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whats your view on drugs?


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I have two opinions on this subject.

Hello my name is Jack and I am addicted to Heroin and "more". First off I love drugs. I love the feeling of being high. That feeling of escaping reality. My drug of choice was Heroin along with Cocaine and Ecstasy. If I had the heroin though it didn't matter what else I had. You could put ANYTHING in front of me and I would do it. Wheather it be Meth, Crack, PCP, Shrooms, Acid, DOC, DXM, you name it I've done it but it didn't matter as long as I had my heroin. Thats what I mean by addicted to "more". I will always love drugs, always love using them and always LOVE to get high.

However, I hate them as well. Through the years I have watched them hurt and destroy everything and everyone around me. I have seen them destroy myself. Addiction is a horrible diease and is not to be taken lightly. Do I love getting high? Yes. Can I get high anymore? No. Why? If I go out again there is no coming back for me I DO NOT have another run in me. I may have only gone to rehab once but once is all I had in me. I'm lucky I even got that one chance. At the rate I was heading I was trying to kill myself. To get the "ultimate" high and never come down. I'm not going to tell you any war stroies. I'm telling you this as a person in RECOVERY and for those in RECOVERY on this site. I have a love hate relationship when it comes to drugs. They may seem fun at a time but that fun turns into a lifestlye, a chore, an addiction. The drug(s) took complete control of me. Waking up bouge, wondering who I am going to rob, sam or etc to get money to get my fix.

I didn't know any other way of life EXCEPT getting high. I have to learn how to be sober, learn to live a proper fucntional life without drugs in me. Now if you can go out and smoke weed and stop good for you. If you can drink one and stop good for you. But for addicts like myself we can't. Thats what we call an "Earth Person".

Drugs were my way of life and at 20years old drugs almost took my life from me. Two times I OD'd. I was trying to OD every time I got high. Thats how much I loved the high, but int he same aspect thats how much I didn't care for my life and the lives of any one else around me.

Again my name is Jack and I am a grateful addict.

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I have two opinions on this subject.

Hello my name is Jack and I am addicted to Heroin and "more". First off I love drugs. I love the feeling of being high. That feeling of escaping reality. My drug of choice was Heroin along with Cocaine and Ecstasy. If I had the heroin though it didn't matter what else I had. You could put ANYTHING in front of me and I would do it. Wheather it be Meth, Crack, PCP, Shrooms, Acid, DOC, DXM, you name it I've done it but it didn't matter as long as I had my heroin. Thats what I mean by addicted to "more". I will always love drugs, always love using them and always LOVE to get high.

However, I hate them as well. Through the years I have watched them hurt and destroy everything and everyone around me. I have seen them destroy myself. Addiction is a horrible diease and is not to be taken lightly. Do I love getting high? Yes. Can I get high anymore? No. Why? If I go out again there is no coming back for me I DO NOT have another run in me. I may have only gone to rehab once but once is all I had in me. I'm lucky I even got that one chance. At the rate I was heading I was trying to kill myself. To get the "ultimate" high and never come down. I'm not going to tell you any war stroies. I'm telling you this as a person in RECOVERY and for those in RECOVERY on this site. I have a love hate relationship when it comes to drugs. They may seem fun at a time but that fun turns into a lifestlye, a chore, an addiction. The drug(s) took complete control of me. Waking up bouge, wondering who I am going to rob, sam or etc to get money to get my fix.

I didn't know any other way of life EXCEPT getting high. I have to learn how to be sober, learn to live a proper fucntional life without drugs in me. Now if you can go out and smoke weed and stop good for you. If you can drink one and stop good for you. But for addicts like myself we can't. Thats what we call an "Earth Person".

Drugs were my way of life and at 20years old drugs almost took my life from me. Two times I OD'd. I was trying to OD every time I got high. Thats how much I loved the high, but int he same aspect thats how much I didn't care for my life and the lives of any one else around me.

Again my name is Jack and I am a grateful addict.

I enjoyed reading that very much :) Very happy for your success and hoping you live a healthy and sober life from now on. Especially heroin...I've even read somewhere that only 9% of people who ever TRY it end up ever walking away from it alive/sober, which is a frightening statistic.

Congrats on being one of that 9%

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I enjoyed reading that very much :) Very happy for your success and hoping you live a healthy and sober life from now on. Especially heroin...I've even read somewhere that only 9% of people who ever TRY it end up ever walking away from it alive/sober, which is a frightening statistic.

