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Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease


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I found out along with my sibilings what our mother is sick with.

Creuzfeldt Jakob Disease, The human equivalent to Mad cow Disease.

The normal death rate is 6 months - 2 years to live.

She is going on to 3 years.

There are only 107 cases known world wide.

And my mom is one of them.

I will never eat a single peice of red meat. chicken too. not unless its kosher and i know for DAMN sure that it's all red meat free, because they feed chicken's DRY COW BLOOD.


My mother is an ox. I am surprised I wasn't born with a set of horns. I mean I got the big pretty blue eyes like her.

I just can't believe out of all the people in the world, my mom has this disease.

I never knew how much our fucking nation has buried their heads in the fucking sand and don't know jack squat about this disease.

I am so scared, So devastated, so loss for words.

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I lost my mom when i was 25, she had a cancer of some sort for at elast 10 years, it was extreamly hard and still remains to be hard today. Talking and crying every once in a while makes me feel better or at least eases the pian a bit when i need her. I know your mom is still with you so eat every moment you can, ask her eveything and anything and just talk for hours, that is my biggest regret, there are so many thing i would love to talk to my my mom about now and i cant. Just dont waste what ever time is still left.

May i ask how she contracted this dieses?

If you need to talk please dont hesitate to message me. I mean that too.


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I found out along with my sibilings what our mother is sick with.

Creuzfeldt Jakob Disease, The human equivalent to Mad cow Disease.

The normal death rate is 6 months - 2 years to live.

She is going on to 3 years.

There are only 107 cases known world wide.

And my mom is one of them.



I am sorry for your pain :(

I had no idea there were any cases of this disease outside Europe.

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I'm very sorry to hear about your Mom's illness...for you and your whole family. My mom died of Lou Gehrig's disease 5 years ago which has very similar symptoms to CJD.

If you can or you all feel up for it make some digital recordings or perhaps work on a book with your Mom. Spend some time with her doing normal fun things - I am glad I did some of these things with my Mom.

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Wow, hon. I wish I knew what to say. Can you tell us what the symptoms are? Just so that everyone knows more?


Personality changes


Muscle twitching

Muscle stiffness

Nervous, jumpy feelings

Changes in gait (walking, locomotion)

Lack of coordination -- stumbling, falls

Speech impairment

Poor enunciation (hard-to-understand speech or mumbling)


Delirium or dementia develops rapidly

Deterioration in all aspects of brain function

Profound confusion, disorientation

Memory loss

Anxiety, stress, and tension

That's most of them.

And thank you all sooo much, I have to talk about it and get it out there, or else I will live in turmoil and drag my self in it.

I have to make people aware.

And the way she got it is EATING meat.

And we don't know if it was bad chicken meat or cow.

We now are a vegetarian family.

Thank you for the support.

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I am so sorry to hear this... I'll say a few prayers...

I do have a couple questions... have they done a brain biopsy on her yet? Thats the only way to know for sure that it's CJD. Also, How do you know it was from eating meat? There are three types of CDJ. Speradic (noone knows the cause), Hereditary and Acquired (which you can get from eating meat or contacting infected bodily fluids).

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I am so sorry to hear this... I'll say a few prayers...

I do have a couple questions... have they done a brain biopsy on her yet? Thats the only way to know for sure that it's CJD. Also, How do you know it was from eating meat? There are three types of CDJ. Speradic (noone knows the cause), Hereditary and Acquired (which you can get from eating meat or contacting infected bodily fluids).


We did have a brain Biopsy done on her.

And it took 3 weeks to get it back because they sent her sample of brain tissue to Chicago for other doctors to look at and make an approval.

She got it from eating meat.

That's what the doctors said.

And it was called Aquired.

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We did have a brain Biopsy done on her.

And it took 3 weeks to get it back because they sent her sample of brain tissue to Chicago for other doctors to look at and make an approval.

She got it from eating meat.

That's what the doctors said.

And it was called Aquired.


Correction- It's called- Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)

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As usual it takes me awhile to respond to a heart-rending thread. Its not because i dont care, its just that i end up sounding like a complete rambling freak if im not careful.

Im at a loss really. I've dealt with lots of personal tragedy and i can relate, but nothing really can prepare you fully for this stuff.

Its just so... agonizing.

Keep us updated if it will help you at all. Just try to be smart and try to do what's best. I've been known to make bad decisions when overly emotional.

Im not sure if we are on a over-the-net hugging basis but you get one anyhow.


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Have you contacted a local newspaper? I mean... It would only be the second case of a human with BSE in recorded history. That has to be news worthy. I could see them not doing a story on Creutzfeldt-Jakob... people have been getting that a long time, but BSE in a human? Thats down right scary.

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I do hope some good comes from this and that you get some need public awareness message out there. I had never even heard of this and I read allot.

I just got ahold of the Oprah show.

Lets all cross our fingers to get my ass on there.

So I can let the world know.

I am going to work on the whole newspaper thing too.

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