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The Official DGN Pity Party Thread!!!


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I was in my martial arts class testing for my new belt, and I was doing board breaking....well they had the board holder set alittle to low...I asked them to raise it (in thier defense I said it quietly) and they didn't hear me....well I got mad and went for it anyways, and I am retarted. I smashed into the metal bar of the board holder with enough force to break about 5 boards.......I am now just getting full use of my foot again, the inside ankle is now black and blue......and I have nobody to blame but myself =(

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is it that when I finally fall for someone that...

a) is available

b) is an actual gentleman

c) shares many common interests with me

d) actually reads

e) is intelligent

f) worships the ground upon which I tread

...everyone else decides that they want me?

Ex #1 gets all psycho-obsessive, then apologetic (You had me long enough)

Ex #2 pops out of the woodwork after 3 monthes and decides to tell me that he loves me (You fucked up even when I gave you a second chance)

Ex #3 is upset because I did a complete 180-degree-turn in my feelings for him (Let's face reality, you & I could never be)

I really need to stop answering my phone, this is driving me insane.

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My cell phone is being stupid and giving me some kind of stupid error message when I'm trying to upload pictures from my computer to the phone -- so tomorrow I have to go visit Sprint to get it taken care of so I can be happy sporting Skyline pictures.

--Seriously not cool.

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