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I opened up my christmas stuff today, and the first box had my departed's stocking in it. I don't handle winter to well anyhow but this one is the hardest I've ever had to go through, it is my first christmas without him. I wish the guy I've been seeing hadn't broken up with me this week, I could use hugs right now.

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Me too! My man and I have a hard time finding couples......me, singles........

They find out we are goth witches and think we are going to cast a spell on them.

Honestly.....I JUST WANT TO FUCK YOUR BRAINS OUT!!!!!! Not suck your blood. Heh. Yet.

I said date ...not screw so keeping that in mind.....*sigh*

I get blown off all the time lately so who the hell cares.

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My nipples have been itching for several days now and it's driving me crazy. Actually, my whole chest itches but especially my nipples. I keep tweeking them at work to get the itching to stop. Stupid hair. I wish I had the money for laser hair removal surgery because shaving's a bitch.

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Keep in mind I am still pathtically happy ... but I had a horrid day ... so thought I'd post things here ...

1. Woke up this morning to my mother screaming at me to move my damn car. Interesting ... my car was in the driveway, where it belongs, but somehow she managed to run into the back of it ... again. No damage, besides the damage from the last time when she hit my car with my dad's brush guard on his truck, to my car but her entire front bumper needs to be replaced. I stole her van at lunch and took it in for an estimate. She wants me to pay ... long story short, I have full coverage on my car and she refused to pay my deductible last time she hit my car.

2. I had a meeting today that was boring as hell. I nearly fell asleep a few times ... and I was running it.

3. Every apartment place that called me back today has no 3 bedrooms open until AT LEAST March.

4. I had a meeting at my oldest daughter's school that just went HORRIBLY bad ... I should have kicked some ass and went to jail. It would have made it more worth it.

5. I neglected housework today because I was too busy -- Now I have no energy to clean.

... I know I'm forgetting something ...

But, despite all this ... I'm still pathtically happy. :happy:

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Truck was broken into outside CC on Saturday. Window is destroyed, dash ripped apart, stereo gone.

Our deductible is $550, so we aren't bothering to claim it, and now we have to pay for the repair ourselves.

That was a really nice stereo.

My goth CDR CD was in it.

Jon's glasses were destroyed 'cause they were on the seat the glass went all over, and the thief sat on them and destroyed them. We paid $172.00 yesterday to get a new pair.

Our Christmas money this year is now going to cover all this.

And I just now discovered that before they broke the glass, they tried to pry off the door handle, so there's damage there, too.

Fuck fuck fuck.


Something just like that happened to us last year. Not only did they break the lock, break the window, destroy the dash, and take the stereo, but they managed to completely fuck up our heating system. So, no heating system and a window out in january in alaska... totally lame!

I feel your pain. fucking jackasses.


On my own pitiful plate... I've had a flu for the past week which has caused me to suffer horrible cold-like symptoms, and to break out all along my spine, and to have really awful PAIN in my hips and lower back for some reason. I was lying in bed the other night, and I couldn turn over because of the pressure. I couldn't even push myself up on my feet and shoulders to turn.

It's getting better, but damn, I've never been this sick for as long as I can remember. Misery!

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The 27" tv we found in the trash a few weeks ago is showing signs of why it was thrown out in the first place. The picture has shifted down 2", and is sometimes worse.

We've been looking so hard for a TV that's bigger than 13". This was the first one that worked out of the half dozen or so we brought home and ended up having to throw right back onto the curb.

Sigh. I just want a freaking TV that works and is bigger than a watch.

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My mom fell out of bed at the nursing home and now they think she may have broken her leg. So another trip to the hospital for her. My boss played musical chairs with my schedule again so I have no idea what days I am supposed to actually work. I've upset 2 people from here not meaning to. So now I am gonna be cold and distant to avoid any future problems. My niece(the sister of the friend I am staying with) stole 2 of my lighters, a pack of cigars and a pack of cigs. yet she denies it even tho they were found in her room, well 2 smoked cigars were, 3 still missing. I was on the verge of suicide when I moved in with my friend and his family. She lifted me up and gave me a reason to stay around. My niece is more dear to me than life itself, she filled a big hole in my heart. Now she rips it out. Starting to think I should fill the hole with a piece of lead. Now I don't even want to deal with Xmas. I'm not sure I even want to be around for Xmas or any more holidays in general. Life sucks and then it dumps on you even more. Seems that no matter what I do, one way or another either I hurt someone or I end up hurting. Anymore, when I go to bed, I pray that I don't wake up. The urge to become a recluse is building again. Damn I hate depression.

Edited by Draco1958
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Why did you end it?

Lots to like but I was getting some bad vibes about where she was at mentally. Very little I could cite specifically.. I tend to trust my intuition. Maybe that's not entirely fair... I don't know.

I'm still thinking about her... still kinda sad that I ended it. =(

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