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My issues..... the short version..... I grew up in a state of abuse and neglect and thusly have never felt loved and continue to never feel loved, Perhaps it will never occur.... I have a severe lack of direction in life, no idea what I want to be and (gasp) I am growing up.... I feel like I'm 40 (i'm actually 22) because I rarely get out and when I do the next morning is hell, because I never get to sleep in and I am ever constantly taking care of my grandma ( the alzheimers alone wouldn't be so bad without the dimentia/schizophrenia that has developed so horridly)..... I feel like I'm trapped and I may never get out.. my family treats me like a 5 year old and they always want to know where I go and when I'll be back and every fucking thing I dont really want to talk about.... My mother is the master of guilt trips... my aunt has mastered passive agressive guilt trips.... basically the apocolypse must be coming cause chaos is in my midst.

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Here's a problem for ya:

My ex-husband, who knows fucking NOTHING of my life now, told my kids last night that I'm a lazy-assed bitch who doesn't do ANYTHING for them and that they would starve if it weren't for him.

SO, I decided to give his girlfriend a call to ask her if she would PLEASE ask him to not say nasty shit about me or my husband to the kids. She said that she has. she aslo told him that he's being ridiculous and should do something bright, like GET SOME FUCKING SLEEP, since he's been working his FT job, rmodeling a house, and trying to move into his new place. Nice run-on sentence there, eh?

When he doesn't get enough sleep, he's a real peice of shit, er, work. If he doesn't quit being a prick, she's dumping his ass. :devil:

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Oh yeah....

And if they'd starve if it weren't for him, that would mean that neither Wayne or I was working and the fucking motherfucking waste of skin would actually be PAYING his fucking child support!?! I realize he's buying shit for his new fucking house and all that, but Jesus Tapdancing Christ!! He doesn't get to stop paying child support until he takes custody of Ian. Therefore, motherfucker, you still owe OUR KIDS $450.00. He didn't even have the balls to say this shit to my face. Even his girlfriend sticks up for me, and she DOESN'T EVEN KNOW ME. I HAVE 2 WORDS FOR YOU, Mr. DeAngelis:

Screw You

Thanks for letting me rant. I hope I didn't burn your retinas.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My son had a really bad day at school. Disrespecting everyone, especially his teacher. He gets dropped off here, and his dad picks him up. Well, I asked him about the note his teacher sent home. He went OFF. "That stupid Lady!!!" (Yeah, buddy. That's why she has a college degree and you're in the 6th grade) I then proceeded to talk to him about it. Then he said "I'm not in residence here anymore, Brenda ." He freakin' called me by my first name! He wasn't very happy when I sent his skinny white ass to his room.

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She cheated on you, but you have to ask yourself a lot of questions:

1. Could she do it again?

2. How do I really feel about her?

3. Do I want to live with the possibility that it could happen all over again?

Trust me on this. I went through it, but the "mistress" was crack cocaine. I went back for a second try, but the "mistress" wouldn't leave. When I left for the second and final time, I didn't look back. I realize that she and "the mistress" are two different things, but I think you get what I'm saying. I'd rather be alone than live with that kind of stress.

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Brenda as part of punishment when you send the kids to their rooms for arguments (be it with the teacher or each other) you should get them to write a paragraph from the other person's perspective. It's good practice for later in life.

St Masey- If you're a Scorpio, whatever you do don't date a Gemini she'd drive you nuts. But, you will eventually find a good chick who will treat you right- don't settle. Hmmm.... wonder what your decendant is?

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