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whats your view on drugs?


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i'm living of cafine today.

when you get so tired it tkes 2 litres of cafine drink a day and 2 cafine pills just to keep your eyes open...

cafine bad. gonna suffer over weekend. esp as i'm supposed to be training recruits, most of which are now upto our standerd with a sabre. i'm going to get bruised.

as regards pot. it does damage you. few old friends can hardly hold a converstaion for 5 mins without loosing where they were

just cos its natural, doesnt mean its safe. deadly nightshade is natural, but you dont go making wine or a cake out of it.

other stuff. hell yes avoid at all costs, if its too late, ah well, we can but help, most often than not, addictions tend to be symptoms, not the desease. why govt policy doesnt acknowlage this i dont know.

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-Pot is hardly "natural", when you factor in modern growing practices that may include (man made) chemical fertilizers and/or anything your bag could be laced with (PineSol, for example). If not, consider the good of other natural things, such as cocaine, opium or belladonna or humanity, iitself.

What's more, man is natural and therefore anything we create is simply another product of nature (sky scrapers, nuclear missles, dildos, PCP, etc).

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my view on drugs:

do them if you want, don't do them if you don't want

research something before you do it so you know what you are putting into your body and what it may possibly do to you.

moderation is always best with anything you do and if you have an addictive personality why bother trying anything addictive in the first place?

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my view on drugs:

do them if you want, don't do them if you don't want

research something before you do it so you know what you are putting into your body and what it may possibly do to you.

moderation is always best with anything you do and if you have an addictive personality why bother trying anything addictive in the first place?


i have to agree 100% you pretty much said anything i had too say

Moderation and approapiate times are my views, if you want to, go ahead and do what ever just be sure you are at the right place and at the right time. Be responsible and dont do too much at one time or to often.

Cant say i personally have allways behaved accordingly to my ideals above, but as you grow you learn and other things become more important to you and all you can do is try to hold to what you think is right.


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as regards pot.  it does damage you.  few old friends can hardly hold a converstaion for 5 mins without loosing where they were

I have seen this too, in heavy users, plus I've seen even in light daily users pot will seem to kill motivation and ambition. Once-in-a-while use doesn't seem to have the same effect.

addictions tend to be symptoms, not the desease.  why govt policy doesnt acknowlage this i dont know.


Very true in a lot of cases. If the underlying reasons aren't found, one addiction may just replace another.

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I wish that I didn't have to take drugs to be honest like vicodin but I got neuropathy a painful nerve disease so its hard for me to give my medicine out. Its hard to get off painkillers and I do have an addictive personality. I don't think pots necessarily safe or healthy and was addicted to it from 17 to 23 but stayed off of it for 6yrs and have a drug test coming up that my psychiatrist requested so I'm gonna be off the weed again for a while. I worry about my friend that uses heroin cuz I'm afraid she may die and don't want that cuz shes a nice lady. Drinking causes cirrohsis which isn't as healthy but its better than doing street drugs. I wish all of us weren't addicted to any drugs cuz they're just harming us. I worry about my friend Erin too cuz she rolls on ectacsy and am afraid it will kill her as well. Oh well thats my view on it.

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my thing is ppl are gonna do what they wanna do regardless of what the after effects are gonna be. if it feels good do it even tho you shouldnt, right? i dont care if im the last stoner on earth, thats my thing its what i do i figure as long as its not bothering anybody else yadda yadda yadda...i forgot the rest of...im so wasted!

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I love drugs. I love the way they make me feel. How I feel normal and relaxed. How I know what is going on around me.

I'm not so friendly with acid right now. Makes me moody.

Ectascy isn't what it used to be but I found someone who has pure MDMA capsules.

Pot makes me cranky so I don't smoke it.

Heroin makes me feel normal.

Coke, well I'm avoiding it right now. I hate having the sniffles.

Pain killers help me sleep.

Alcohol helps me cope.

Meth makes me violent but helps me get out my aggressions.

The list goes on.

Drugs are needed by some in life. We're defects looking for a way to fit in. If heroin can make me feel normal, make me feel. I can't see why I shouldn't do it. But I don't anymore.

I'm more likely to die in a car accident than I am from drugs. Hell I've proved it. Did more drugs than anyone in a room. Shot up bad heroin. My head felt like it was going to burst. My heart beat so fast but then everything was clear. 3 days later I get into a car accident, flip upside down, almost get squished.

I vote drugs over cars.

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I was so stupid when I was 17 I was inhaling nitrous while driving hit the back of a cement truck with my brand new horizon that I paid off, totalled my car, bent the steering wheel with my face got a permanent scar between my lip and my chin took 80 stitches to fix. The cut went through my face into my mouth. I should be dead from it but I lived. I used to be really stupid with drugs and thought nothing would ever happen to me. It was a start of my hatred for taking them.

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In my own defense I have done X once in about 4 or so months. It actually just got brought up for my birthday. I'm smart about it, but I do appreciate you worrying about me Dave.

But, I love the drugs and the drugs love me. That's the song right? It's the truth. There are some I won't touch (i.e. heroin, crack ect.) But I'm pretty open. We only live once and I enjoy anything that alters my mind state. That's why I go out and sit in a park in the rain barefoot. It alters my mind. I can give em up if I want, but I don't.

Like up here on the Island, it's to much effort to get pot....so I just kind of quit, no withdrawels, no pining.

As long as you know what you're doing, or at least have people around you that know what your doing, I say gravy, go with it, don't just pay stuff off the street, it's not safe.

If not, then I will put a flower on your grave. That's all there is. I feel sorry for all the people that have died from drugs and I feel sorry for the people that are going to die from drugs. Well, I don't sympathize, I empathize. It could happen to me, every time. But until then, I'm not planning on changing anything and if one of them does kill me, it's not like I"ll care right? I'll be dead.

Anyways...Dave told me to come look at this so I decided to post a reply.

Party Hearty but Party Safe

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Moderation is definately key. That and responsibillity. I have my 3 drugs of choice, and I do them rarely, usually if the opportunity (and someone else's money) presents itself. I only use if I'm going to be in a safe place and NEVER drive... And it's all good.

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I stay away from both kinds except for occasional medicinal purposes. I don't like em and I don't want them in me. I don't even drink cofee or (much) in the way of carbonated/caffinated drinks...

Besides, I'm perfectly capable of halucinating all by myself. :happy:

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I love drugs that come from Opium, nature's best drug, and tranquilizers. No herion though, never tried it never will. But I don't do drugs any more, been clean since 1993. I couldn't do my drugs of choice because they would kill me in the end, under my current state of mind.

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