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What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten..

Brenda Starrr

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cow brains ground up with their heart, intestine, tongue, and nose. It was spiced with cyan, but either way, I wanted to vomit right after that... My Sgt at the time thought it was the greatest snack ever... His mom sent it to him.. i did it on a dare for 10 bucks...

but still... the taste was awful... how the hell did he like that?!?!

stupid freakin hill billies...

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<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>BS - you need the recipe for Dill Pickle soup I make. Not my recipe (though I make alterations) but if you drink the juice straight, this soup is right up your alley. It's more subtle than you might think, but damned tasty.</span>

I LOVE dill pickle soup! I don't think it's that 'weird' per se, it's just one of those things only people who REALLY like pickles can eat. I go to Hamtramck every now and again to get some. Yummy!

I don't eat anything strange. My husband however...too many to mention, though the live moth sticks out in my mind.

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I dont know how strange this is but....

with sushi: salmon roe (eggs) wrapped in seaweed and topped with a raw quail egg

Mexican Food: (and I avoid the TRULY gross stuff) Menudo with Pata - which is basically a red tripe soup with a pig foot in it.

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I drank girl piss b4.

Oh god you did not. (I hope)

Um ok. This is gross. I am kinda a hick.....and lived next to hicks as a kid. Well my hick family was BETTER than Dee's (my best bud) hick family cause we are from NC and not Missouri. Yah. Ok.

Anywho I had eaten craw dads and coon and squirrel and jack/or cotton tail rabbit......lets see....NOT oppossum although my mom has a recipe.......lol.........moose......deer.........bear.......

So I thought I had the stomach of a 3rd world survivor.

Anyway my friend invites me over for dinner. There are these squishy triangle things on a plate on the table. Everyone is laughing and egging me on to eat one. So I do.

Then they tell me it is BOILED pig ears.

I don't know why but the thought of it grossed me out so much I ran to the woods and almost hurled.

Just, the sight of those little triangles.......I am still traumatized. You wouldn't think it considering how my dad prided himself on making me tough enough to eat all that other strange crap.

That was the worst.......no I take it back. Once I had these lazy roomates who never cleaned out the cabinets or fridge......left everything for me to do......and we were really poor. Well I go get a pack of crackers and am sitting there eating them when I notice BUGS crawling around in the bag. Little grey bugs. Again, I almost puke. I don't know If I ingested any but god was that gross.

They probably at least deficated on the crackers. So, bug poop and maybe a bug or two?

Oh and once on the back of a Harley I had my mouth open and swallowed a huge beatle that struck the back of my throat at like 60mph. I almost choked. I had no choice but to swallow the damn thing. I think I still feel it wiggling from time to time.

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i went camping out in irish hills and this kid was setting turtle traps well needless to say he caught one i asked him what he was gonna do with it and he told me he was gonna make food... well i guess this kid busted open the shell and fillet'd it and i remember him putting a ton of mrs dash on it ...

and i tried it and i must say

it was rather tastey

and im not a big carnivore...

unless it comes to you know.. pepperoni!

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  • 2 weeks later...

cheese with mustard on it for a snack.

ummm wierd stuff..

I make a super greek salad (green leaf lettuce, cucumber, feta cheese, ton of garlic, lemon juice, and extra virgin olive oil) after I'm done eating the salad (which is sort of an acquired taste as it's so strong tasting mostly because of garlic) I drink the remaining juice.

it makes my mouth water just thinking about that.

I'm also a dill pickle juice drinker as well.

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Yuk. I have been prescribed That crap (LOL!!!) metamucil for life......I NEVER TAKE IT!!!!!! That shit makes you even sicker I swear.

Corn, the other white fiber lol

Ever do the science experiment with it where you heat it up in the micro? NOT A FOOD SORCE LOL

People say its weird that I LOVE anchovies.

..and jalepinos.. (damn the spelling of that pepper. Dammit.)

..and wheatgrass shots.

..and Metamucil.



Love all that stuff.

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People say its weird that I LOVE anchovies.

..and jalepinos.. (damn the spelling of that pepper. Dammit.)

..and wheatgrass shots.

..and Metamucil.



Love all that stuff.

God you know how much I love anchovies! Hehe. Sybil was kind enough to bring me a HUGE can of them once. Yay! On another note, animals are cute, but they're also good food and I don't really see anything weird about eating any of them. If the Catholic Church is right, I've also been subjected to cannibalism during eucharist....... Somehow I just don't think humans taste like unleavened bread though.... Anyone wanna play victim and satisfy my curiosity?

For the record dolphin safe tuna kinda pisses me off. Dolphins probably taste way better than tuna any day of the year!

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Well since I used to live in Japan & Guam, I've had my fair share of 'weird' foods. Although I don't remember the names of the strange foods that I had when I lived in Japan, I will say that they did taste pretty good. As for Guam, the strangest food I had when I lived there was octopus.

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I've eaten cow tongue, cow kidneys, czarnina (the Duck's blood soup that FC mentioned), menudo and flaczki (which are the mexican and polish version of Tripe stew), head cheese, beet soup (which is GREAT with mashed potatoes), alligator tail... and some other things I'm not remembering right now.

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