Congrats on being one of that 9%

I must add to this... heroin has killed SO many in my age group.. & I did not know about the 9% bit... where did you get that from?

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I must add to this... heroin has killed SO many in my age group.. & I did not know about the 9% bit... where did you get that from?

I read about it a loooong time ago. And this old hippy I used to hang out with told me the same thing. Not sure if it's 100% accurate, but it seems probable.

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Right now, my view on pot is.... vaporizers are fucking cool. :smoke::drool

always wanted one of these - have half the stuff to build one right now, but likely won't.

any kind of mind-altering substance is fun, to me, but that's it. i've tried several in the past, spent some time with a few of them, got bored (or broke) and just let it slide. haven't touched anything in a long time, but wouldn't be averse to doing so again. i think they can be great, and even mind-opening, if approached with the right mental attitude beforehand...

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i'm too old for drugs. :p

and being a mom kind of scares me away from them.

but i am still not opposed to people doing what they will. i still stand by what i said originally in this thread, some pages back.

i'm really only "anti" heroin, crack, coke, meth ... the crazy stuff that makes you wig out, become addicted and not care about your life or your family anymore. anything that can kill you or make you a slave to it is not even worth TRYING in my opinion.

when you're shooting up between your toes because you don't have any "good veins" anymore- that's just sad as hell. when you are selling all your shit to get some crack - sad as hell. when you drive to the ghetto with your kids in the car to get some drugs... *shakes head* what a waste.

that is no way to live. that is NOT living at all if you ask me. that is what i am against. always have been, always will be. i've known too many addicts and don't care to have any in my life again. :( it's too painful.

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if its natural its good...make exceptions as needed

not everyones body reacts the same way for either so make allowances

I have a question if anyone is listening...i put a pill in a bottle with others and the first pill was not in with a silica gel packet but these others were...now pill one has lost some of its color...i hope its still ok to take (cause i just did) :question:

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Drugs are as old as mankind, probably older. Animals know by instinct which plants to eat in order to help make themselves healthy, or cure their own illnesses... so who are we to judge? People have addictive behaviour whether it be drugs, sex, attention, or whatever... drugs are only a tool. Taken in the right doses and for the right reasons, ALL drugs are beneficial. The chinese have used marijuana and many other drugs as a medicines for thousands of years, and yet their culture has survived.

That being said, natural drugs like marijuana, opium, coca, peyote, psilocybin or whatever you like are preferred to synthetic man-made ones. Synthetic drugs made to replace the ones that carry social stigmas many times have strange and harmful side-effects that far out weigh their benefits.

Alcohol, whether you like it or not IS as drug, and kills more people directly every day than all the illegal drugs combined have EVER killed anyone in history.

NO ONE in recorded history has EVER died as a direct result of smoking pot, and I defy anyone to find a documented case where it did. It takes 8 grams of THC per square inch of body mass to kill you, which is impossible to ingest. (you would have to smoke like 2 million joints in 10 minutes)

Personally, I have experimented with drugs as a youth, and still occasionally smoke a joint or two, and I think if you can legally drink yourself to death in this country then you should be able to smoke a joint... further...all drugs should be legal, and controlled.

Either we as citizens are responsible enough to take care of ourselves or we aren't. If someone wants to kill themselves with drugs, then all the laws in the world against it aren't going to stop them.

Just my 2 cents worth.


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Drugs are as old as mankind, probably older. Animals know by instinct which plants to eat in order to help make themselves healthy, or cure their own illnesses... so who are we to judge? People have addictive behaviour whether it be drugs, sex, attention, or whatever... drugs are only a tool. Taken in the right doses and for the right reasons, ALL drugs are beneficial. The chinese have used marijuana and many other drugs as a medicines for thousands of years, and yet their culture has survived.

That being said, natural drugs like marijuana, opium, coca, peyote, psilocybin or whatever you like are preferred to synthetic man-made ones. Synthetic drugs made to replace the ones that carry social stigmas many times have strange and harmful side-effects that far out weigh their benefits.

Alcohol, whether you like it or not IS as drug, and kills more people directly every day than all the illegal drugs combined have EVER killed anyone in history.

