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Dark Vampire Poetry


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Romance Poetry

A Gentle Night

Time has passed after twilight

A soothing soft breeze

Whispers through the trees

A full moon shines this night

The low murmur of crickets

Can be heard from the thickets

Owl hoots, mice scurry in fright

Upon the soft moonlight

Two lovers in an embrace

Looking each other, face to face

In their eyes love burns bright

Embraced as one they are

Listening to the stream from afar

Enjoying each others company tonight

The moon has come and went

Clouds and thunder from above

Rain came down as if heaven sent

Soft rain falling, distant thunder they hear

Their night of passion drawing near

They held one another, finally spent


Draft 1 8/30/04

Draft 2 (No changes) 5/01/05

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Vampire & Dark Poetry



Life I had seems so far away

Yet, it seems like yesterday.

Life was full of joy and sorrow

Never to know about tomorrow

Friends and family like everyone

Life blossomed as it begun

A long life, not to be

Soon my soul was set free.


No heaven, no tunnel of light

Darkness, darkness everywhere within my sight

So numb, nothing I feel

Is this a dream, is this real?

A feeling pulling me away

So glad, glad that I didn’t stay

A sensation I never felt before

Shakes my soul to its very core.


A flash of light, forced awaken

Confused, disorientated, not knowing, shaken

To the very core of my being

What happened, a question I do not know

Cold, alone, lost am I

Full of questions why o’ why?

Soon I will know what I become

Something sinister that can’t come undone.


Crimson red, life force giver

Sweet taste, makes me quiver

Hypnotic drug, hear it calling

Consumes me, I am falling

Bite into one who is young

Feel the vitae’s warmth on my tongue.

A droplet starts to run

A lick of my lips, I’m done

The beast within now is tame

Unholy damnation be thy name


My little tale is at an end

What am I foe or friend?

Am I evil, I don’t know

Embrace me and I will show

Curse me if you must

Guilty for this blood lust?

Ask not for this, created am I

Two thousand years counting, I can’t die

Hunt me down you may

Death will be your final pay

Beware on these lonely nights

I may have you in my sights.


Draft 1 6/27/05

Draft 2 7/3/05

Alone Forever

Black, is the color of night

White, shines the full moon

Grey, the shadows I lurk

Red, the blood I seek out

The sunrise, never see again

I died, a new life began

My existence must stay concealed

This new life, never to be revealed

Hunters would seek me out

To see my end, there’s no doubt

A hunter I must stay

Never to be another’s prey

I walk alone this quiet night

Moon shines the only light

The wind blows so cold

Frost on the grass has taken hold

Such things I no longer feel

A gift of my cursed deal

Two lovers I can hear

Their voices so very near

I walk upon them without a sound

Within my sight my prey is found

In each other’s arms I see

Memories of a past, my love and me

So many centuries have passed me by

My undead heart wishes I would die

Friends and loves, voices I still hear

People who were so very dear

Long gone dead they are

They are close, yet so far

This life is so bitterly alone

It’s time for me to go home

The night begins to fade away

As dawn rises, I shall stay

Red, the clouds as the sun rises in the East

Grey, as my skin turns and starts to burn

White, hot searing pain that flows through me

Black, my charred remains blowing away


Draft 1 4/22/05

Draft 2 4/30/05


(Inspired by the song “Dissolve” by Switchblade Symphony)

I am falling down, down

I am screaming out loud, loud

The room is spinning around, around

Darkness has claimed me now, now

From my dark sleep

Awaken am I

Don’t know why

Memories gone, so deep

I don’t know where I am

I don’t know who I am

It’s so bright, so very bright

The fingers of Sol burns my flesh, why?

Oh why, I do not know

Must lurk in shadows, wait for night

My soul feels empty, cold as if I died

What is happening to me?

What has become of me?

Hungry I have become

Must hunt my prey

This I feel must be done

Come whatever may

My prey is within my sight

Down he went, without a fight

Feast on his life giving force

I feel my strength began to course

Powerful than ever before

Satisfied, but craving for more

In horror I recognize his face

And realize my wanton disgrace

Who am I?

What am I?

He was someone I once knew

Someone so near, dear and true

For I remember some things now

He was friend, my life, my love

My life, my love what have I done?

Sorry, I am so sorry, what have I become?

