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so yeah i been off for a while. very strange this new day and age.

raise your hand if you'd like to say hi :clover

it had been mentioned to me that my presence is welcome and that i should chek in on everyone once in a while. just to see how ya'll are doing.

like i said before i'm here.

how you doing anyway?

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just been selfishly preoccupied with my own personel downfalls.

times for me are changing and i can't seem to determine what i value as a person.

old freinds tell me "your not crazy. your just like everybody else. your just lost right now".

but it really is good to visit with the site here.

quit going to the club for a while to. but last weekend was very refreshing for the old soul. like church or something. got a little personell with some people i like.

media and marbelz and then theres this Karen girl i met she came with some friends of mine with us but we got along well.

danced and drank and made friends.

lots of happy faces to see.

met this other girl briefly to who claims to be a regular and looks the part. her name was holly probly around 22-26 darker complexion lots of peircings. some one else to wave hi too.

everyday since saturday I've ran into some regulars at entirely odd places.

iv'e gotten alot of good advice latley. I've held a few philosophical conversations with highly developed unique people like damien and leann. ones wicca and the other values truth and buety. d mentioned cranks name to me. still, there good people in my book.

been out of work till today. i own a ford so i've been doing alot of walking. working out alot. hitting the weights a little. sitting home trying to fix up a little drama in the family. the hurricane to has coused me some headaches recently.

mostly been chemichly dependent on alchohal to deal with bad broken heart.

ahh confusion, a strange state for some one considered wise. seems strong fellings dominate my rational thoughts. this is not healthy I assume.

been reading a lot lot lot of psych latley. particularly psychoanalisis. allways lots of big parties.

what have i missed besides double d's birthday and anther birthday to?

what i mean is from what you know of me and what you know about dgn what do you feel is relavent that i should here about? :innocent

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