NO ONE in recorded history has EVER died as a direct result of smoking pot, and I defy anyone to find a documented case where it did. It takes 8 grams of THC per square inch of body mass to kill you, which is impossible to ingest. (you would have to smoke like 2 million joints in 10 minutes)

Personally, I have experimented with drugs as a youth, and still occasionally smoke a joint or two, and I think if you can legally drink yourself to death in this country then you should be able to smoke a joint... further...all drugs should be legal, and controlled.

Either we as citizens are responsible enough to take care of ourselves or we aren't. If someone wants to kill themselves with drugs, then all the laws in the world against it aren't going to stop them.

Just my 2 cents worth.



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Drugs are as old as mankind, probably older. Animals know by instinct which plants to eat in order to help make themselves healthy, or cure their own illnesses... so who are we to judge? People have addictive behaviour whether it be drugs, sex, attention, or whatever... drugs are only a tool. Taken in the right doses and for the right reasons, ALL drugs are beneficial. The chinese have used marijuana and many other drugs as a medicines for thousands of years, and yet their culture has survived.

That being said, natural drugs like marijuana, opium, coca, peyote, psilocybin or whatever you like are preferred to synthetic man-made ones. Synthetic drugs made to replace the ones that carry social stigmas many times have strange and harmful side-effects that far out weigh their benefits.

Alcohol, whether you like it or not IS as drug, and kills more people directly every day than all the illegal drugs combined have EVER killed anyone in history.

NO ONE in recorded history has EVER died as a direct result of smoking pot, and I defy anyone to find a documented case where it did. It takes 8 grams of THC per square inch of body mass to kill you, which is impossible to ingest. (you would have to smoke like 2 million joints in 10 minutes)

Personally, I have experimented with drugs as a youth, and still occasionally smoke a joint or two, and I think if you can legally drink yourself to death in this country then you should be able to smoke a joint... further...all drugs should be legal, and controlled.

Either we as citizens are responsible enough to take care of ourselves or we aren't. If someone wants to kill themselves with drugs, then all the laws in the world against it aren't going to stop them.

Just my 2 cents worth.


I second that :peanutbutterjellytime:

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I have to disagree with some of what you say. Not all drugs should be legalized and controlled. Heroin and Crystal meth should never be leagalized. Even if they were still controlled you'd still get a physciall addiction to it.

Plus the govenment makes more money off them being illgeal.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm real iffy (is that an effin word? Is effin even a word???) on the subject of drugs, only because I have done some, and enjoyed them, but don't necessarily think they were the best things to do. I do believe, from experience, that pot is a gateway drug. With that being said I usually smoke like twice a week, but no drugs other than that, not anymore. I think about how back in the day I would just pop ecstasy in my mouth like it was nothing, having no idea where it came from. I usually ended up being fine but one time I got severely sick and the only thing I did was sweat profusely and vomit for about an hour. I know that if I procreate one day I wouldn't want my churren to go around ingesting drugs like I did. My mom asked me one time how I got into smoking pot because she never did. But she forgets how she could chug beer like ....a lumberjack and since I hated drinking I found it easier to smoke and get high.

Anyways, I was in the whole D.A.R.E. course in 6th grade. I got it. But it goes with how I feel with sex ed, they teach us this stuff at a time when we haven't even hit our social peak. Maybe if they continued the education throughout high school it would make more of an impact. Because I don't think all drugs should be legalized. Yet I don't think pot is as severe as cocaine or heroin.

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my view on drugs is that they are illegal to control the population and keep them from 'dissolving' the blocks in the arteries in their brains. The government makes poisons legal {artificial flavors, colors, stupid chemicals in the food} to poison you and make your brain get NO circulation. Drugs massage the brain. Illegal drugs can have the same effect as the legal poisons due to the underlying problem: PURITY of product. Or Naturetivity of product.

Poseurs often believe that doing illegal drugs makes them badass, this is half true. Many legal drugs exist that also kick ass, they get ignored, probably for a good reason, because the same poseurs would make psychosomatic asses out of themselves and blame it on the drugs, and they would get legal too.

In closing, don't let poseurs use legal drugs, because they'll ruin the little amount of freedom we still have to get righteously out of our minds.

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I don't do them, no money or any reason to do them.

Well I take that back some what. I would probably be a morphine addict if I had the money and resources, I like how it makes me feel.

If other people feel the need to do it, knock yourself out as long as it doesn't endanger someone else.

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