Remorse, overwhelming remorse I feel

Pain, the pain in my soul can never heal

What am I, what am I?

Now I know, know why

Hunter of the night am I

Immortal who can not die


Draft 1 1/11/05

Draft 2 5/01/05


Looking towards the east, twilight draws near

High above the moon shines brightly, night is clear

Wolves howl so very near

Startles those who hear

A screech from an owl

Is answered by a wolf’s howl

I gaze upon the land below

Waiting for someone to show

A lone figure walks upon the pass

Unfortunate for her, it’ll be her last

The moon gaze is so very bright

I must lurk in shadows this night

Silently I move down the hill

She stops walking, stands still

Slowly she turns towards me

Heard me move? It can not be

In the shadows I lurk, she couldn’t see

Her long blond hair blows in the breeze

As the cool wind blows through the trees

Her face I see, someone I knew so well

She was my love, my only before I fell

“Come forth”, she said, “I know you’re there”.

Spoken by her so calm, without a hint of despair

From the shadows I materialize

She looks deep into my eyes

“Come my love make me one

Without you my life is done”

“Curse you I will not, damned you’ll be”,

I said, “Leave me and be free”.

“My love you know”

“I have an empty soul”

I did as she wished of me

I drained her blood unto thee

Upon this darkened night

Her life was at twilight

She was close to being dead

Released my blood which she fed

Her skin pales, eyes turned red

We are one, eternally as undead.


Draft 1 1/18-19/05

Draft 2 9/01/05

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The Afterlife

The Light

A soft voice whispers through the air

In a time of my painful despair

‘Come with me ‘tis time’

‘Time to leave this world behind’

My pain is gone

Suffering no more

I travel along

A path not taken before

Her coldness embraces me

The darkness surrounds me

I’ve been set free

My soul wonders free

Serene her voice whispers in my ear

The River of Darkness I look across

Her whispers in my thoughts so clear

We cross over I feel no loss

The other side I can see

The calm white light beckons me

A gentle smile she releases me

For she is Death I finally see

I am home once again

In the arms of family and friends


Draft 1 8/31/05

Draft 2 9/06/05

What I was thinking at the time I wrote this. My grandmother. Her time will be coming up I am afraid. She has a fiery strong, stubborn will, but even a strong will must give way to a body that is failing them eventually. On 9/05/05 my ex-girlfriend informed me her father died on 9/02/05 from a painful last couple of months. He had lung cancer and his body was infested with tumors.

River of Darkness is a reference to the River Styx from Greek mythology.

The white light is a reference to paradise, heaven or whatever it may be called according to one’s religion or beliefs.







Only I can hear

Only I can see

She feeds off your fear

She tries seducing me

Raven black hair, cold blue eyes

Dark purple lips whispering tempting lies

Deathly pale skin, robes of midnight black

She weights heavily on my back

Her arms embrace me very tight

Further, further away slips the light

Her voice, seductive as a siren’s call

Tempts me, tempting me to fall

“You know me

You want me

You need me

Embrace me”

Plead with you

Seduce you

Taunt you

Haunt you

“Ignore me if you may

I’ll be with you ‘til your dying day.”

“My warning only to be fair

In your dark hours of depression and despair

I will have you when you no longer care.”


Draft 1 9/19-21/05

Draft 2 10/19/05 (No changes)

It’s about addiction. Even when you are clean it’s always there tempting you when you are at your most vulnerable.

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Ice Queen

From the north she did came

Bringing snow, never rain

Her cold winds make you cower

Feel her winds whip up power

Covering all with powdery snow

Shivering from her freezing blow

Only fools are so bold

To challenge her deathly cold

A warning you’ve been told.

To witness her is very rare

To gaze into her deathly stare

Her eyes, lovely ice cold blue

She stares, directly at you

See upon her deathly white face

No sign of emotion, not a trace

Silken white hair blows in the breeze

Enthralling you to become at ease

As you slowly begin to freeze

Cold death comes to those who’ve seen

The majesty looks of the Ice Queen


Draft1 12/03/05

Draft2 12/31/05

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Yeah it was written during a time of heavy snow like this next one.

