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Herbal Remedies


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And another thing that I thought some of you gothic types might find useful:

Parsley is a skin whitner.  You can buy empty tea bags or sew some out of muslin, chop up enough to fill about 4 or 5 tea bags, toss 'em in the bath for the first ten minutes about two or three times a week, and it'll help get the redness out of your skin.

It's also good for dry hair and dandruff.


Will this also help with paling out a regular suntan?

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Remember that everything I give here is a suggestion, and only my own personal one. If you have a condition, you should always check with your doctor first. Also, there are some herb/drug interactions that I may not be aware of. Talk to your pharmacist as well before using anything internally.

Though nothing I have suggested or will suggest is toxic, there are occasionally allergic reactions that occur. Be careful, just like with any drug, natural or not.

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Good job on the sore throat Vater! Also, you can try horehound tea. Tastes like liqourice and helps a lot.

The reason that the clove oil works so well is it's numbing properties.

As for the flu, Slinger, fenugreek and lemon balm work fairly well, though the fever is a whole different thing.

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  • 9 months later...

How about migraines?


Migraines, I get them a lot, so I definitely understand.

Get some feverfew tea, that helps headaches a lot. Also, drink about two or three servings of caffeine. The caffeine helps, believe me. Back in high school, I used to use a can of pepsi to substitute for medicine.

Don't take the feverfew if you are also taking blood-thinners though.

Also, you can use lavender, either as a tea, or as an essential oil for aroma therapy.

If you're going to use the oil for aromatherapy, make sure it's actually real essential oil, and not synthetic.

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Allergies, asthma, and arthritis.

Help me!


A good one for you in general is Turmeric. It's a very common herb you probably already have in your kitchen.

Boil about a half a teaspoon of turmeric in a cup of milk or wine. It won't taste the most pleasant, but it is an anti-inflammatory, which will help both your arthritis and your asthma. Also it will help bring down your cholestorol :happy: And you can add sugar or honey to it if you like. Take this once a day.

As for your allergies, try eating more garlic. Garlic actually has anti-histaminic properties. Also, try drinking fennel or eyebright tea. Both of those can be found easily at a GNC, pre-packaged and everything.

Feverfew tea can also be very helpful with arthritis pain.

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Migraines, I get them a lot, so I definitely understand.

Get some feverfew tea, that helps headaches a lot.  Also, drink about two or three servings of caffeine.  The caffeine helps, believe me.  Back in high school, I used to use a can of pepsi to substitute for medicine.


I used to do that when i worked for McDonlad's in high school.

Couldn't stand regular Coke ... still can't ... but it worked for a headache.

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I know, Rayne, that stuff works great for a headache.

And Brenda, there is an herb called (appropriately enough) Asthma Weed, bio name "Euphorbia Hirta". It is known to relax the bronchioles and ease breathing.

Make a tea using one teaspoon of the herb per one cup of water. Let it steep for 20 minutes and drink once a day.

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