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I know something about the history of absinthe.

The primary fact being that absinthe was banned in the U.S. because of a high death toll brought on by its consumption, but a study into the descriptions of these supposed absinthe deaths suggest that the poor people were victims of copper oxide poisoning.

Now before you opponents say any thing like "Well the bodies can't be autopsied to prove it" let me just say you don't need to do so in light of such info when you yourself have worked with copper oxide for bacteriological sterilization fish.

Copper oxide turns the water green, the more you add the darker it becomes and you can even achieve the emerald green color that absinthe is so famous for.

Now to get away from circumstantial evidence there have been bottles from the time period that have been tested and found to contain lethal dosages.

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I know something about the history of absinthe.

The primary fact being that absinthe was banned in the U.S. because of a high death toll brought on by its consumption, but a study into the descriptions of these supposed absinthe deaths suggest that the poor people were victims of copper oxide poisoning.

Now before you opponents say any thing like "Well the bodies can't be autopsied to prove it" let me just say you don't need to do so in light of such info when you yourself have worked with copper oxide for bacteriological sterilization fish.

Copper oxide turns the water green, the more you add the darker it becomes and you can even achieve the emerald green color that absinthe is so famous for.

Now to get away from circumstantial evidence there have been bottles from the time period that have been tested and found to contain lethal dosages.


:grin Thanks for that info doll. Chloriphyl is what makes the green color in our brand. The reason persons DID overdose on drinking any booze are obvious. They drank too much. It was banned in fact, because the wine and beer industry was DYING due to the trend of buying absinthe instead due to it's cheap cost and lengthly 1 to 1 with water and some sugar, strethes out the quantity to practically double what the consumer bought so cheaply in the first place.

Absinthe America has done tons of research on this and the 'alchemist' has a degree in physics so he's a born perfection freak about it. :tongue:

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hi  Saephyr,

in the discussion about absinthe, i just wanted to make sure that you werent mad at me or anything.  i know you did reply to things cheeze it said, not to things i said, so maybe im just paranoid... but i know from experience that people quite  often  misinterpret my tone of voice and "motives"  when i speak on the interenet.... so i want to explain myself just in case.

i dont know cheeze its, and i dont know if he meant anything "negative" against you,  i didnt think he did.  but like i said i dont know him, so i suppose anything is possible.  i didnt read it that way though, for whatever its worth...

all i know is, * I* meant nothing negative against you.  i dont know you, i have nothing against you,  all i was doing was stating neutral comments about what i knew and what i would be concerned about if i was a club owner.   

nobody has to listen to me, i am just one random human.  and i am definitely *not* a respected person of any sort.   

I probably shouldnt have spoken, since i know nobody ever understands anything i say,  and everyone on the internet and at clubs  usually gets mad at me since they never understand me......  sorry for causing problems.  i will erase any comments i made , and  stop intruding on other peoples conversations.

i swear i didnt mean any harm.  best of luck



:cat: You're opinion is noted and respected deary. I just don't want to be giving a false impression on my product and scaring the shit out of people who haven't tried it. My GAWD my boyfriend drinks it quite a lot ...why would I endanger the man I love? And all the friends and clients I have ...I'm a Witch and I love people

Just wanna be the party savvy faerie :erm

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Devil's Advocate:

How does a degree in physics help you with chemistry?


WELL he's got the I.Q. of a genius...he's a perfection freak...he reads about everything before doing it and does comparison testing...we're both nerds. Nerds make terrific scientists and LOVERS since they do things until they get the best results :tongue:

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I was merely bringing up some legitimate questions and concerns.  It would be illegal if anyone planned on selling absinthe with wormwood at the Lab.  I didn't know if the gentleman who suggested having the party at the Lab knew about any risks he might be taking.  I knew someone who got inot trouble for selling real absinthe "under the counter" at a bar in New Orleans.  Many people who have never tried absinthe might not know about its history or its very intoxcating effects.


:cool AND I can respect that CheezIts.