Winter Paradise

In the lands of the Frozen North, far away

Where the cold wind blows

Wondrous land forever snows

Whiteness that eternally glows

Foolish would be travelers, forever stay

In the dominion of the majestic White Queen

Hidden in the forest, far from view

Awaits, the magnificent palace of ice

Snowing, a winter wonderland paradise

Courtyard, frozen statues of human sacrifice

Statues of old, some recently new

Transformed by the majestic White Queen

Feel the coldness of her breath

This will be your final death

She loves her statues of ice

In her winter paradise


Draft 1 12/05/05

Draft 2 12/31/05 Changes in wording

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Wow I can write somethingthat is not morbid or dark. Nature poetry!

November Night

The wisdom of Athena shines bright

In the distance, an owl can be heard

The cool air this November night

Up in the trees, the peep of a bird

No warmth from the moonlight

Little field mice are huddled together

To stay warm in this weather

Not too far sleeps a bear

A raccoon walks by with care

Soon the moon begins fading away

Dark clouds gather, begin to stay

High above flickers, crackling lightning

Thunder roars above that is frightening

Soon rain drops descends that is cold

Those animals that venture out are bold

So passes by a typical November night

Cold, wet days that are shorten of light.


Draft 1 10/04/05 – 10/18/05

Draft 2 12/31/05 Changed some wording and added some more.

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  • 4 months later...

It has been a while since I posted anything here. Long poem I just finished typeing not too long ago.


The meeting

A full moon night on a quiet back road

Walked a lonely figure, shivering from the cold

A gust of wind blew her hair, black as the night

Walking silently down the road, in the moon light

She stopped briefly, approached an old oak tree

Looking ahead on the road, a hill rose up steep

She rested for a time, breathing the night air deep

Down the road whence she came, she did see

A pair of lights moving towards her from afar

Wonderful, she thought, her comes a car

Hopefully they will be kind to stop and help me

The weary driver saw the woman in black

Onward the driver drove, pass the stranger

Sadness crept across the lovely strangers face

The driver saw this and sensed no danger

Turning the car around the driver made haste

The lady in black smiled as the car came back.

The driver said, good evening, may I help you?

The stranger said, I am grateful that you drove through

You are the first I’ve seen on this lonely road

Can you offer shelter if I may be so bold?

The driver looked unto her face, her eyes

They were enthralling, the driver was memorized.

Help you I will, this I can not deny

Come in from the cold, do not wait.

The lady in black smiled and with a sigh,

I am grateful for this chance of fate.

Come let us leave, the driver said,

My home is not very far ahead.

Alexis is my name, said the woman in black.

Maria is mine, the driver answered back.

Maria was in a deep enthralling daze

Brought on by Alexis’ hypnotic gaze.

Alexis whispered in Maria’s ear

Her words were sweet and clear

Come my friend let us go

Lets not tarry nor move slow

This my sweet you can ill afford

Once sheltered I’ll grant you a reward

Bestow a gift you will see

One that I do not grant free

The mansion in darkness

Not too far through the woods on a hill

Trees were blowing softly, not one still

Through the woods on the hill hidden away

Beyond the gates that keep trespassers at bay

An old Victorian house loomed straight ahead

Imposing the house was this hour, none dare tread

Ivy slowly crept up the eastern wall

Shrubs neatly cut without a sign of flaw

Flower gardens lay dormant from the night chill

Winter approaches delivering the final kill

Alexis looked on the mansion in darkness with awe

A beautiful home not too big nor small

Alexis said in an excited, joyous state.

To meet this woman could it be destiny or fate?

My family home for great many a year

This place I hold in my heart so dear.

Come let us go inside away from the cold.

To Alexis the house had a strong hold

An odd sensation she hadn’t felt before

This house and Maria pulled at her souls core.

Destiny, overwhelming she felt it to be

Soul mates together she could clearly see.

Inside was a step in time, back in the days of old

Victorian furniture, chandeliers, candleholders of gold

Marble floor smooth, sparkled bright

From the windows that allowed the moonlight

Oil paintings adorned the clean white walls

Giving those who walk by a brief pause

Up the magnificent grand staircase they went

At the top floor Alexis looked down for a moment

To take in the view from high above

She understood the house and Maria’s love

The beauty of this house was better than gold

An old Victorian home from the days of old.

Down the grand hall holding hands they walked

Slowly walking neither one of them had talked

Maria stopped and entered a large room

With wallpaper of rose in full bloom

Lush soft carpet laid on the floor

Ornament with golden inlays on the door

Clean white satin sheets on the king sized bed

Figures of animals were engraved on it’s wooden head.

