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whats your view on drugs?


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I've never done them. Never really planned on doing them.

Hell, I've never even drank alcohol...except last night when Eleven had me take a sip of some cherry coke with vodka. But that's it.

I don't mind if others do drugs.

As long as they aren't ruining their lives by doing them.

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i concider drugs anything man made as Kat Willams said you have to do shit to drugs add water boil it i dont know the recipie but anything made ina lab i concider a drug anthing that was here first or grows naturally i dont think is a drug i dont think pot is a drug it dose alter you state of mind yes but tabbaco is a natural plant and we grow it and add a shit load of nasty harmful things to it and inhale it daily (if ur a smoker) but if u grow ur own pot thats all it is just pot

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Medical weed...has save alot of people money...including me

Legalizing weed...has actually cut down on the number of arrests and users in Madison

Recent testing by doctors has shown that even altered pot has no ill effects on a person. It is the combination of the use and a bad lifestyle that does it. Most of the studies have shown that if the person leads a normal, active life that the pot will have little to no long term effect. My friends wife smoked pot for both of her pregnancies and it saved her a ton of money on drugs. Their kids are fine and their oldest daughter is in her junior year of high school and has never dipped below a 4.0. His wife is also a respiratory therapist at the hospital and they have actually encouraged some people to smoke pot. It can help clear out the lungs, encourage blood flow....

The fight against weed is stupid when the government and people in general should focus their time and money on the countless other things that are out of control and growing worse every day. People that follow the "I live above the influence" shit need to get their god complex in check!

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Quite distorted.

/Monty Python Influence

In seriousness I smoke cigars, weed, and drink rarely, but I really don't care for drugs too much personally, whether they are recreational or medicinal. At the same time I think drugs should all be legal. A "free" country is not one that wages a legality and ethics war on drugs.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The use of drugs should be a personal choice, and only if done responsibly. I have tried everything at some point, but I don't abuse drugs or do them on a regular basis. With the exception of some E now and then I really don't take "hard" drugs. Nor do I allow myself to do things like heroin or meth that are more addictive. Probably because a friend almost OD''d on meth and a stepmother that died from a heroin od. Just not worth it.

And to make my position clear, pot is NOT a drug. It has countless medicinal benefits, not to mention that if regulated and taxed it could not only create a revenue stream for the government to offset some of the debt, but it could also cut the expenses of housing drug offenders in state run prisons. I think everyone should be able to grow and smoke pot should they decide to. I smoke pot and plan to do so whenever necessary. It does not impair me or make me stupid, it just helps to relieve and prevent extremely bad migraine headaches. I can smoke pot and function 100% normally because I am used to it. Pot doesn't kill people, alcohol does (not that i'm saying alcohol is bad, but i think you get the point).

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The war on drugs will never be won. If they were legal our government wouldn't make half the money it does.

Not exactly... If they were legal AND taxed, our national debt could be eliminated.

Income from taxes, and no more expensive housing costs in prisons for minor drug offenders.

Look at places where certain drugs are legal and regulated like Amsterdam.

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great site

Who said this?

"The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably by the prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced. It is an open secret that the dangerous increase of crime in this country is closely connected with this."

Not Jerry

Not Hendrix

Albert Einstein. Yeah he was talking about liquor but it does send the point home in general.

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