However...frightening my pals away with information that isn't exactly fact. More like fiction/legend/spook stories ya know. This is the only business we own and know very well and we'd just a fair chance at making it is all. What better way than with friends and family? I'm sure you can understand where I'm coming from right?

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:cat: You're opinion is noted and respected deary. I just don't want to be giving a false impression on my product and scaring the shit out of people who haven't tried it. My GAWD my boyfriend drinks it quite a lot ...why would I endanger the man I love? And all the friends and clients I have ...I'm a Witch and I love people

  Just wanna be the party savvy faerie :erm


Hi Saephyr ,

I wasnt talking about your brand of absinth in particular. I was just making neutral comments about the old *wormwood* absinth. I wasn't making comments about you or your business. Like I said, I have no idea who you are and have never heard of your brand. When someone finally mentioned Absinthe America, I didn't even know that was related to you in any way.

Anyway, I think Cheez Its and I didn't know that your absinth used clorophyl instead of wormwood.

Speaking only for myself, I had never heard of any kind other than the old wormwood type that got banned. The only kind I am familiar with is the illegal kind. That is the kind I was talking about. I dont even care what the thinking behind the old wormwood absinth getting banned was, the fact remains that *wormwood* absinth isnt allowed in this country. But your version is made with different chemicals apparently, so it's all cool.

If I had known your brand was made of something else, I never would have said anything. Honestly, we didnt know what the recipe for your brand was, since you didnt bring up the subject until late in the thread. Its an honest mistake. We weren't trying to scare anyone about anything. We were being neutral.

And honestly, if I had known that people would take my neutral comments on the old *wormwood* absinth to be attacks on you, I also wouldn't have said anything. I wasn't talking about you at all.

But I'm sure that your freinds are smart people, and they could read that my and Cheez Its comments specifically talked about wormwood. Which your brand doesnt contain. And Im sure your freinds know you would never want to hurt them. I never thought you were out to hurt anyone, and I don't even know you. People I care about drink the shady kind [not your brand], so obviously Im not out to "bust" anyone either. I dont want anyone getting in trouble or hurt.

Since the stuff you make is completely legal, then obviously you have nothing to worry about. It sounds like you are a competant businessperson, and have the credentials and knowledge to anwser any questions that people may have about your product. Im sure you will do well.

And yes, I agree people can get sick on any substance if they overdo it. Unfortunately, the people I know who have messed with absinth partook of the more toxic illegal kind. Who knows what was in the stuff they drank.

Best of luck with your business.

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Hi Saephyr ,

I wasnt talking about your brand of absinth in particular. I was just making neutral comments about the old *wormwood* absinth.  I wasn't making comments about you or your business.  Like I said, I have no idea who you are and have never heard of your brand. When someone finally mentioned Absinthe America, I didn't even know that was related to you in any way.

Anyway, I think Cheez Its and I didn't know that your absinth used clorophyl instead of wormwood. 

Speaking only for myself, I had never heard of any kind other than the old wormwood type that got banned.  The only kind I am familiar with is the illegal kind.  That is the kind I was talking about.  I dont even care what the thinking behind the old wormwood absinth getting banned was, the fact remains that *wormwood* absinth isnt allowed in this country.    But your version is made with different chemicals apparently, so it's all cool. 

If I had known your brand was made of something else, I never would have said anything.  Honestly, we didnt know what the recipe for your brand was, since you didnt bring up the subject  until late in the thread.    Its an honest mistake.    We weren't trying to scare anyone about anything.  We were being neutral. 

And honestly, if I had known that people would take my  neutral comments on the old *wormwood* absinth to be attacks on you, I also wouldn't have said anything.  I wasn't talking about you at all.

But I'm sure that your freinds are smart people, and they could read that my and Cheez Its comments specifically talked about wormwood. Which your brand doesnt contain.  And Im sure your freinds know you would never want to hurt them.  I never thought you were out to hurt anyone, and I don't even know you.    People I care about drink the shady kind [not your brand], so obviously Im not out to "bust" anyone either.  I dont want anyone getting in trouble or hurt.