This is your room I give you to stay

If you need me, I am two rooms away.

Done and said, wishing the other goodnight

To see each other once again at first light.

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The waiting

Maria left the room, shutting the door

Patience Alexis thought an hour more

Wait for Maria to be sound asleep

For Alexis knew she was to cherish and keep

Sweet Maria will be hers forever

Knowing their bond will not sever

An hour had passed times two

Oh how time certainly flew

Alexis had decided to change her plan

A brief moment before it had began

Alexis moved slowly down the hall

Time to answer her hearts call

She opened Maria’s door without a creak

Behold! A sight that made her weak.

The seduction

A figure laid upon blue satin sheets

Memorizing to cause one’s heart to skip beats

Maria’s pale nakedness a work of art

Alexis moved closer never to depart

She went down upon a knee

Time to fulfill our destiny

She thought with a smile

For it had been a while

Since she had felt alive

The moment of truth has arrived.

Slowly she crawled without a sound

As destiny awaits she was bound

Touching Maria’s legs, so soft to feel

A dream like state, it felt surreal

With a sigh Maria finally awoke

From Alexis’s gentle loving stroke

Kissing Maria’s inner leg feeling the heat

She bit down, the taste, tasted so sweet.

Pain, pleasure, ecstasy it felt good

Maria would not stop it if she could

Alexis looked up to see Maria under her spell

She moved pass her breasts as they rose and fell

Breathing heavy from that brief moment of bliss

Alexis opened her mouth wide, issuing a low hiss

Biting deep into Maria’s soft, smooth neck

Drawing out the life fluid, spilling none nor a speck.

The death

The pain, unbearable was the pain

The pain, screaming madly into her brain

The pain, enough to drive her insane

The pain, it stopped nothing left to drain.

Suddenly coldness came deep into her

Thoughts of chaos, sight was a blur

Darkness finally came washing over her

No pain, felt nothingness in her twilight

No tunnel, nor warmness of a white light

There was nothingness upon her sight

Through this hell testing her might.

The rebirth

Suddenly jolted from that empty scene

A feeling washing within her was serene

Realizing she was sucking on Alexis’s wrist

Offering freely she did not resist

Cool to the touch was her soft skin

Alexis’s thoughts started to flood in

Thoughts, memories, and emotions unwind

Racing through Maria’s shocked mind

Taking in Alexis’s life giving force

Ecstasy, pleasure went beyond sexual intercourse

Peace pleasure she never felt before

Coursing through her being like a lions roar.

The pain and pleasure Alexis could bare no more

She was withering all over the floor

Enough! Enough I say! Alexis broke free

Severing their combined harmony

Falling onto the floor did she

Alexis, what have you done to me?

Maria inquired, blood dripped down her chin

Alexis felt lightheaded, the room in a spin

Alexis gathered her thoughts and stood

Gathering together what strength she could.

I freed you from this mortal bond

See into your mind and go beyond

A special gift I gave to you

Feel my love, you know it’s true

The rejoined

Truth was spoken this she knew

Maria’s empty heart was no longer blue

Maria felt Alexis’s memories of the past

They flowed within her, no longer fast

Lovers, soul mates of a far gone life

Which ended tragically in strife.

The truth is what you speak

My life no longer empty and bleak

We have finally found each other

Never again will I be with another.

Close together face to face

They were locked in a lovers embrace

So ends Alexis search of endless yearning

Her heart full of love forever burning.


Draft 1 10/26/05 11/23/05

Draft 2 Start 12/31/05 Finished 05/22/06

This poem was inspired by Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s poem Christabel.


Expanded some of the lines to include more detail on the story. Added the bold headings separating parts of the tale.

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  • 9 months later...

September Elegy

The shortness of the day

as the seasons turn grey

Clouds darken the sky

as the light fades away

Life begins to decay

Dry wilting leaves fall

Cold droplets of rainfall

as clouds began to cry

Cold bittering windfall

whispering the final call

The bells chime at midnight

Shine forth the moonlight

As natures final sigh

Bereavement this dark night

closing forth the twilight.

Written 9/25-26/06

Dedicated to Mabel Shaffer February 1918- September 12 2006

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