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inspired by a comment made by the dark... i thought it would be a good idea to start a new thread for all the dgners that have been around awhile but are not very well know to the newer people that join.

so if you are an old member - re-introduce yourself here so that people can get to know who you are.

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the Standard Detroit Gothic . Net Welcome Questions Polls and Suggestions 1.5b

Feel free to ignore anything you feel uncomfortable sharing, dont have the energy for or have covered already. We are just friendly, if a bit nosey. And we ask these same questions fairly often as you may have noticed.

Current location? At werk in Ann Arbor

Where from? This spacetime countinuem

Work? Comcast

School? College Grad EMU

Kids? 1 daughter

Married? More or less

Single? less than more

Hobbies? Music Movies Books... this friggen board

Other Stuff? Where?

Additional ideas / questions: Sure

Where did your DGN name come from?: My Brother when I was a baby

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Current location? my home

Where from? detroit... living close to there now

Work? stay at home big momma


Kids? 3 kids- 1 boy, 2 girls

Married? yes

Single? um... no?

Hobbies? i need one. so far just dgn and myspace. :woot:

Other Stuff? is there other stuff?

Additional ideas / questions: Sure

when did you join dgn? when it was the troy sprial board about 3+ years ago i guess.

Where did your DGN name come from?: a line from a song from my husband's band

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Current location? Sterling Heights

Where from? Sterling Heights

Work? Porn site webmaster

School? Associates in Computer Information Systems

Kids? No biological

Married? Was seperated

Single? Sometimes I wish

Hobbies? DGN collecting porn and music also girls and dancing

Other Stuff? I take too many vicodin

Additional ideas / questions: I'm easy to spot at clubs I have a big dollarsign on the back of my trenchcoat I wear.

Where did your DGN name come from?: My first pornsite called Dollarporn.net sold it hence the name Dollar Dave my real name is Dave.

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Current location? In front of my puter, in Westland.

Where from? Indiana originally

Work? Automotive wire harness manufacturer

School? Yeh, I've had some schoolin

Kids? 2 daughters

Married? technically yes, but not really

Single? yes

Hobbies? my family, books, music, etc etc

Other Stuff? what ya wanna know

Additional ideas / questions: nope

Where did your DGN name come from?: I once heard that divorced people are damaged goods, and of course I'm SUCH an angel.. tada.. damagedangel

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Current location? Ann Arbor

Where from? Grand Rapids

Work? U of M

School? U of M

Kids? Nope.

Married? Nope.

Single? Nope.

Hobbies? Board games, video games, philosophy, pontificating, reading.

Other Stuff?

Additional ideas / questions:

Where did your DGN name come from? First name Jarod also known as Mister, but not so much anymore.

How many posts on the old DGN? 2823

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Current location? In front of my computer.

Where from? My parents

Work? Yes I do

School? I've heard of this place

Kids? yes

Married? Surley you must be joking?

Single? Wha? *lol*

Hobbies? Some

Other Stuff? I have to get back on this

Additional ideas / questions: Will anyone read this....prolly not *lol*

Where did your DGN name come from?: It came to me in a flash of insight.

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Current location? bEastpointe :whistling

Where from? Here

Work? Environmental Scientist/Environmental Engineer :grin

School? College edumacated :cool

Kids? Prove it, bitches! I'll see ya in court! :ohmy:

Married? Not any mo'...BIIIIIITCH!!!! :doh

Single? Very much so, AMEN to that! :tongue:

Hobbies? Lots, making sweet love down by the fire, crooning drunken karaoke style, hunting down my enemies and vanquishing them. :woot:

Other Stuff? I have a penis, an innie, and I like real ice cream. Fuck frozen yogurt and soy eveything. Bitches! :cool

Additional ideas / questions: Sure, more sex and dates for me with non-psycho or sociopathic women. Sheesh, enough of that already, there's no more room in the crawlspace. :devil

when did you join dgn? when it was the DGN EZl board about 2+ years ago i guess. :blink

Where did your DGN name come from?: a line from a song from a Primus song, and my former DJ name.

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Current location? Grand Rapids MI

Where from? North of Flint MI

Work? Stay at home mom

School? not at this time. would like to go back and finish my anthropology degree

Kids? 13 year old daughter and a 6 year old son

Married? 13 years

Single? no

Hobbies? DGN, reading, shopping, music, dressing up, dancing, clubbing, family

Other Stuff? I'm very quiet and shy.....until you get to know me

when did you join dgn? I'm not sure exactly.....I think it was almost 3 years ago

Where did your DGN name come from?: I am a gothic Mom

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Current location? Westland, MI

Where from? All over MI

Work? Emergency Medical Technician

School? Done with that shiii

Kids? 1 girl 1 boy

Married? Not yet!

