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[09/10, Sat] City Club Aftermath


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Guest Game of Chance

After driving around for 45 minutes looking for Florian, I finally happened upon Mephisto's. Apparently, none of the people that work in the gas stations in Hamtramck are actually from Ham Town.

When I finally arrived, I had a blast. Drank way, way too much "water". It really is the best damned "water" around.

Made our way down to CC at some point during the night, and then down to CityBites for breakfast.


Dollar Dave - Happy birthday again. Good to see you bro.

Scary Guy - You were pretty busy, I don't think I got a chance to say happy birthday. Well, happy birthday.

Marblez - Great to see you.

Jeremy - Nice to meet you bro. And see you again this morning. lol, small world.

Disturbed Mania - Great to meet you.

Zhukov and Holliwood - Oh man, what a pleasure. You guys are great.

Medea - Nice to see you.

Paperhearts - "I'm just having a coke" So does that mean we're doing a shot? "Well, ok I guess." :laughing

Nienna - Always a pleasure.

Senay - Great to meet you. I'm sure we'll hang out soon.

SomeDanGuy - Dude, I'm glad someone was finally adventurous enough to try it.

FierceCritter and Jon - Great to meet you

Crank - Saw you for like two seconds.

KillerBunnie - Very nice to meet you.

Farril - Nice to meet you as well.

Reaper - Great to see you, dude.

Missierae and Froyn - Thanks for the clove. It was great to meet you both

Anyone that I may have missed, it was a little fuzzy at certain points of the night. Damn that "water" :grin

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LOL~ yesh - we were also thrown for 20 minutes or so by the lack of roadsigns in Ham as well...

(As I am still recovering from a DEFCON 2 hang-over I will not do the listy thing right now...)

Had a fab time (hope I didn't corner anyone too terribly long with my semi-cohearant blatherings)

I really look forward to going out again with all you loverly people :wink

*bzzzzzzzzttt...Ann Arbor...karaoke...you know you want to...heheheh...bzzzztt*

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Heh - GameofChance - you met Jon and I at Mephisto's, too. :wink

And I perfectly understand fuzzy memories. I was doing pretty well until BPage bought me a drink and put me one over my limit, and well into foggy brain territory. :grin I'll try my best to remember whahappuned...

Jon and I showed up at Mephisto's where we wished ScaryGuy happy birthday. Nice seeing you again after 3-1/2 years, David!

We met (for the first time) GameofChance, DollarDave, Farril, and probably one or two other people that I'm leaving out. SlingerlandStyx introduced us to Brandy, who graciously took us on a tour of the place (this was our first visit). Thanks again, Brandy. I remember seeing Medea and waving, but not chatting.

We watched the fire show (pretty cool but lost us with the spanking - turn-off for both of us), and moved on to City Club.

Didn't see a lot of people we knew there right off the bat, so we made our way to the dancefloor where we mostly stood around in our little corner by the speakers by the DJ booth. Made our way back to the DGN corner by the bar where a deluge of DGN'ers showed-up. That's when the real fun began.

Met ManicQueen for the first time - it was such a pleasure meeting you, MQ. I didn't get to say so at the club but I loved your outfit & your hair/makeup. You looked really great.

Met Neserit, and I'm sorry we didn't have more time to chat. Looking forward to seeing you again at CC and more on the board (Welcome back).

Rambo - nice talking to you again. Someday, you'll have to educate us about the mysterious "Hall of Pease".

Met BPage - and I am SO PISSED that you don't live in the area as Jon and I both were crazy about you - even before you bought us drinks. :wink Congratulations on the engagement - your ring was classic (is that a family bauble?) and lovely, as are you. I hope we're in well financial condition for your wedding next year. SHARE YOUR PLANS HERE OR I'LL BE SERIOUSLY MIFFED. :wink

Reaper - I can't remember if we met you for the first time at Mephisto's or CC, but I do remember meeting you. Once again, sorry we didn't have more time/clarity of mind to have decent conversation - a theme that's running rampant in my aftermath reports.

Medea - great talking with you again. I remember a majority of our conversation, believe it or not, as well as sharing a sing-along to "Sto Lat" with Polish sister. Hope you enjoyed the handoff drink (No, BPage - not the one you bought me. Downed that one in short order.) GOT to visit your lodgings sometime - that was so interesting to hear about.

Froyn & Misserae - pleasure meeting you both. Wish I could remember that dream better...:wink

We really need to find a time/place were we all can sit around without the noise & clutter of a club environment for some decent conversation. Jon and I are finding we're not nearly as anti-social as we thought we were - and that's a GOOD thing. :grin

I'm sure I'm forgetting some people. Bad, bad memory!!!

Looking forward to seeing all of you again, as well as meeting some people we haven't met yet! =)

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Yeah I had quite the blast that night. Had two women grinding me on the dancefloor. One of which had a bf there dancing behind her. That was pretty weird heh. Finally got to meet Bpage, FC and Jon, and Ajax. I am sure i met a couple of other newer people. But since I have the worst memory, I cannot remember right at hand.

