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i dont hate vegans, but i do hate the proselytizing attitude they seem to have vs anyone who wont agree that their way of eating is superior.

humans were made to eat meat. period. avoiding any meat and any animal by-products (veganism) is just plain unhealthy and will lead to long-term health problems. at the very least, should one choose to pursue such a lifestyle, they should have a good regimen of vitimen suppliments to replace what they are not getting by avoiding meat and dairy etc.

simply put, most vegans are vegans because they cant stand the thought of eating/killing animals. it has nothing to do with health benefits (there really arent any) or enviroment/animal protection (they should stop driving cars and using computers and paraticipating in western civilization all together if they want to do that), though they would like to convince you otherwise. and heaven forbid you say you like meat around them.

most of the vegans ive ever met were pompous asses who liked to pretend they rode around on a high horse cause they werent meat-eating savages like the rest of us rabble.

following veganism to its ultimate logocal end (saving the animals, not killing anything or "harming" the environment etc) means you should commit suicide so you wont contribute to the environmental abuses perpetuated by your society and your corpse can feed the things other animals eat, thus improving their lot. because by merely existing in Western society, you contribute to all these things you supposedly hate.

so no, i dont hate them, i just think their silly to believe as they do and i dont appreciate the guff they tend to give, especially cause they are mainly full of shit (but not animal by-products :wink )

make sense?

Edited by paradox
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