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Gastric Bypass


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So I'm in the process of going threw the approval process for this surgery. It kinda takes a while but well worth it in the long run. There's a lot of documentation and psychiactric evals involved too. Gotta make sure you're doing it for the right reason!

This is a last resort kind of surgery and I've come to that point. I lose the weight but it always comes right back regardless if I'm eating right and working out. I'm tired of it.

My mom had this done like 13 years ago and it worked well for her even tho she had some problems with it and my aunt is having it done at the end of this month. I've talked to a few people that have had it and they are really happy with the results. Everyone that I've talked to has had some kind of minor complication, which is to be expected, but has worked it out.

So hopefully everything goes smoothly and I'll be approved soon.

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So I'm in the process of going threw the approval process for this surgery. It kinda takes a while but well worth it in the long run. There's a lot of documentation and psychiactric evals involved too. Gotta make sure you're doing it for the right reason!

This is a last resort kind of surgery and I've come to that point. I lose the weight but it always comes right back regardless if I'm eating right and working out. I'm tired of it.

My mom had this done like 13 years ago and it worked well for her even tho she had some problems with it and my aunt is having it done at the end of this month. I've talked to a few people that have had it and they are really happy with the results. Everyone that I've talked to has had some kind of minor complication, which is to be expected, but has worked it out.

So hopefully everything goes smoothly and I'll be approved soon.


I had a friend who had her stomach remade from parts of her intestine, and now her stomach is the size o a golf ball and will never stretch, i forget what it is called, but she has had great success and looks and feel wonderful. She has not reported any problems with it, other then in the beging she had to watch what she ate untill her body and new stomach adjusted, but other wise it has been a year since the surgery and she is aproaching the phase where they lipo any fat that will not leave, so she look proportinal, and removing all excess skin. I dont know all the end and out of her case but from what ican tell it was great move for her and she is pleased. It has also made her wondeful personality POP more.

I wish you the best and tons of luck withthe approval process.


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I have met you and you are so not morbidly obese....I question the doctor willing to do this to you.

I have divers and although it isn't quite the same I am missing a foot of intestine....please think twice. Sometimes if I am going to a social event I have to fast 2-3 days before or I may have accident.

Just think twice is all. I know someone who did this and he is still kinda big and has huge scars.

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I had a friend who  had her stomach remade from parts of her intestine, and now her stomach is the size o a golf ball and will never stretch, i forget what it is called, but she has had great success and looks and feel wonderful. She has not reported any problems with it, other then in the beging she had to watch what she ate untill her body and new stomach adjusted, but other wise it has been a year since the surgery and she is aproaching the phase where they lipo any fat that will not leave, so she look proportinal, and removing all excess skin.  I dont know all the end and out of her case but from what ican tell it was great move for her and she is pleased. It has also made her wondeful personality POP more.

I wish you the best and tons of luck withthe approval process.



That is a gastric bypass your friend had. There are a few different ways they do them these days but that's deffinitly what she had. Glad to hear she's happy with the results.

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I have met you and you are so not morbidly obese....I question the doctor willing to do this to you.

I have divers and although it isn't quite the same I am missing a foot of intestine....please think twice.  Sometimes if I am going to a social event I have to fast 2-3 days before or I may have accident.

Just think twice is all.  I know someone who did this and he is still kinda big and has huge scars.


Thanks for your concern =) To be concidered for this surgery, one has to be at least 100 lbs over weight *me* and/or a BMI greater than 40 *me* along with other health problems. Like I said this is a last resort thing. There has to be documentation of attempting weigh loss for at least one year to even be concidered as a candidate and possibly approved.

This is why my doctor put me on Meridia. To see if I can loss some weight and keep it off. He doesn't want to ok the surgery till we give the medication some time to work and get all my lab results back.

I've thought about this for a long while now and will deffinitly get this done if approved.

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Good luck with that. It very much sounds like you have considered and/or tried other options, though I hope the Meridia works for you.

I've given this sort of thing a thought or two, but I really had to look at my eating habits. Fact is, I don't eat ENOUGH for the most part, so gastric bypass wouldn't help me.

And I don't want to derail your thread, so new thread a-comin'. :wink

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I tried to get approved for that surgery and they told me I had to gain at least 75 lbs to get it approved. I contemplated pigging out to gain enough but decided it was just too morbid and I'd just stay fat.... but not fat enough apparantly. *L*

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we never met but i doubt you'll get approved. it's not something you should want to do. it's surgery.

you want the results? your not that sick i think. just say no.

i know, everyone is happy with there bypass but it's not for you killa

you should consider that it's more psychological then physical and should just let it go.

jus let it go. find more emotional outlets like people who understand your art.

suffer from much insomnia?

really it's not the cure your looking for. i would like to meet you once just to say hi

if i get to offer my advice to you.

it will make you just as happy as collecting stamps. if you need it then the doctor will know. there special people it's not a fad it's serious complications not just a word but a new way of life. How often do you purposley change your life.

worry about the next party the next bash dude. when the next big celibration with friends and family. grill some fucing shit up before winter. then take a nap and go to work.

it should not be allowed to linger in your thoughts like that. it is or is not.

right now it is not. so don't worry if it will BE persay. just sleep with a smile =)

you don't need it you want it it's wrong for you. i give props to the lady above who considered gaining weight to get it then dismissed it. you would consider it to? but you are better grounded to laugh at the thought. so to persue it purposefully is the same. it is not a last resort for you killa not even a resort at all. just a reason to lose sleep. :erm

:cool mosh tequlia

you would break tequlia's heart if you had to leave her for that and thats selfish.

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Well I do wish you luck if you go through with it....my freind is thinking of getting a tummy tuck now his skin hangs too much on his belly.....even though he is still kinda big....that is something to think about.....you might need or want a tuck after.....

Thanks for your concern  =)  To be concidered for this surgery, one has to be at least 100 lbs over weight *me* and/or a BMI greater than 40 *me* along with other health problems. Like I said this is a last resort thing. There has to be documentation of attempting weigh loss for at least one year to even be concidered as a candidate and possibly approved.

This is why my doctor put me on Meridia. To see if I can loss some weight and keep it off. He doesn't want to ok the surgery till we give the medication some time to work and get all my lab results back.

I've thought about this for a long while now and will deffinitly get this done if approved.

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They give them out like candy where I work..... (its considered preventative health or somthing like that)

ok seriously now, there have been 3-4 people that got them where I work (in the last year or so) and they all had very good results... 3 of them were older people (in their 40s-50s) one was in her 20s. All have lost quite a bit of weight!

Good luck to you, it seems to work pretty well if you get approved.

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