Since the stuff you make is completely legal, then obviously you have nothing to worry about. It sounds like you are a competant businessperson,  and have the credentials and knowledge to anwser any questions that people may have about your product.  Im sure you will do well.

And yes, I agree people can get sick on any substance if they overdo it.  Unfortunately, the people I know who have messed with absinth partook of the more toxic illegal kind.  Who knows what was in the stuff they drank. 

Best of luck with your business.


Let me elaborate...I DO use wormwood/thujon in mine. We don't use copper and toxins LIKE copper to give it it's beautiful green color is all.

Absinthe w/o wormwood is Absente which is awful tasting and nothing at all like the real deal :doh

You just have to drink in moderation like you would the first time you try anything new and potentially could knock you on your ass right? no 'I'm sorry' is necessary. If you don't come to the event I understand that as well. :cool

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:woot: Ok my loves and others...I'm thinking I ned your opinion on whether this gig should be pre or post Halloween. If it's Pre...I hae 1 date available which would be the 22nd of October in the dinner hours at the airport Doubletree Hotel.

If Post Samhain...then sometime way before the holiday of massacred turkeys to cut the tension :confused

ANY and all suggestions will be noted.

The Doubletree Hotel is awesome and my former employer in which I can get a reasonable rate on a suite and some tables to accomidate about 30 persons for a tiny fee for cover depending on how many RSVP

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I know and adore that entire soundtrack. :swoon David Bowie was so unbelievably HOT in that flick I cried..I was drunk though.

I still play my cassette tape!

Everyone bring some kind of music...long as your name is on it I think it would be o.k. Need to get a jambox as well...


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:grin Thanks for that info doll. Chloriphyl is what makes the green color in our brand. The reason persons DID overdose on drinking any booze are obvious. They drank too much. It was banned in fact, because the wine and beer industry was DYING due to the trend of buying absinthe instead due to it's cheap cost and lengthly 1 to 1 with water and some sugar, strethes out the quantity to practically double what the consumer bought so cheaply in the first place.

  Absinthe America has done tons of research on this and the 'alchemist' has a degree in physics so he's a born perfection freak about it. :tongue:



[walks away muttering]

micro brewery... can't afford the license... brew master...

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If we do follow through with it ( i was hoping if i could make it more then just a party it would have a better chance of happening) I was looking atOct Fri 21 or sat oct 22. I thought that would be close enough to hallowen and avoid all the city club halloween stuff too.  I should let you know I am located in Roseville that might effect your plans or thought  too. IF we can work something out for the week end i mentioned that would be great, if not no biggie, just though if we combined the two event we might both have a better chance of having a success. 

Let me know if you think this might work for you.



Hey Lilth I'm right next to you in Clinton Twp. I also happen to have an 18 year old sister that babysits. She works with autistic and diabled kids, and comes with excellent references as well so If you ever need someone I know she could use the x-tra cash just get ahold of me.

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no 'I'm sorry' is necessary. If you don't come to the event I understand that as well.  :cool



I just like to make sure people understand my lack of "motives" thats all. I have this thing about hating to be misunderstood. I just get paranoid because so many people misunderstand everything i ever say, and i get a lot of hate mail because of this factor. I overcompensate as a result, as far as making sure people dont think Im hostile to them, when I know Im not. That is all.

Anyway, as far as events go, I would love to come and meet you, because I much prefer communicating with people in person as opposed to on the internet. I have nothing against any event that you may have. I dont have a car though, so I dont get out much. Im not much of a party/ big group person either. Im the quiet person in the corner that nobody wants to talk to. If there is a quiet person who would sit and hang out with me, and give me a ride, I'd be happy to try your stuff.