Single? Legally, yes.

Hobbies? Neopets, DGN and Myspace

Other Stuff? I'm an internet whore, I like cereal.. alot, I play with needles, I'm addicted to Cotton Candy and Glitter!

Additional ideas / questions: Do the chickens have large talons?

When did you join dgn? Almost 5 years ago.. damn!

Where did your DGN name come from?: From a Marilyn Manson song.

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Current location? Ferndale, MI

Where from? Bonduel, WI

Work? Flagstar Bank, general monkey-Imeancomputeroperator, Sr. Computer Operator that is.

School? University of Wisconsin - Bachelor of Arts, Japanese Language & Lit, for all the good that's done me.

Married? No.

Single? Yes, though exclusively dating

Hobbies? My primary hobby is being a self-absorbed, misanthropic, cynical intellectual elitist. With whatever time I have left after working on that I usually since into being ancillarily antisocial by playing video games, reading anything with more a word count that is at least two orders of magnitude larger than the number of pictures present in the book, and playing Dungeons & Dragons

Other Stuff? No, misanthropy, elitism, geekery, and the woman who tolerates me take up all my time

when did you join dgn? Beginning of 2003, if I'm not mistaken.

Where did your DGN name come from? It's been my screen name as long as I've been on the web. Telling you anymore than that would cause me to instantly die of shame, and since I am trying desperately to achieve that air of detached elitism, dying of shame would not really further my goals.

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Current location? Flamouth, MI

Where from? Alma, MI

Work? I manage a small computer repair shop

School? highs chool grrad, no college to speak of... someday, if time allows

Kids? 6, 5 boys and 1 girl

Married? Yes, 10 years

Single? Never really been that long enough to say so

Hobbies? Roleplaying games, Computer games, gardening, hiking, rebuilding my motor cycle, shooting, wood working, reading history and historiography books, hunting, fishing... wow, I do alot of stuff

Other Stuff? Yes, lots of it

Additional ideas / questions: Ask me, If I don't know, I can find out.

Where did your DGN name come from?: Thats a tough question and kinda weird.. but even people in real life call me Dark just as often as Mark.

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Current location? Lansing MI

Where from? Originally, Fenton MI

Work? Territory Manager

School? BA in Psychology BS in Poli Sci working on my MBA in business managment and marketing

Kids? Not yet

Married? nope

Single? nope

Hobbies? Mountain biking, PC gaming, message boards, cigars and spirits

Other Stuff?I'm your typical weekend freak, coportate 9-5, and leather and chians on the weekends.

Additional ideas / questions: I'm big on giving out rides to people in and around MI. I hit detroit and chicago pretty regul;arly for clubs, release aprtys, dungeon gatherings and concerts. PM if your not a dumb ass and need a ride.

when did you join dgn? Been about a year and a half-ish

Where did your DGN name come from?: From Neil Gamien's "The Sandman"


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Current location? way too conservative West Michigan

Where from? grew up in Tennessee, Florida 15 years, then here

Work? Spheris (editing medical reports)

School? College -2 years English, 2 years med. transcription/editing plus cosmetology school graduate (I was a perpetual student for awhile there)

Kids? 2 daughters

Married? Divorced

Single? Yes but NOT available, sick of relationships and broken hearts

Hobbies? Sewing, making websites, being online all the time surfing, visiting different goth clubs in different cities (love most cities), posting on message boards, embarassing my children

Where did your DGN name come from? All the cool ones were taken, and I had some onyx jewelry and I thought Onyx sounded all black and darkand stuff like that :laughing

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Current location? Warren, MI

Where from? Sterling Heights, MI (Big move... I know)

Work? Field Merchandising Rep for MOSAIC

School? One of these days I really should finish

Kids? none but I hear they taste like chicken

Married? Not yet!

Single? Not sure... it's been a messed up week

Hobbies? Magic the Gathering and Video Games

Additional ideas / questions: Is it safe?

When did you join dgn? longer then I can remember

Where did your DGN name come from?: It's a play on what I see as my two sides... The Whyte Knight who is helpful and "good" and the Darque Jester who embodies my mischief and would be considered my "normal" folk as "bad".

