are absolutely necessary. But, I'm thinking about pharmaceuticals more than anything else. I don't like the idea of people abusing things on a regular basis though. But, that's just me...

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This is probably the second forum (after the open marriage thread with Brenda where I'm amazed how straight edge so many of you are.

Of course putting your face through a steering wheel probably would have some kind of effect on me too.

Actually, my past is kind of boring. I've done some drugs. I never wanted to get too into them. Part of that was my determination to never move back home





Part of it was seeing friends who never left their home due to lack of motivation/addictions.

I'll do pot every now and again.

And the last reason I never got into drugs in high school. I was such a nerd, my friends were afraid to give them to me. You know those people you dont want to see on drugs because it would be too weird? Yep that was me.

In college, I became a freak, but it had lost some of its appeal by then as I gained more self-confidence and looked at it as something fun and casual rather than an outlet and escape for my insecurities, which brings up my last thing.

PLEASE don't everyone hate me for going all Dear Abby on you guys, but...


Besides being extremely physically attractive (which I dont hold as much stock in as some) you are one of the nicest people on here. So, it makes me so sad to here you say you NEED drugs to keep you sane.

You've probably already done this, but I'd cosider trying therapy again to work through whatever you feel is making you so unhappy. I know I dont post as much as some on here, but I read a lot of archived messages and feel at this point like I know you (a little) and I would be beside myself crying if I heard anything happened to you.

Please get the help you need. Drugs should be fun, not a requirement for getting out of bed in the morning. :tear :tear

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  • 2 years later...

PLEASE don't everyone hate me for going all Dear Abby on you guys, but...


Besides being extremely physically attractive (which I dont hold as much stock in as some) you are one of the nicest people on here. So, it makes me so sad to here you say you NEED drugs to keep you sane.

You've probably already done this, but I'd cosider trying therapy again to work through whatever you feel is making you so unhappy. I know I dont post as much as some on here, but I read a lot of archived messages and feel at this point like I know you (a little) and I would be beside myself crying if I heard anything happened to you.

Please get the help you need. Drugs should be fun, not a requirement for getting out of bed in the morning. :tear :tear

I was kinda thinking something along these lines...I smoke pot but thats about it altho I have tried others I have never developed an addiction to them (Thank god too expensive for me). But if you do drugs it should be for fun not because you NEED them unless its meds...It kinda makes me sad hearing this and I want you to know I am rooting for you Wheresmypiggy even though I do not know you I hope for the best for you. :grouphug

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All morality aside...

I don't smoke, I don't drink (well maybe once a year) and thats about it. I form habits very easily... good and bad... so I have to pick and choose what I get addicted to.

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Besides over the counter meds, prescription meds and caffeine ... no thanks. I've never even tried anything beyond cigarettes when I was like 16, never wanted to and never will.

Thankfully I don't have an addictive personality at all, so I've never been addicted to anything really.

What other people do is their own business. And it's not my place to judge.

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I love drugs. I love the way they make me feel. How I feel normal and relaxed. How I know what is going on around me.

I'm not so friendly with acid right now. Makes me moody.

Ectascy isn't what it used to be but I found someone who has pure MDMA capsules.

Pot makes me cranky so I don't smoke it.

Heroin makes me feel normal.

Coke, well I'm avoiding it right now. I hate having the sniffles.

Pain killers help me sleep.

Alcohol helps me cope.

Meth makes me violent but helps me get out my aggressions.

The list goes on.

Drugs are needed by some in life. We're defects looking for a way to fit in. If heroin can make me feel normal, make me feel. I can't see why I shouldn't do it. But I don't anymore.

I'm more likely to die in a car accident than I am from drugs. Hell I've proved it. Did more drugs than anyone in a room. Shot up bad heroin. My head felt like it was going to burst. My heart beat so fast but then everything was clear. 3 days later I get into a car accident, flip upside down, almost get squished.

I vote drugs over cars.


Is this for real?????

No wonder I have lost faith in society.....

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NOW, I'm not talkin' Coffee & Tea here...

(or the KaYa)

I've seen DRUGS kill too many to not be careful even of how often I drink alcohol.

I urge you all to not poke yourselves with needles, or inhale powders, or smoke crystals and rocks.