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I was not trying to frighten people away or give you a bad wrap. I have been comsuming European absinthe for some time and have read quite a bit about its history and the artsists and writers who so fell in love with it. I have a couple bottles in my cupboard right now--a Czech brand as well as a Spanish brand. I realize that there are horror stories surrounding the substance that have little merit. But, like I said, I was just questioning Mr. Requiem about how he was going to go about the event. Also, I don't think that many people who haven't tried it know that it has a very different effect than most other liquor. Anyway, I wish you luck with your business and hope you can use your knowledge to educate others about this fascinating drink.

:cool AND I can respect that CheezIts.

However...frightening my pals away with information that isn't exactly fact. More like fiction/legend/spook stories ya know. This is the only business we own and know very well and we'd just a fair chance at making it is all. What better way than with friends and family? I'm sure you can understand where I'm coming from right?

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I was not trying to frighten people away or give you a bad wrap.  I have been comsuming European absinthe for some time and have read quite a bit about its history and the artsists and writers who so fell in love with it.  I have a couple bottles in my cupboard right now--a Czech brand as well as a Spanish brand.  I realize that there are horror stories surrounding the substance that have little merit.  But, like I said, I was just questioning Mr. Requiem about how he was going to go about the event.  Also, I don't think that many people who haven't tried it know that it has a very different effect than most other liquor.  Anyway, I wish you luck with your business and hope you can use your knowledge to educate others about this fascinating drink.


you speak for me as well. on many of those points.

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:swoon  I really appreciate that! :swoon

It means the world cuz I was so upset with this whole debate type thing!

I'd be thrilled if you could show up!

Ok I need opinions on DATES can you two begin that for me? :grin


Hi Saephyr,

Im not sure who exactly you are talking to at the moment, but just in case one of the people you are referring to is me:

Im glad you hold nothing against us, we weren't *debating* you at all. Some people just completely misunderstood what we were saying apparently.

As far as dates for an event go, I honestly don't care. And realistically the liklihood of me showing up is pretty much NIL, since nobody is ever willing to give me a ride anywhere.

Im also baffled as to why anyone would even care if I showed up to anything or not, since nobody on this board knows who I am. Im nobody important, Im just some generic stranger. But if it means that much to you, my question is: Who's willing to drive me there? Anyone?

By the way, Im gonna tell my freinds they are jackasses for telling me that the absinth they import is illegal. Apparently they have nothing to hide after all. Go figure.

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Also, just so people know, Im extremely anti-social if I drink alcohol. I rarely ever drink. Alcohol seems to have the opposite effect on me than it does on other people. I can dance , i can talk when im sober. I cant do anything when im drunk. And men better keep their distance from me when Im drunk-- be forwarned. Im dangerous when strange men try anything "funny". And by strange men, I mean anyone other than my BF.

Too bad he doesnt live around here, he LOVES absinth and can drink large quantities no problem. Me, a couple sips of wine and Im already drunk. Me, I take a *whiff* of the imported Czech absinth and I almost pass out. I am willing to try your stuff, but since I will be in a public place, Im not taking more than a couple sips. That is no offense to you, but it is only because I know how my body reacts to various substances.

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For the record, I found this:

"It is likely legal in the US to produce absinthe for one's personal use using commercially available distilled liquor and infusing one's own herbs into the alcohol, although any thujone-containing drinks are illegal to sell or distribute."




Never trust what somebody claims is legal unless you your self have verified it by reading the law yourself.

I'm not saying that infused absinth is illegal for personal consumption because it is not. What I am saying however is, never let somebody do your foot work for you or you may get burned.

I made thirty gallons of hard cider for a party and almost broke the law. Luckily I found out about the twenty gallon limit in Michigan and gave two people 15 each to prevent a breach in law.

I also found out that I can accept donations as long as there is zero guarantee that you will receive my creation.

Joe: Hey Vater here is twenty bucks have fun.

Vater: Thanks Joe.


Vater: Joe I had fun with that twenty you gave me, Please except this case of beer as a token of my gratitude.

Joe: Cool, thanks.

Vater: I want my bottles back!

Joe: Will do.

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