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Whats worse than being railroaded?


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I looked at you and you stared back.

Eyes gleaming,

looking, digging, searching for my soul.

What did you find?

What did you see?

I see the fear in your eyes now.

Your wincing hesitation.


Of coures my beauty astounds you.

My passiveness amazes you.

The shear mention of your hard life only shows me how sheltered you really are.

I laid out my wrist and sliced it open for you.

Made you watch the blood flow.

You desired my willingness to part.

I've seized opportunity by the balls.

Envy only leaves you green.

Tears streaming down your face.

Sobbing at what you call my misfortune.

Get the fuck off of me you white trash bitch.

I don't need your sympathy.


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Don't you wish your gf was.....



I fell asleep with the wind at my back.

Gentle flutters of the curtains.

Sweet memories of something that once was.

I felt your hand caress my face.

I almost forgot the pain.

My eyes awaken

My body stretches.

Like a cat would on a window sill.

I thought nothing bad could ever come again.

Everything went black.

Terror stricken and sick

I remembered who I was.

Who I had been

And who I will always be.

Nothing and no one but myself.

A magnet for destruction.

He was gone.



You tried to reach down and hold my hand

See me through.

Let me go.

Free me.

Let me be.

But you cannot.

You know me.

Who I am.

Who I was.

Who I'll be.

Does it scare you?

I know what will happen next.

Does that make you wonder?

Make you wish you could stop it?

Even God already knows my fate.

I'm eternally mine.

My own eternal defeat.

Who will be there to catch me when I fall?

Don't tell me.

I already know.

Sam i el has a place for me.

Covered in the filth of our own society.

Damaged by what I've done to myself.

So feeble and dirty in the eyes of so many.

I'll die clean.

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