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The Official DGN Pity Party Thread!!!


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Sorry to spoil your pity parties, but I thought I would alert you all to the fact that my life is going well.

...hmm, no wonder I have never been popular at parties

Get out of our party you Trolup!!!!

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( If you're wondering, I post whore to give people a breather to break up my never ending posts, sometimes)

I was just told today that I will always act like I think everything willl go my way,

and that everyone will accomodate my needs

and that I'll never get my act together ,

and that I'll never have a stable career,

and that I'll always live like I'm 13 and the world revolves around me

and that I'm one tick away from filing for disability

and that it's just luck that Im employed at all, let alone making a marginally decent income

and that I spend my time on the web because I cant face the real world like every other grown contributing member of society,

and that I will forever get myself into these patterns until the jobs dry up and I'm no better than your average low-life

and that the only difference between me and homeless people is that I ve been propped up by others,


that it will end soon


I will join the mindless denizens and live a truly worthless existence and be the complete disappointment my parents always wanted and expected of me (No, they really did)

=( =( :tear :tear :chug :chug :chug

Wait a sec. :confused :confused :confused I dont drink when Im unhappy

:cry:cryThats better.

Hey, good news. Im not horny any more


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( If you're wondering, I post whore to give people a breather to break up my never ending posts, sometimes)

I was just told today that I will always act like I think everything willl go my way,

and that everyone will accomodate my needs

and that I'll never get my act together ,

and that I'll never have a stable career,

and that I'll always live like I'm 13 and the world revolves around me

and that I'm one tick away from filing for disability

and that it's just luck that Im employed at all, let alone making a marginally decent income

and that I spend my time on the web because I cant face the real world like every other grown contributing member of society, 

and that I will forever get myself into these patterns until the jobs dry up and I'm no better than your average low-life

and that the only difference between me and homeless people is that I ve been propped up by others,


that it will end soon


I will join the mindless denizens and live a truly worthless existence and be the complete disappointment my parents always wanted and expected of me  (No, they really did)

=(  =(  :tear  :tear  :chug :chug  :chug 

Wait a sec.  :confused  :confused  :confused  I dont drink when Im unhappy

:cry  :cry  Thats better. 

Hey, good news.  Im not horny any more 



Wow, that is some beautiful belittling. Isn't it nice to know that there's someone out there that absolutley despises the very air you breathe?

I, too, have been told that I live as though the world revolves around me,

that I am extremely selfish

and cruel

and that I will just fuck everything in my path until I get old & ugly,

because that's the only way that I can get attention

and I will die alone & bitter.

Man, do I feel loved.

Par-Tay! :happydance:happydance:happydance

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Wow, that is some beautiful belittling.  Isn't it nice to know that there's someone out there that absolutley despises the very air you breathe?

I, too, have been told that I live as though the world revolves around me,

that I am extremely selfish

and cruel

and that I will just fuck everything in my path until I get old & ugly,

because that's the only way that I can get attention

and I will die alone & bitter.

Man, do I feel loved.

Par-Tay! :happydance  :happydance  :happydance

You are truly a kindred spirit


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"What is this.....????" --- in reference to our mocking hatred of the beloved Marblez

It's jealousy.

a feeling of jealous envy (especially of a rival)

zealous vigilance; "cherish their official political freedom with fierce jealousy"-Paul Blanshard


Jealousy is an emotion experienced by one who perceives that another person is giving something that s/he wants (typically attention, love, or affection) to a third party. For example, a child will likely become jealous when her parent gives sweets to a sibling but not to her. While the child's jealousy might be assuaged if she also received candy from the parent, such is typically not the case for a jealous lover, who wants the beloved to give some kinds of attention exclusively to him.


Jealousy is a fearful reaction of the selfhood; Blake rejected the "jealous God" of Exodus 20.


A boundary-setting custom developed for limiting sexual access to those relationships that a group defines as important. On an interpersonal level it is a felt threat from an outsider to an important relationship in which one is involved and produces feelings of anger and fear.


A state of fear, suspicion or envy over one's possessions.

Marblez rulez

that's all

Edited by the eternal
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Wow, that is some beautiful belittling.  Isn't it nice to know that there's someone out there that absolutley despises the very air you breathe?

I, too, have been told that I live as though the world revolves around me,

that I am extremely selfish

and cruel

and that I will just fuck everything in my path until I get old & ugly,

because that's the only way that I can get attention

and I will die alone & bitter.

Man, do I feel loved.

Par-Tay! :happydance  :happydance  :happydance


I've been told all that numerous times, with an added "your pussy will rot away/you will die from disease." Yep. Fuck me 'till my pussy rots. That's my new motto. Bitches.

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