YOGA can (properly practiced) give quite nearly the same effects as these DRUGS.

(YOGA is not all sitting and contemplating.)

Doctors try to kill us with their prescription pads.(and I am not being paranoid, I have proof to this.)



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You should note the date on that post was in 2005.

She has since gotten help and last I heard doing quite well. :sorcerer:

Yep, I noticed that it was old.....

Good for her, I'm glad she is not 6ft under.....

'Cuz that's were most Dope heads I have known are at.

Gen X lost allot of people to heroine..... :crybaby:

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I don't smoke weed all that much anymore. I might smoke once in a blue moon but for the most part I am sober. I'm trying to find a halfway descent job somewhere and more than likely there will be a drug test. But I am all for legalizing it, it's safer than alcohol when consumed and also safer if someone is driving high than intoxicated. Plus we could be using an alternative fuel made by hemp to run our cars.

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Actually most drugs, all things being equal, aren't all that bad for you from a purely physiological perspective, IF done in moderation (I am talking about substances that were actually formulated for human consumption here, not jumped-up animal tranquilizers or anything purchased at a hardware store). Most of the health and social problems caused by drugs are factors of them being illegal and therefore (a) wildly overpriced (b) totally lacking in quality control or product labeling. The stigma attached to drug use takes its toll also, by further alienating people who probably didn't have that strong a connection to mainstream society in the first place.

That said, I'm glad to not be addicted to heroin anymore... although it probably kept me from killing myself all those years before I got on antidepressants. And I must admit I learned a lot of valuable skills in that milieu. Still, if I could just go to the dope store every morning, get my safe affordable do, and go about my business... do a hassle-free detox twice a year to keep the tolerance down... well, that'd be a different story altogether.

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I don't smoke weed all that much anymore. I might smoke once in a blue moon but for the most part I am sober. I'm trying to find a halfway descent job somewhere and more than likely there will be a drug test. But I am all for legalizing it, it's safer than alcohol when consumed and also safer if someone is driving high than intoxicated. Plus we could be using an alternative fuel made by hemp to run our cars.

I agree with your statement.

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I don't smoke weed all that much anymore. I might smoke once in a blue moon but for the most part I am sober. I'm trying to find a halfway descent job somewhere and more than likely there will be a drug test. But I am all for legalizing it, it's safer than alcohol when consumed and also safer if someone is driving high than intoxicated. Plus we could be using an alternative fuel made by hemp to run our cars.


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Caffeine and occasionally alcohol. That's it. I'd do away with those two if I could, but I'm addicted to caffeine, and I have trouble sleeping, so it's what gets me through the day a lot of the time. The alcohol, for a long time, was something I felt like I needed to help combat my shyness. I'm realizing now that I can go out to a club or bar, just drink water and soda, and still be fairly social, but sometimes it's more of an effort than I feel like making. Plus, when you're sober it's really annoying to be surrounded by people who've had a lot to drink. :p

Other than that, I hate taking even precsription stuff. There's no way I'd want to do the illegal stuff. And I absolutely hate trying to have a conversation with someone on weed. It's like trying to talk to a small child, I have to dumb stuff down.

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My late brother in-law died from coke/heroin mix(speed Ball) 12 years ago. left two kids,fuck the chemical crap!

I smoke weed on occasion,but its been over 5 months ago,IMO misuse of alcohol still has killed more than weed and its legal.

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someone once tried telling me that manufactured drugs are safer than natural drugs since there's less variables in there, like pure thc as opposed to thc along with everything else that's in the bud just for a small example..

but i've seen what happens to people on e, coke, aderol, heroin, meth, and crack... and anything that has been manufactured always seems to be a straight downward slide from the get go.

I've never seen weed cause any problems, nor have i seen people permanently damaged from it, other than getting busted by the law, but really, i think the laws are bullshit propaganda used for control.

Personally, I haven't touched anything since October, and I don't plan on it either.

I've nothing against weed at all anymore, and hell i know i'll be tempted to smoke it if I'm around it, but it's just something I had to give up for a better life. Maybe someday it will be legal and i will find myself once again in a position to be able to enjoy it without putting my career in jeopardy.

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