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The Official DGN Pity Party Thread!!!


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Phee has plenty of worpheepers.

That's why we need to spread the word bout the new religion of unchaste.


Don't Drink

Don't Smoke

Don't Apply!

Only those who have taken on Unchaste as their lady and savior may enter her temple.

I myself have many times thought about entering her temple,

but I KNOW

it is only reserved for the most giving, the most devout,


the most willing to buy drinks and pump gas.

When I am in Detroit, I will be ready to consummate my dedication.

Until then, I encourage all of you to stop "worpheeping"

and start worshipping Unchaste as she (not Phee)

sees most fit.

My lady, you have the floor.


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Never, my ladyship.

At $3.40/gallon, you should perish the thought.

I am in talks with TheLordShaper to convert to Unchastity (the name of your new religion)

and share a ride to Nectos or CC in the coming days.

Then, we will meet, I will pump your gas, buy you some drink, and we shall retire to

Ye Olde Fleabag for nary more than sixty minutes of proper worship in your temple.

I will leave the type of worship--- ( :happydance:jamin:grouphug:lick:spank:whip:kiss )

to your choosing.

That is all.


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Yeah, I have to drive all over Macomb county for work...if this shit keeps up I won't be able to work because I won't be able to afford the gas.

Life sucks...can I get a refund?

Unfortunately, only the pious get a refund.

If you cash in your chips you'll be tied to a post in the fiery depths with me.

Please don't yet, though.

I've been with amazing women from around the world, but I've never had even a drop of bean water lick my sweet face :happy:

If you're wondering who did make it into heaven.

" I'm sorry, the correct answer was Mormon"

-South Park

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I have nothing to be pitied for. I have nothing but pitty for those in New Orleans.

I wish there was more than donating that I could do....I feel that just donating $$$ is not enough.....but what else can I do? It's not like I can just jump in my little 4 banger and hop on down there....I thought about it but realistically, My car can hold MAYBE 100 gallons of water, which would be harsh on my mileage, and then what about when I get down there and I can't get back due to gas shortages, and gas stations being OUT of gas?

Anyone want to go on a weekend road trip? Bring gas cans (for the ride home), lots water, and a gun....loaded....

Drop the water off and skirt out of ther doing 100 mph so I don't get shot?

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I got neuropathy too not diabetic thats what I'm on vicodin for I've had it 2 1/2 yrs wife has the diabetic type of neuropathy.  Eventually I went insane and developed schizophrenia so it sux.  Its painful and mine sits in my legs and feet.


his is spreading, rapidly and aggressively... it's already reached the lower back... so we're doing cart-wheels over this... :erm

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not too mention that i'm going to be working non-stop until next Fri. morning... i'm going to lose sleep, and will not be happy... why, oh why, did i choose to have a night-job?... aside from it paying more, i'll be dead on my feet when i baby-sit in the morning.

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