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Being carful at work


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:devil We are Having a serious problem at work lately, Everyone is getting stung I hav'nt yet, thank goth because I am Allergic to bee's! I just dicovered another underground Yellowjacket nest behind the house where I park the work van.

Time to break out the DDT and conduct warfare!!!!!

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  • 3 months later...

Not fun dude -- I got stung by swarms of these motherfuckers when I was cutting the lawn when living in Glendale Heights. They took residence in a bird house, they got pissed off and literary chased me into the house. I got stung by five of them at one time. I went after the nest with a sledge hammer after that, about a few weeks later.

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There was this time I had gone over to my Mom's and they had this truck that was sitting in their driveway for like 2-3 years. The day I came over they happened to have moved it. I parked where it was parked. I went in. Came out about 20 minutes later and My truck was SWARMING with Bee's /YellowJackets. There had to be over a million bees. THEY WERE CRAWLING AROUND IN CLUMPS....like so many they were crawling all over eachother. Not to mentioned I had left my window open. It was the most horrifying thing I have ever seen.....it was like out of a horror movie or something. Lucky for me my step dad had an outdoor bug fogger and was able to get them to go away. Turns out the truck that was parked had had a bee's nest in it and they were just coming back for it when I parked there.

After I left, I was driving on the freeway and there was still a bee flying around in my truck and I had to pull over because I would have swerved off the road I was so terrified.

This is my bee story. :confused

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Yes, wait until it freezes. Then put a garbage bag over it. You should then be able to detatch it and take it away without harm (as they as pretty sluggish, as Ginevra mentioned). Put a bunch of nail polish remover in the bag and close it up tight (it has the same active ingredient that most amateur entomologists use). That should humanely kill them for you.

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Bleh, my bad. I didn't think about the date because I just found a yellowjacket in my house during those couple of unseasonable warm days we had. Thanks for pointing that out, Paradox.

But I think the information would still be valid, though, for nest removal.

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