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Original join date? November 15, 2001

Actual post count including TSB/EZB DGN? Tack 6,902 onto my current post count.

Current location? A cow pasture in North Carolina. But originally from (see next answer) and on my way back within weeks.

Where from? Born in Lincoln Park, eventually lived in Taylor, spent some time in Wyandotte, probably on my way back to Taylor.

Work? Self-employed eBay seller.

School? Incomplete English Education degree from Wayne State University (no, probably not going to complete it.)

Kids? NO human spawn and never will be. But proud parents of 16 furchildren: Tuckle Bunny, Oakley German Shepherd, and Ripley, Grover, Lincoln, Xena, Asia, Fletcher, Marty, Gus, Isabeau, Tiki, Phoebe, Rae, Calder & Mama Kitties (Calder and Mama are up for adoption - interested???)

Married? 7 years this October to Jon, Otter Goth on here and rarely posting.

Hobbies? Painting ceramics, beadwork, painting & assembling models (mostly hotrods), camping, outdoor interests, movies, writing, making animated avatars.

Other Stuff? Vocal & instrumental music including writing/performing. Play guitar and am beginning to dabble in computer-generated synthpop/darkwave/insertlabelhere

Additional info: With a couple possible exceptions (including Fearless Leader Troy) probably the longest-posting member on DGN, though my post count doesn't reflect it compared to certain posting juggernauts; I use a lot of unique smilies when time/mood allowsEmoticons-Suck.gif; and Brenda got the "No. Just... no" thing from me. A-WINKA!!!! :wink

Where did your DGN name come from?: Interest in animal totems, with an affinity for/influence of Cougar - a very maternal, yet Fierce Critter.

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Current location? Madison Heights, MI

Where from? see question 1

Work? DJ, part time freelance computer repair, odd jobs here and there.

School? Planning on going for Bar/Nightclub management

Kids? never

Married? no

Single? yes

Hobbies? I don't really have any since I turn them all into actual jobs.

Other Stuff? no not really

Additional ideas / questions: I still vote for an IRC chatroom, but this falls on deaf ears

Where did your DGN name come from?: It's been my nickname since late 1998.

How did you find DGN: Troy Invited me one night at City back when it was the Troy Spiral board.

Member since? I forgot the original date.

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Current location? feckin' alaska, blech.

Where from? hawaii, then minnesota, then michigan (watervliet, hartford, dowagiac, kalamazoo)

Work? I'm a manager at a non-corporate art store. fuck michaels.

School? yeah... still working on that.

Kids? no thank you, i'm not mature enough yet.

Married? see above.

Single? as current, and probably for the remainder of my stay in this awful state.

Hobbies? reading smut, painting, making strange crafty things, sewing, constantly changing my hair cut/color, playing with my doggie, and spending too much money in thrift stores, in addition to about a million little things which don't really count as hobbies so much as wastes of valuable time.

Other Stuff? hmmm... I miss dancing. there's nowhere to dance at up here that doesn't suck excessively.

also... I'm one of those "pseudo-vegetarians," but I'm trying to get better! I'm not an animal activist, I just don't like red meats, and only like chicken or fish SOMETIMES, though I could never EVER live without cheese. well, I could probably live without it, but it would be a sad sad life indeed. Although, I much prefer rice milk to cow milk, and tempeh is an awesome substitute for any meat. yum.... grains.....

Additional ideas / questions:

When did you join dgn? november of 2002

Previous DGN post count? 820

Where did your DGN name come from?: a re-spelling -- somewhere between children of the corn and a book by poppy z bryte, and a hebrew prophet .


Malachi, which means "My messenger", focuses largely on the corruption of the priests, the neglect of God's Temple, and the personal sins of the people. He was sent as a prophet sometime between 450 - 425 BC to Jerusalem at a time when the spiritual zeal of the people was at a low.

Malachi is the last book of the twelve Minor Prophets, and the last book in the Old Testament. Malachi ends his book with a prophecy concerning the coming Messiah and His forerunner, who was John the Baptist (called Elijah). In this way, the Old Testament ends looking toward what God would do in the New Testament.

The theme of his book is that the people had not learned the lessons that they should have learned from the Babylonian Captivity that had taken place shortly before the time of Malachi. The people were sent into captivity as punishment for their sins, and now they were doing the same things all over again. But Malachi finds hope in the coming Messiah who will make all things right because He comes with the power of God.

so i'm here because you people never ever learn! but i have hope for you yet... :wink

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