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whats your view on drugs?


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I dont do any; never have.

I cant stand loss of control, and the closest i've ever come to doing anything was vicodin. I was depressed and stressed, and was having bad gut pains. I took the vics for the pain, but once i realised how relaxed it made me feel and how nice that was, it scared the shit out of me and i have since watched consumption of any pain meds like a hawk. It would have been way too easy to fall into a habit. :(

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I've never seen weed cause any problems, nor have i seen people permanently damaged from it, other than getting busted by the law, but really, i think the laws are bullshit propaganda used for control.

Not quite true. I can rattle off half a dozen people to you who smoke alot of weed. All of them used to be really smart. They'll be the first to tell you that smoking weed made them dumber. Sure, at the time, they all thought they were reaching a higher level of self-awareness or some dumb shit, but really, they were just killing brain cells.

As for me, I don't touch the stuff. I'm with munin...the loss of control is NOT a comfortable feeling.

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Not quite true. I can rattle off half a dozen people to you who smoke alot of weed. All of them used to be really smart. They'll be the first to tell you that smoking weed made them dumber. Sure, at the time, they all thought they were reaching a higher level of self-awareness or some dumb shit, but really, they were just killing brain cells.

As for me, I don't touch the stuff. I'm with munin...the loss of control is NOT a comfortable feeling.

See, I can agree with you actually, but fortunately, weed doesn't seem to have any permanent effects like that. My personal experience with it oddly actually helped me quite a bit. Coming out of the marines, i was an emotional and mental wreak, the temporary lobodomy joints gave me the relaxation I needed. Now I will admit, I did get dumber while on it in some areas such as my ability to multi task and just be all around aware of everything that was going on, it did however let me focus.. hard core.. i noticed first in video games, i suck.. smoke a joint.. i pwn. I eventually tried doing other things like reading and what not, it opened up alot of doors and got me to really understand some things in science and biology that I had a difficult time grasping before. But it only took it so far, after a while, it changed for me.. I eventually just felt like an emotionless zombie, not even able to laugh or have fun, it stopped becoming so enjoyable for me, and killed any ambition that it once gave me, along with my own ambition as well. Getting off it, was just as good of an idea as getting on it in the first place at that point in time. So to me, though I don't have a problem with weed, it was best used as a temporary vice when the situation fit. There was a time to get on it, then a time to get off it.

And after about a month or so of being off it, I got my awareness back and then could continue focusing on the things that I've found of interest to me. It gave me a jump past a barrier, but it was only one jump for one barrier before it became a barrier it's self.

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  • 2 months later...

I really don't do anything anymore other than drink. But I must say this.

When I wasn't doing drugs I was against them

When I was smoking pot I was for legallizing(*) that only

When I got into other things I still only thought pot should be legal

I don't really do drugs anymore other than alcohol and I think everything should be legal

Though I don't exactly think people should do heroin, crack, meth, etc... I can't say that it's wrong for them to do it. Bad for they're health, abso-fuckin-lutely. It depresses me when I find out a friend of mine overdosed and it makes me happy when i recently seen a friend who had quit. As many have pointed out if you do want to do something, do some research and make sure you aren't prone to addiction.

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Any person who states they do not like mind/mood altering drugs, either:

A) Is lying

B) Has never tried them, because they make the personal choice not to-- as drugs don't fit into their individual goals or lifestyle.

C) Has been scared so badly with a negative personal experience (whether it be hitting rock bottom, jail, an overdose, losing a close friend or family member due to consequences, or a bad trip), they have become the person who goes about ranting how "all drugs are bad for everyone!"

That is all.

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Well I am illegal drug free...I do smoke..on occasion as it calms my nerves, and i am a social smoker as well... i drink socially. I have had opportunities to do other things...I just choose not to. I am so energetic naturally that i am honestly alright with my life. I will do illegal things before i die...but that is not for years to come...hopefully anyhow
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my view on drugs is if its man made stay away from it cause after so long it will kill you... pot hasnt really killed anyone... is it causes you to do stupid things.. like maybe jumping off a building or something. smokeing ciggerettes is more dangrous then smokeing pot..

I say from a legal standpoint Legalize, Regulate, and Tax. From a personal view I say why would you want to muck with your brain in ways that can damage it. As organs go its kind of an important one.

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Not quite true. I can rattle off half a dozen people to you who smoke alot of weed. All of them used to be really smart. They'll be the first to tell you that smoking weed made them dumber. Sure, at the time, they all thought they were reaching a higher level of self-awareness or some dumb shit, but really, they were just killing brain cells.

As for me, I don't touch the stuff. I'm with munin...the loss of control is NOT a comfortable feeling.

*raises hand*

Walkin' proof

But you've gotta be a HARDCORE pothead. Like to the point where you roll over at 3 am every night to hit your pipe, several times a night.

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  • 3 weeks later...

smokeing ciggerettes is more dangrous then smokeing pot..

Actually, as Weed burns at a higher temperature and has a much denser mass that tabbaco its actually much much more carcinogenic... and of course, all the green you can buy in Britain has been hydroponically grown by Vietnamese immigrants (god bless them) and has all kinds of enhancing chemicals sprayed on it...

there are reputedly now strains that have been grown in lab conditions that are as strong as herion in thier narcotic/opiate styled effects...

and i've smoked stuff that has made me seriously worried that i wasn't smoking good 'ol mary j....

its pretty much pointless to have it banned over here nowadays anyway, the only reason they dont legalise is because even more people will start smoking/stop working... lol

half the country openly admits use, and 1/4 are too paranoid they'll get in trouble, the other 1/4 are living under rocks... lol

which, in my opinion, is one of the reasons my country is going (rapidly) to the dogs... as much as i like the occasional smoke, the grip it has on Britain is one of the (many...) main reasons that we're screwing ourselves up, kids start too young, and in a lot of cases dont stop... they then, in a lot of cases (not all), move onto harder stuff and its obvious where the possibilities go from there.

^^something i can talk about for hours, the social impact of drugs on the world as a whole is a fascinating subject... just dont get me started on psychadelics... that can take hours....


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Not right now i cant though i'm on probation but otherwise i'd be stoned 24/7 and i do acid they can only test you by giving you a spinal(sp) tap i have done e 5ish times i really good but not fun when you get sucky ones so i dont really do it but i would not while im on probation anyways. I drink i dont do coke or Herion or crack or Special K

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I used to do a lot of drugs, but I don't anymore. After I overdosed and almost died it took the fun out of it. Anyway though I certainly don't see anything wrong with pot. The most dangerous thing a pothead is going to do is eat a whole bag of oreos.

I think all drugs should be legal though. It's not like breaking the law keeps someone from doing drugs. Besides the real junkies would weed themselves out, leaving in their place only the recreational users.

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I used to do a lot of drugs, but I don't anymore. After I overdosed and almost died it took the fun out of it. Anyway though I certainly don't see anything wrong with pot. The most dangerous thing a pothead is going to do is eat a whole bag of oreos.

I think all drugs should be legal though. It's not like breaking the law keeps someone from doing drugs. Besides the real junkies would weed themselves out, leaving in their place only the recreational users.


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