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The Official DGN Pity Party Thread!!!


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"i lived with people who let the fruit flies win. it was the most disgusting thing i have ever seen. and i had to live there. i won't even get into the nasty stories about it. *shudders*"

Well Im not going down without a fight!

I will cover this place with plastic wrap, scrub every dish twice, and spray so much raid a new hole in the ozone will be named after ME!!!!


BTW, do you ever have those moments when you can actually FEEL your life becoming completely pathetic?

EDITED because I always forget that everyone types faster than me, and a half dozen messages went whizzing by while I was typing this. That, and that dancing banana I added was annoying the shit out of me.

Im so pissed off and I'm going to put the blame where it deserves, BrendaStarr.

Brenda, I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper.

I fart in your general direction.

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.

Ok, now I feel a little better.

Edited by the eternal
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My 2 year anniversary is coming up in a few weeks, the hubby, who I am seperated from, is still living with me.  It is going to be odd, because I think he wants to like DO SOMETHING on that day.  :blink


Tell him that you have a date with me. We made it weeks ago. You can't cancel on me now, that would just be rude.

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Does the house need cleaning??  That's SOMETHING he could do.


Hehe, YES!! :laughing

Tell him that you have a date with me. We made it weeks ago. You can't cancel on me now, that would just be rude.


I never break dates..it is rude! :tongue: :grin

You two are FABULOUS!! :kiss

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... i don't know whether to feel insulted or angry... or both!

i IMed a friend of mine, someone that i've known for about 4yrs. now, and she asked "who are you?" :blink my sn's been the same for the past 4yrs., i know she knows it, and she asks who i am?! WTF?!!??

just because she's got someone new in her life, and is now engaged to them (i had to find out by looking through her profile because she doesn't tell me) doesn't mean that she has to forget about the people who helped her through the hard times.

this is the same person that went out with my ex boyfriend right after we broke up!! ... even then, she didn't want me to know about it, but she still went ahead and did it anyway, and being the forgiving person that i am, i let it slide! what the hell is wrong with me?! i saw it then, i should know by now that she won't change. she's always caught up in whomever she's with.

:Poke grr... *sulks in the back corner, and starts to shread pictures*

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Eve maybe it was some one else on her computer under her name...........


that's what iw as thinking. that happened to me one time. i was talking to my friend and they were talking back but after awhile i realized it was not them after all. someone was using their computer and instead of telling me it was not her, they were just replying to everything i was saying. :blink kind of freaked me out a bit considering i could have said something that maybe i should not have.

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I have had a ridiculous headache ever since I woke up this aftern- er, morning. One of theose really bad ones that just curls up & takes residence in your skull. This puppy won't go away.

And I'm not going to be able to visit with a close personal friend for the next couple of weeks due to the Jewish New Year. Damned religious holidays.

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Ok I lost one freind because he is nuts......and anouther to drugs this week.

Anouther because he is nuts and on drugs......and yet anouther to drugs.

WTF is going on.

Why is everyone back on drugs or was I just so out of touch being mom at home for so long I didn't know it was still this popular?

I don't mind someone doing the occasional line but all the time or even often is too much for me.

I mean common your talking to an ex addict who slipped up this year and won't again.

It is not that hard.

Just say no, eh?

So I am very sad. I hate this I really do. Turning my back on people.

I feel I am in one way being weak because I cannot help as it brings me down. On the other hand I am being strong by letting them go.

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