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laser eye surgery


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I posted about this a month or so ago. Windsor lazer eye institute...guy is very good.

My man was near sighted...it's like a miracle. Aside from my excellent far sightedness...(no one can see what I can far away) he can see better than me now. For reading and such things.

He wakes up and reaches for his glasses and laughes at himself.

It was one of the best things we have ever spent $$ on.

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I had Lasik done 5 years ago at the Kellog Eye Center affiliated with the University of Michigan Hospital.

It is one of the best decisions I have ever made - I have 20-15 vision now, after astigmatism and near-sighted vision correction.

There are a series of 2-5 appointments to gage candidacy for the proceedure. After which the surgery is scheduled.

The whole process takes about 30 minutes start to end. Youa re given Vallium or some other sedative and then lie on the table under the lasik machine. SOme numbing drops are put into the eye and the eye not being worked on is covered with a cloth. The other eye is steadied with a ring and the pressure is lowered to preclude fashioning the corneal flap.

The proceedure I had used a microkeratome: an extremely thin blade to cut the corneal flap. Some centers use a laser to cut the corneal flap. This is what bothers some people the most: the top of the flap is lifted off the eye and you can see it peel away like a film of blurry plastic. It wasn't bad for me, just kind of weird.

Then you look into the machine and focus on flashes of light. There is sometimes the smell of burning hair as the laser resurfaces the eye. This takes 5 minutes or so. Then, the eye is covered and the proceedure is repeated on the other eye.

Afterwards, you have these silly eye-shield things taped on and you have a friend drive you home to sleep it off. I could see 20-20 the day after surgery. I returned to work 4 days after surgery. My eyes were sore and itchy for about a week afterwards. I had some blurry night-vision and sensitivity to bright-light or very dry air for about 6 months. I have no problems now. The cost of the surgery with my UofM discount was $1500 per eye. I think it is less now. =)

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I'm going with laser as opposed to a blade.....I don't know something about having a scalpel near my eye scares the hell out of me.

I have this intense phobia about anything being near my eyes....which is why contacts never worked out for me......its completely automatic too.

some links:

Windsor eye center

Yaldo eye center

Kellog eye center

thanks for the info hollywood, the kellog center is definitely the most convienent for me =) its right down the street from pfizer...thats great!

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I had traditional Lasik 2 years ago. It's been an extremely positive experience, and besides slightly needing reading glasses, I have perfect vision. I say go for it! The procedure and first couple days are alittle uncomfortable, but there is no actual pain.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Apparently I'm a candidate for it so I have my surgery date oct 3. The good news is that no blades will be going anywhere near my eye, I think, because they use a laser to cut the flap on the cornea now. I hope all goes well and they don't accidently fry my eyeballs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Daevion sweetie...I'm so happy for you! :grin

Please keep me posted on your experience as tight as you can. I know my migraines could lessen if I had lasik done. I can't do contacts either they just feel awful =(

I'm getting 2 other surgeries so I may has well go for one I WANT ya know !

You coming out this weekend to play? :tongue:

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Daevion sweetie...I'm so happy for you!  :grin

Please keep me posted on your experience as tight as you can. I know my migraines could lessen if I had lasik done. I can't do contacts either they just feel awful =(

I'm getting 2 other surgeries so I may has well go for one I WANT ya know !

You coming out this weekend to play? :tongue:


I'll post something about it next week a day or so after surgery...and

I'm probably coming out to CC on saturday

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Everything went awesome with the lasik, and now I can see without glasses!! The worst part was getting thru the burning and itchiness that occured once the local anasthetic wore off. Dr. Soong at the Kellog eye center in ann arbor is an excellent surgeon so if you have the cash I highly recomend getting it done.

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Dr. Soong assisted with my surgery and is now the head surgeon I think (as the doc who did mine has retired.)

Glad it went well!

one question: Did they give you a stuffed critter while they did the surgery? I didn't think I'd need it, but during the proceedure I was squeezing it like crazy! =)

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I'm glad it went well!  I really want to get it done, since I can't wear contacts, and I'm sick of glasses.  I am poor though but maybe my insurance would help me out.  We shall see.


Same damn boat here Saechalyn. Broke as all hell!

Doubt welfare would buy into it eh? :laughing

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