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I hve gathered that Troy invented the site

what I was wondering is how long ago

who were the first members

it seems as if many of you have been on for years but your profiles only date back to last october, why is this

why is the cloak an hour behind

if you can answer any or all of these....please induldge me

or if you have any other info to share

Thank you

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Originally, (unless there was something prior to TSB) DGN was "The Troy Spiral Board" on EZB.

I joined that in November of 2001 after hearing Troy's radio show on WHFR. At the time, the only current members who were on the board then were Troy and the ever-lurking, never posting Wendy Simpson (Come out come out wherever you are! :wink)

Spacin also joined very, very close to my join date, but I can't recall if it was before or after me. I seem to remember after...

Troy changed it to Detroit Gothic sometime after that.

When he made the switch to IPB, all members who joined prior to that lost their original join date and post count. Troy's working on fixing that.

Members I can recall from when I joined TSB were Kivo, Luciferia, Bill Maddox, and for the life of me I can't recall anyone else, it wasn't a real heavily populated board and many people came and went with just a few posts here and there.

I think a current member might be one of those people, but I can't recall. They might have a new screename now.

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Did ya ever hear how Troy lost his Radio show???? Awesome story, have him tell it to you sometime. TROY IS THE MAN.

Originally, (unless there was something prior to TSB) DGN was "The Troy Spiral Board" on EZB.

I joined that in November of 2001 after hearing Troy's radio show on WHFR. At the time, the only current members who were on the board then were Troy and the ever-lurking, never posting Wendy Simpson (Come out come out wherever you are! :wink)

Spacin also joined very, very close to my join date, but I can't recall if it was before or after me. I seem to remember after...

Troy changed it to Detroit Gothic sometime after that.

When he made the switch to IPB, all members who joined prior to that lost their original join date and post count. Troy's working on fixing that.

Members I can recall from when I joined TSB were Kivo, Luciferia, Bill Maddox, and for the life of me I can't recall anyone else, it wasn't a real heavily populated board and many people came and went with just a few posts here and there.

I think a current member might be one of those people, but I can't recall. They might have a new screename now.

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I knew about the spiral boards but I didn't look at it till it became dgn....and even didn't get on dgn till reaper and marblez talked me into it. I have no idea why...probably because someone told me about it at CC...and I'm usually too smashed to remember anything.

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it seems as if many of you have been on for years but your profiles only date back to last october,

That would be when we switched from Ezboard to IPB. Unfortunately, ezboard got hacked not too long after the switchover so pretty much all of our old posts have been wiped out.

why is this

why is the cloak an hour behind

if you can answer any or all of these....please induldge me

You can click on "My Controls", then click on "Board Settings" underneath "options" on the left hand side there. Now you can change your timezone info!

or if you have any other info to share

Thank you


This changing of the time zone... couldn't do that with ezboard.

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I started just before the switch a google search turned up a post about Crüxshadows concert at the lab on 10-1-04 made by gothicmom. Sinn and I went to that concert because of it.

Iv been a member since october 3rd and I have 18 whole posts over there.

It's kinda sweet having a low member number to be so new.

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I started just before the switch a google search turned up a post about Crüxshadows concert at the lab on 10-1-04 made by gothicmom. Sinn and I went to that concert because of it.

Iv been a member since october 3rd and I have 18 whole posts over there.

It's kinda sweet having a low member number to be so new.


WOW! Someone is here because of me! =)

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I was here in the early days of the board when Troy was first promoting it. I think I joined early 2001 or so. I remember when there were only 20 or so members. I was just talking with someone else at the club last weekend about those days too.

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Nope, same name.. just didn't post a lot I guess.


didn't you hear about the show and board through me?

well i dont remember when i started, i think it was aug. or oct. of 01, i do remember that i use to listen to the show on the way to the club.

Troy use to do requests for me (i love him man)

back then i went under the s/n CHRISTOPHSBITE86


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i remember manic, marblez, critter, troy of course ;), wendy, kiss the midget - but as christophsbite, bill, spacin, ummm a girl i forget her "screen name" anarcadia or something but trase was her real name as far as i remember, who else.... hmm as i hear the names i remember them... from back then. kivo was not posting when i was on - at lesat not much at all. but i do recall seeing he was a member who posted here and there (by the time i joined anyways) thorn who turned out to be my friend, stalking me. :p just kidding... sort of. hehehe. long story... funny but... ok never mind....

can't really think of anyone else off the top of my head.

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didn't you hear about the show and board through me?

well i dont remember when i started, i think it was aug. or oct. of 01,  i do remember that i use to listen to the show on the way to the club.

Troy use to do requests for me (i love him man)

back then i went under the s/n CHRISTOPHSBITE86



Yup, it's all your fault and I thank you for it :tongue:

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