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Political/Religious/Gov't/Economic Structure

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I don't believe in Democracy in this world...it truly does not exist due to forces in place that dominate everywhere.

We are a republic anyway, but it has been distorted since we changed America to a democratic MODEL, but really have no democracy here.

At any rate, this country is falling more and more into facism due to Bush saying things and doing things that are so close to Hitler and the Reich's plans it's too much for most people to fathom. It's not really Bush, he's just carrying on the plans that have been going on for centuries and obvious bullshit since Roosevelt, but stuff that was around pre-President Washington, waaay back to England and even Babylon if you want to take it back that far.

It's just that right now, it's all coming to a head and things are getting pushed faster and faster and hidden more and more into a snowball of an agenda to take away everything we think is freedom.

Soon enough we'll be dancing like puppets from eating GMO foods that alter our moods and having microchips implanted in us from vaccination shots that get information from sattelites beamed to them to program our mobility, thoughts and feelings.

You think it's not real? HA! Good luck SHEEP.

baaaa baaaaaaah

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I'm sorry I started all this guys.  I'll have to remember not to think out loud, in posts any more.

-And don't pick on the Dark, I like him, he speaks out for what he believes in even at the risk of being not accepted and that's one of the best qualities someone can have, in my book.

Thanks for your comments, everyone.

I like Dark too.

Don't stop now PH, pretty soon it'll just be me screaming in a corner.

And besides, I can ALWAYS one up you.------

When I think out loud, it's in paragraphs, no chapters.

Hell, sometimes it's a whole g-ddamn book!!!!!!!!!

:confused :confused :nut:nut:nut:nut

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one other thing for those debating religious practice freedoms and the like. If you want to be able to say what you want and practice what you want, then be aware that anyone who wants can do and say what they want even if you don't like it.

This means the often ignored religions like Wicca, Buddism, Satanism, and Pagans who have many many different religions.

So if someone wants to call the goddess and cast circle in public, or meditate in a park, or have a blot, or hail satan, then that is their perogative as just as you have yours.

Personally, I want religion in private places, I don't want or need it thrown in my face, and let me tell you, the next person who tries to cram it down my throat is gonna get my fist in their face. I'm so fucking sick of these 'freedoms' people want to have for themselves, but NOT for those that they find offensive like many of the alternative religions.

Maybe I find people talking about god offensive to my ears, but I still walk on. I have yet to this day to see any god-believer leave a pagan, wiccan, vitki, or satanist alone once they find out what their beliefs are. They are on autopilot and on a mission to obliterate them for no fucking reason except FEAR.

Get over it.

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Just to make something clear as well.... The Dark is one of my favorite board members ever! (despite him saying I was being a "Fuck Stick" on the previous board). I just think that 0.001% of time sir, that you loose your temper.

He stands up for what he believes in, he is intelligent, and except for that 0.001% of the time logical. It would be so boring if this board was a place where we could sit around and agree with one another, and bitch about stuff with no discourse... THANK YOU DARK! For offereing a different point of view, and sometimes (granted not often) I actually find myself rethinking and agreeing with some of the points you bring up.(Ok, just so you know I have a purely intellectual attraction to the man, and I am not trying to get sex from him... I think)

Proving one of Darks points today... BUSH ACTUALLY SHOWED SOME ACCOUNTABILITY for Katrina's skrew ups! He actuall said "I take responsability" I never EVER thought I would hear those words leave that persons lips.

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the most socialist country in its infrastucture at the moment in europe is britan.  and compared to the rest of europe where thier structures to me seem to be the ideal mix of capitalism and socialism is failing

within the union (britain is a "sort off member" but we've been holding back and thank god we have)there are countries which have gotten greedy and refuse to drop the subsidies set up to recover after the war. and now we have newer countries in the union with less GNP are having to pay into this only for the larger proportions to go to germany, france, etc (and yes britain too).  this coupled with the introduction of a single currency is destabilising the distribution of wealth.

france refuses to let its subsideries go. britain also refuses and germany.  britain has a average subsidary but france and germany have the larger (both being smashed to rubble in WWII)

things are going bad due to greed not ideals

unfortunatly its politicians nature (we've all established politicians are not real people anyway)


then if not real people what are we (us politicians anyway)

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Just to make something clear as well.... The Dark is one of my favorite board members ever! (despite him saying I was being a "Fuck Stick" on the previous board). I just think that 0.001% of time sir, that you loose your temper.

He stands up for what he believes in, he is intelligent, and except for that 0.001% of the time logical. It would be so boring if this board was a place where we could sit around and agree with one another, and bitch about stuff with no discourse... THANK YOU DARK! For offereing a different point of view, and sometimes (granted not often) I actually find myself rethinking and agreeing with some of the points you bring up.(Ok, just so you know I have a purely intellectual attraction to the man, and I am not trying to get sex from him... I think)


Ditto all that.

With the exception of the "sex" thing. I know I don't want sex from The Dark.

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So you are calling Phee a Fuck Stick too then?


I would never call Phee a Phuck/Fuck stick.