Happy b-day to Dave and Scary Guy. Sorry I never made it up. Damn Xbox always makes me late.

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I went to Mephistos before hand and before that I was at the Dally so I think the general concensus was that I was toasted. Yes, Goddamnit. -But so were so some of you.

I met Holliwood66 and Zhukov and that was my main objective (mission accomplished) but that happened at Mephistos (let the record show). Yes, they put up with me all fucking evening. One of the two was a bit drunk as well. Not naming any names.

Who else? Steve Of Chance. Yes, Game Of Steve was smashed, as well. He got free hashbrowns.

Speaking of hashbrowns, SomeDanGuy ordered an ice cream burger and even ate it. The scene gave me goose pimples of nationalism (you know the goose pimples you used to get when you heard the national anthem at the ball game when you were a kid? those ones.). Ahh yes. A very proud moment for us all.

Neinna, and Farril, Dollar Dave, Scary guy, Fierce Critter (you are niether), Rambo, Reaper, Medea, Marblez, Slinger&Styx...

Yes, yes, the entire crew.

I was really, really drinking and I had to copy off some of the other posts here so if i forgot anyone don't blame me, blame the other people on here who didn't list you already.



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I had a great time meeting you guys/girls at Mephistos- then CC...

...beware of the Citybites "chili". I can honestly say i have eaten rats that tasted better (once they were gutted of course).

Im sorry if i seemed incoherent... I had earplugs in all night and probably missed some parts of conversations... I promise I was not ignoring people (when I ignore someone , they usually get the middle finger puts the idea home... if they are really bad/sucky... then they get a "filthy Zhukov")

I had lots of fun talking to Paperhearts. Marblez and game of chance... I saw/met quite a few other people, but i have most of the night jumbled up in my head right now...

I do remember how much nicer Mephistos is when compared to Cityclub... (though thats not a hard victory for any establishment that chooses to clean up urine and vomit)


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...Fierce Critter (you are niether)

I think I'll take that as a compliment... :wink

I just remembered hugging LadyWindstone at CC. =)

Jon and I saw a bunch of you at Citybites (L&E now, right? Always be Citybites to me) and I wanted to go in and say hey, but Jon wasn't up to it. In retrospect, I probably would have ordered something that would have made me sick, so better off, I think.

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I spent the night at mephistos with farril. Shes the bomb my newest crush. I'm glad I seen u all and thanks for the drinks. I was kinda sad cuz every left to go to city but farril stayed with me so I felt better. Hope u post them pics scarry guy. The highlight of my night was dancing in the cage with Farril and I liked lookin at the hot girls there from dgn.

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Guest Game of Chance

Yeah, but when isn't he? lol, jk...Call me sometime, Steve, i haven't seen you in a few weeks


I will. btw I got my knife in the mail. Its awesome.

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I had a lot of fun, got semi-kicked out of Mephistos.

I got kind blah-y for a little, but then talking with Fierce Critter and Jon made me feel better.

Spent some time with Nienna and a VERY drunk Marblez, who will be mailing me phone back after I left it in her car... :doh

Briefly saw Crank and Rambo and DirtyWhispers and LadyWindstone.

Ate at L&E's after club with Nienna, Marblez, GameofChance, Paperhearts, Reaper (thank you muchly for paying for me!!), SomeDanGuy, ZhukovCodeslinger, Holliwood666.... and I think that's it.

Forgive me if I'm wrong!

And at some point, something really funny made me snort chili from the chili/cheese fries out my nose... that shit BURNS!

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I was too busy socializing and dancing my keester off at Mephisto's on Saturday. I had SUCH a blast!!

I finally got to meet Marblez and Fierce Critter (( and her hubby ))

Other than that, I spent most of my time downstairs, hanging with Dollar Dave, Scary Guy, Pulse State, Medea, Slingerlandstyx and a few other folks (( DJ Jinx, my friend Nate, etc )).

The fire show was awesome, I got the chance to compliment Pyros' assistant on how she had guts for walking around in next to nothing. She grinned and snickered about it.

Over all, what a fun night. =D


I just remembered, I also got to meet SomeDanGuy, Paper Hearts and Game of Chance too. Apparently I met Paper Hearts before, at CC, but my memory had a nasty lapse and I forgot. ;_; Shame on me.... =_=;;

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Had a fun drunken time at CC once again. My soon to be sister in law was trying to get me to Mephistos but we were running way too late to show.

I'm glad I finally got to meet Fierce Critter and her lovely other half Jon, it was a pleasure. Sorry about putting you over the edge, it's what I do best !!! I will post about my wedding plans as soon as I get some, I did go try on dresses in Troy on Monday before I left, that's a step.

I also chatted briefly with Reaper, again a pleasure meeting you. Medea, still have that little Polish ditty stuck in my head! For a brief moment Marblez and Manic Queen were spotted, hi again!

Did all the wining and dining before hand so my friends and I just headed home for a sleepover and pizza rolls!

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