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The Official DGN Pity Party Thread!!!


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I am overdrawn for the dumbest reason ever. I worked it out so I had $3 worth of padding in my checking account until payday...but I had overdue fees from Talking Book World (yeah, I'm a dork, I listen to audio books in the car) and they charged me automatically for them...I thought they just kept your info in case you didn't return something...not for late fees. Boooooo *pouts*

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I thought that I made my car payments because I'm current on my payment coupons. Wayne went to the credit union, only to find that that branch closed down, and we're going to have to find out if there are any other branches. His piece-of-shit boss has to write everyone checks, which he had better do by Friday, because Wayne has to fly to Dallas on Saturday for a week.

Now, my car is in hiding until next week, and I'm going to be very lonely. :fear

Anyone want to spend a week at my apartment in fabulous Baltimore?

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I LOVE TALKING BOOK WORLD so much I applied to work there 3 times.

I am overdrawn for the dumbest reason ever.  I worked it out so I had $3 worth of padding in my checking account until payday...but I had overdue fees from Talking Book World (yeah, I'm a dork, I listen to audio books in the car) and they charged me automatically for them...I thought they just kept your info in case you didn't return something...not for late fees.  Boooooo *pouts*

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I have $11 to last me until pay day tomorrow, my car is on empty, and even after payday tomorrow I have no liquid cash flow. Going to have to go on tight budget lock down mode, which means no frivolous things for me (including cable & internet).. well, cable has to wait until after this Sunday. Hopefully my money tree will blossom and I won't have to disconnect.

Stupid evil money. There's more, but bleh.

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