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How to deal with roommates?

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Ok so in the glorious land of Laramie where I'm going to school, my roommates are fucking pigs..

Don't get me wrong they're nice guys but here's the deal -

I do my own dishes right after I am done eating, immediately..

They don't.. As I sit here and type this there is a double basin sink completely packed full and overflowing with dirty dishes.. I just got done throwing away exactly 7 empty cans of soup that were left on the counter, numerous other pieces of garbage, and took out the garbage.. I cleaned up the living room and when I wake up tonight I'm going to organize my computer (cables and networking stuff looks like a rats nest right now)

The bathroom is trashed because we had a leak and the landlord tore open the wall to stop it and have a plumber fix it, but it's also trashed because of shit they leave sitting around..

One time, a few weeks ago I asked one of my roommates to take care of the dishes and he was like "I'm not the only one that eats around here"

I just got done explaining what I do with my dishes so you should understand how pissed he made me when he said that.. None of those dishes are mine and I did THEIR dishes once already this month and I'll be damned if I'm going to do it again..

It's basically so full with dishes that I don't have room to do my own.

What the hell should I do? I don't want to start a war but, Jesus Christ, these guys are like fuckin animals.. My 9 month old niece isn't as messy as these guys are.

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I have exactly four words for you: Paper plates and plastic cups.

As for the bathroom, I would recommend getting the landlord to get the plumber back out there to finish cleaning up his portion of the mess so that the rest can be cared for.

Wait. . . . . I thought you were living in a dorm on campus?

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Paper plates and plastic cups?

you shouldnt have to resort to that (besides, its incredibly wastfull and has huge environmental consiquences if everyone did that)

i do agree that once you eaten wash your mess kit. if theres pots and pans, those who didnt cook should clean those.

these guys are animals. jeezuz now how old are they exactly?!?

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I'm 19 (almost 20) they're both 18.

Yeah I was living in dorms until I got tired of paper thin walls and day students revving up their loud trucks at 6:30 in the morning when I'm trying to fall asleep.. Besides this place is 50 bucks a month cheaper than WyoTech housing..

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Not sure how it is in the UK, but many households in the US, the mother and father take care of a lot of stuff for the kids while they have no responsibilities. Not to say that this is ALWAYS the case, but it seems like it's more the rule than the exception. And being only 18, well, it's time to go to school and party, just like they did in high school when Mom & Dad were still around to pick up for them. A few maggots in the sink and active molds reaching out at them from the bathing area may change their tune.

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okay theres taking care of things and then theres expecting them to do it all thier life.

school here finsishes at 16, and most if not all kids continue into collage where its very much the same for however they feel (i couldnt wait to get out of that shithole collage and go to uni myself)

what i cannot stand is people who just never grw up when thier finaly out in the real world.

i'm one of those people who cant help picking up stuff and clearing an area i'm sitting in in my friewnds flat

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mabey talk to them mabey make a list of who should do what around the house, tell them they are out in the reaql world and not living with mommy and daddy anymore, or just clean up after yourself and dont clean up there messes, only clean after yourself , not them

good luck


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Good thing they're moving out because I'll kill 'em if I have to put up with this shit much longer.. I told them I wanted those dishes done before we go home for Xmas and one of 'em had the NERVE to get pissed off and say "Those aren't all my dishes! You don't eat?"

Yeah motherfucker I don't eat here because you and your buddy have taken my pots and pans, dirtied them, left them in the sink, and I have nothing to cook with now, so I have been eating fast food for the past 3 weeks (and receipts to prove it)


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one suggestion i have : keep all of your personal dishes and pots and pans and stuff either a. in your room, or b. in a locked box/trunk in the kitchen. that's the simple way.

otherwise, it's just a matter of time before you'll be throwing the dirty dishes away, and that's no good when they're yours. nor when they're not yours, as it leads to further issues.

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Heh, I've dealt with so many messy roomates in the past before it aint even funny, except my last ones were worst, one started dealing with cocaine slangin that shit in and out of the apt, everytime I came home from work BOOM!! there it is, buncha doo-rag wearin 50-cent lookin black's sittin on the couch sniffin the shit and even when I woke up saw the same thing. Glad I chose to move out, last from whut I heard there they got invicted ( :sleeping: oh well)

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  • 5 months later...

Make ultimatums and lists and put it on the fridge where everyone can see it. Everyone gets one room a week to clean. Ontop of that you all have to clean up your own messes, if you see something that needs to be done do it. like garbage or leaves. NO one does each others dishes, laundry...or just plain messes.

Take elaborate phone messages everyone pitch in for the paper and pencils to put by the phone and always keep it there.

Take turns doing shopping for the house.

You may have to threaten to kick people out. Take out an ad or whatever, depends on whose lease it is.

Food must be labeled and left alone or ask. Drinks too. If you need dishes, everyone must pitch in with the $$$ unless one person claims it as their house and wants it that way. Same for anything else like curtains.

Watch the noises and be respectful of others work shifts, sleeping habits. If they like hearing you have sex fine, if not...be discreet. Not everyone is always so lucky.

Everyone should help pitch in with pets and kids I don't care who they are. If you can't handle that, move. Grow up.

I am not talking about free sitter duty. Just the occasional, hey...the dog has to pee or the kid needs a glass or something...or is hurt.

Other than that the obvious of splitting bills fairly.

Ok so in the glorious land of Laramie where I'm going to school, my roommates are fucking pigs..

Don't get me wrong they're nice guys but here's the deal -

I do my own dishes right after I am done eating, immediately..

They don't.. As I sit here and type this there is a double basin sink completely packed full and overflowing with dirty dishes.. I just got done throwing away exactly 7 empty cans of soup that were left on the counter, numerous other pieces of garbage, and took out the garbage.. I cleaned up the living room and when I wake up tonight I'm going to organize my computer (cables and networking stuff looks like a rats nest right now)

The bathroom is trashed because we had a leak and the landlord tore open the wall to stop it and have a plumber fix it, but it's also trashed because of shit they leave sitting around..

One time, a few weeks ago I asked one of my roommates to take care of the dishes and he was like "I'm not the only one that eats around here"

I just got done explaining what I do with my dishes so you should understand how pissed he made me when he said that.. None of those dishes are mine and I did THEIR dishes once already this month and I'll be damned if I'm going to do it again..

It's basically so full with dishes that I don't have room to do my own.

What the hell should I do? I don't want to start a war but, Jesus Christ, these guys are like fuckin animals.. My 9 month old niece isn't as messy as these guys are.

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Hmmm - having dealt with this in the past I would say find a new place ASAP - it is well-nigh inpossible to make slobs pick up after themselves.

I had a few roomies who were dirty pigs and never did any dished etc. So I started putting their nasty dishes/trash/diry crap in their rooms. It did start a war so to speak, but the place was tidier after it blew over.

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