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Stupid Michigan laws


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Can you believe these laws still exist? The first one, which is totally sexist, would have 3/4 of Michigan's male population in jail. Law makers are just the mostest smartest persons in the world. Fucking dolts.

It is illegal to swear in front of women and children in the state of Michigan.

It is legal for a robber to file a law suit, if he or she got hurt in your house.

A woman isn't allowed to cut her own hair without her husband's permission.

Any person over the age of 12 may have a license for a handgun as long as he/she has not been convicted of a felony.

There is a 10 cent bounty for each rat's head brought into a town office.


There is a law that makes it legal for a farmer to sleep with his pigs, cows, horses, goats, and chickens.


Alligators may not be tied to fire hydrants.

It is illegal to let your pig run free in Detroit unless it has a ring in its nose. According to history and animal husbandry, it prevents them from "rooting" in the ground for their food.

Willfully destroying your old radio is prohibited.

It is illegal for a man to scowl at his wife on Sunday.

Grand Haven

No person shall throw an abandoned hoop skirt into any street or on any sidewalk, under penalty of a five- dollar fine for each offense.

Harper Woods

It is illegal to paint sparrows to sell them as parakeets.


It is against the law to serenade your girlfriend.


All bathing suits must have been inspected by the head of police.


Smoking while in bed is illegal.


Anyone can keep their cow on Main Street downtown at a cost of 3 cents per day.

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Alligators may not be tied to fire hydrants"

I was telling my neighbor this just the other day and he refused to believe that it was illegal for him to tie his gator up to the firehydrant....although I should steal his gator( conviently forgetting to feed it ) and let it loose into my old apartment building so my old neighbors can play with him.

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When at Ozzfest I saw a guy wearing a shirt that read: I fuck sheep.  That is not funny, just sick.


I saw that at city club when I first started going. I found it quite humorous.

Oh yeah speaking of...

Crap, I can't find the plastic sheep sex toy link anymore, looks like someone finally bitched enough about it, was quite funny though.

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It is legal for a robber to file a law suit, if he or she got hurt in your house.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong - but wasn't there a story on the news a few weeks back where a guy, who was robbing an elderly ladys house, did sue her cuz he hurt himself from a fall?! It's pretty f-ed up when even the criminals have rights when their robbing you...

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Someone correct me if I'm wrong - but wasn't there a story on the news a few weeks back where a guy, who was robbing an elderly ladys house, did sue her cuz he hurt himself from a fall?!  It's pretty f-ed up when even the criminals have rights when their robbing you...


Thats why if someone breaks in your house you shoot them dead, but don't reload, because then it goes beyond self defense and you go to prison.

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I want to move to whyoming one day, their laws are pretty lax as far as guns go.

Also self defence is self defence. If I shoot at someone and don't stop them I'm reloading.

Also texas sounds cool to me, because you can shoot them dead and who's to say you didn't tell them three times. Dead men tell no tails you know.

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I want to move to whyoming one day, their laws are pretty lax as far as guns go.

Also self defence is self defence.  If I shoot at someone and don't stop them I'm reloading.

Also texas sounds cool to me, because you can shoot them dead and who's to say you didn't tell them three times.  Dead men tell no tails you know.


I hear you on that. A guy I work with who's ex- special forces said a friend of his who's also ex-military ended up in jackson because he shot a guy in self defense, who broke into his house and was unarmed, because he emptied his gun on him than reloaded and emptied that. Obviously the burgler was dead. My co-worker said that the only reason he did any time was because he reloaded his weapon.

Personally I don't understand why someone who kills out of self defense should be punished, reloading or not. I think its absolute bullshit. Someone breaks into my house I'm not going to waste time finding out if they are armed or not. If they're breaking into your house in the first place they are scum who deserve to die.

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