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I need a new band name! Help me!


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alright.. I think i need a new band name.. my current name is Agents of Khaos (AOK)... i came up with it in high school while reading a forum on chaos and it's thoeries and how it effects our world.... and i came across that anyone who follows chaos is called an angent... thus.. AOK , i feel this may be a bit lame and is in need of work.... so here are some things about AOK to keep in mind to help inspire you to come up with some suggestions.... although that my avatar graphic is also from my band it's pretty much useless since it looks like something i may have stolen from disturbed, which is not true, i was sketching a smiley face that looked evil and thats how it came out, just thought it looked cool.. anyways...

1) We're vampires (of course)... complete with red contacts, fangs (sometimes chrome painted), and face paint (check my picture album for what this looks like.. look for the one with the most facepaint on).. not all members look like this, just myself

2) Our music consist of rap beats with rock/heavy/grunge/industrial and laced with techno (it's like ICP/Twiztid meets Linkin Park meets Marilyn Manson)

3) The band consists of three major members who do the vocals - myself (VyRiZ), a female, and another male (perferably african-american) - back up singers and members who play instruments are not of importance right now

4) the role of my vocals are rap and singing styles like linkin park, seether and evanescence, and sometimes mixed with david bowie or marilyn manson type singing... it varies because of my flexible voice

5) The base of our band is based on the theory of chaos.. im a huge believer in the theory of chaos.. everything evolves around chaos... i.e. the big bang theory.. that is chaos, chaose is everywhere, it can be both cruel and beautiful at the same time, chaos may even have patterns, but the patterns can be broken

6) I love to play with fire (see pic below)

7) we're underground... fuck the mainstream

All suggestions are accepted, even if you think it may be stupid post it anyways... anything is greatly appreciated.. and thank you... :fear


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  • 2 weeks later...


- cause you know... you got alot of them there gimmicks going for you Johnny.....

I aint a hater. I just miss the days when people could actually play, sing, write, and just got up there in jeans and a t shirt and kicked your ass.


1: Rythim Guitar - does it groove? Will the Betties dance to it?

2: A Singer who sings IN KEY. Stop screaming you idiot.

3: Lead Guitar who does not wank off - (enough said there)

4: A drummer who hits HARD but gives more cow-bell (i got a fever....)

5: Bass that does not sound like Mud - and knows how to lead.

6: SONGS - actual songs, about things beyond titties and beer, but please do not bore me with 666 super satan shit because we all know you live in your mom's basement you evil mousketeer.

you do all this, bake it at 350 degrees for 45 minutes, and you'll have yourself a nifty little band.

Leave all the other stuff to ALice Cooper - he's the only one who really knows how to make it work...


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