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The Official DGN Pity Party Thread!!!


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Okay, eternal, let me just say one thing. People like dynomiiiite and Brenda are nice people, well-adjusted, with families of thier own and happieness that they have created for themselves.

You and I....not so lucky.

My parents are in no way abusive, and, wow, my sister isn't nearly as fucked up as yours, but, no matter how hard i try, I AM NEVER GOING TO BE A HAPPY PERSON. I have a chemical inbalance in my brain. I am going to be miserble and pessimistic and cynical for the rest of my fucking life. Sure, I have good days, but they have absolutely no chance of outweighing the loathing I have for myself & the rest of the world. Yes, I take antidepressants, but drugs only go so far.

Do I blame my parents/family situation for this?

Yes AND no.

No, they were never abusive or hurtful, and I've never gone wthout anything I've needed....


And my ummm, condition has always been a bit invisible to them ("What the hell is the matter with you?" "What reason do you have to be crying?" etc). At age 13 I had to scream into my mother's face that I needed therapy. That's what it took to call her attention to the situation, even though beforehand, I had been crying nonstop for two hours, for no apparent reason.

So yes, eternal, i do agree with you, there is nearly nothing we can do to stop how our families treat us, outside of how WE treat THEM. No, you're not the only one that struggles with people's opinions of you, either.

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Been trying to think of something to get pity about... that I am willing to talk about.... the following is prolly the most hurt full thing anyone has ever said to me...

"Markie, you know your not really part of this family don't you? You were adopted."

That was from my maternal grand mother.. I was 9.

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Odd thing is, I love her. She shaped much of who I am and my tastes. She bought me books and comics. One time she bought me a book called "A Tourists Guide to Transilvania." It was full of vivid description of the various evil and twisted creatures of the night that might just kill you in you visit. Each was accompanied by graphic animation of the beasts.. and the... people... parts... splaters... such good reading for a child. The comics were such titles as Weird Tales and House of Mystery... and Ghost Rider. So, it is to her that I send thanks for turning me so morbid.

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Odd thing is, I love her. She shaped much of who I am and my tastes. She bought me books and comics. One time she bought me a book called "A Tourists Guide to Transilvania." It was full of vivid description of the various evil and twisted creatures of the night that might just kill you in you visit. Each was accompanied by graphic animation of the beasts.. and the... people... parts... splaters... such good reading for a child. The comics were such titles as Weird Tales and House of Mystery... and Ghost Rider. So, it is to her that I send thanks for turning me so morbid.

That's awesome. It sounds like she tried to mess you up, but just deepened you and opened your eyes to cool and interesting things.

Now there's something to not pity party about

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I have a beautiful girlfriend who is completely asexual. She isnt interested in sex at all. At first I thought she was gay or maybe just not into me. But, no she doesnt like sex and Im a complete nympho who enjoys pleasing a woman in just about any way. I've spent a lot of money on sexy outfits, this and that, even a puppy, and still no sweet lovin.

God hates me

Fuck you God



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Okay, eternal, let me just say one thing.  People like dynomiiiite and Brenda are nice people, well-adjusted, with families of thier own and happieness that they have created for themselves.


yes yes. i want to point out that i am in no way bitter or did it fuck me up in any way at all. it was never really *obvious* growing up. we are 6 years apart so it was more like when i grew up i saw things where different for her than for me. and it was more annoying rather than harmful to me or my upbringing. i was always loved and shown i was loved. always.

i feel bad for even saying anything but reading eternal's post reminded me a bit how i felt around my late teen age years and a little on after that. but i love my family and they love me. i am lucky :grin and have no reason to complain about them. well... at least not about most of them :wink

my sister is awesome (some of you have met her) and my mom is pretty fly too. :cool

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I have a beautiful girlfriend who is completely asexual. She isnt interested in sex at all. At first I thought she was gay or maybe just not into me. But, no she doesnt like sex and Im a complete nympho who enjoys pleasing a woman in just about any way. I've spent a lot of money on sexy outfits, this and that, even a puppy, and still no sweet lovin.

God hates me

Fuck you God



Just curious... would you prefer what you have described, or someone ugly and horney?

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I enjoy intimacy. Im more attracted to a woman for her personality not looks. However, if she was fugly, I dont know. I hate to say this but I guess it depends on the person. I have dated some very beautiful women and it wasnt always the greatest thing. Our relationship seems to often more paternal.

I really love her though:)

Now if she would just get a little nasty every now and then!

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