Unless, upon finally meeting him, I find he really is one. Then, I might feel justified. But if I'm drinking, I'd probably just call him a pissant mutherfucker. Or hug him and tell him how cool I think he is and apologize profusely for comparing him to Greg Proops - it'll all depend on what I'm drinking, how much, and how he's treating me at the time.

But right now, he's just Phrendly Phee. :grin

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you must first find the beuty in the great satan america to truly respect it's accomplishmeants.

evil of man in the name of god like slayer said

we have found a way to devalue any system of belief in the name of equality.

doesnt matter what it is someone in america has found a way to turn it into proffitable capitalist enterprise appearently in the name of good.

politics is a capitalist industry thats what america is founded on. different political veiws like socialism and what not are just aspect of the industry in the heart of the true american. we are all americans despite are differnces becouse some one is making money off our differences in a very amican fashion.

there is nothing we as a people cannot devalue. look at bush as he laughs about

the shit with his friends.

we are the ones that invented electricity, cars, gasoline, canned food, sanitation, the machine gun, McWorld, telivision

all these great things that have forever changed the entire world. have sprong forth from capitalist ameican vision.

everything you see is a necessary facade for things to go how they should.

suply and demmand is not about have's and have not's

socialism can not threaten capitalism even in the form of corporat monopolies

there will be power allways. there will be wealth allways. there will be change allways. we understand that as true in america and despite your station in life. you have experienced this.

capitalism will exist in a socialist society. it will consume it. so don't allways worry about corporations monopolizing in a socialist fashion. there will be a top end and a bottom end and there will be changes as a constant.

as an individual it's up to you to exploit what you can. our goal as the great satan/america is to eliminate the thought of right and wrong. to devalue all beliefs to an exact dollar amount.

i pesonnally see that this will never be an absolute. as me and most fellow man is not above violence. what ever you fight for someone will find a way to make a profit from your efforts. weather its the producers of ahl jizzera or me and you.

becouse we invented telivision (hence the great satan title we have) thats the beuty i want you to see and appreciate.

profit from everything and anything means much hope that our system of thinking

will continue to produce hoover damms and los vegas's and budweiser.

our great defeat is that we may devalue so many things that we no longer value corruption and then there will be no monotary sysems and it will be like star treak without the space travel.

still much harder to do then end socialism.

been gone for a while can't read the whole thread in one sitting.

the dark

what the fuck man. take comfort in this. and this is comming from a politician who is a closet anarchist. christianity, republican and democrat are all industry in the eyes of capitalism. despite who thinks what about what, it's all just business in the end, just control and power changing hands. not something you should take personell since your an american to. doesn't matter if your the one or not it will happen weather you think it's wrong or right profit will be madeweather you or someone else has invented a way to do it.

no reason to expend other emotional energies on the wrong topics i think your pissed at something or someone else and it manifests unjustly in different areas of your life. but i don't know you man. if you want to pick a fight then pick a fight. you'll feel better if you just hit the right person in the mouth. or don't for whatever reason don't keep going all in between it's just the internet man. were all friends here in a sense i assume so we all forgive you.

of course i'm either an outsider or i'm not. :erm

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what i'm getting at is look at all the life changing accomplishmeants that have shaped the world and will continue to shape the world. as long as we continue the facade of struggling for equlity. civilization will continue to advance once people accept inequality then america has failed the free world. continue to fight for equality so our world will turn.

so i'm going to sit and complain about stuff while i eat these delisious dorritoes and watch police accademy 3 on american cable in central air.

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i think that democracy cannot exist in a capitalist society in the sense that we are tought to think of it.

we all seem to try to think of the larger picture but from an individual perspective.

this generates economy

if there is a god then thank it for the mafia for without organized crime there would be no freedoms

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I would never call Phee a Phuck/Fuck stick.

Unless, upon finally meeting him, I find he really is one. Then, I might feel justified. But if I'm drinking, I'd probably just call him a pissant mutherfucker. Or hug him and tell him how cool I think he is and apologize profusely for comparing him to Greg Proops - it'll all depend on what I'm drinking, how much, and how he's treating me at the time.

But right now, he's just Phrendly Phee. :grin

Aw shucks.... you are so..... gullible....I mean nice

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Proving one of Darks points today... BUSH ACTUALLY SHOWED SOME ACCOUNTABILITY for Katrina's skrew ups! He actuall said "I take responsability" I never EVER thought I would hear those words leave that persons lips.

I leave this thread for 18 hours (give or take) and it turns into a love fest..... *shakes head*


I noticed that too phee. I didn't think I would ever here George Bush take personal responsibility for something or admit error. His exact words for those who care:

"Katrina exposed serious problems in our response capability at all levels of government, and to the extent that the federal government didn't fully do its job right, I take responsibility," Bush said. "I want to know what went right and what went wrong.

Would it be too much to hope that he might actually change his mind about something...ANYTHING..., too?

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I didn't think I would ever here George Bush take personal responsibility for something or admit error.  His exact words for those who care:

"Katrina exposed serious problems in our response capability at all levels of government, and to the extent that the federal government didn't fully do its job right, I take responsibility," Bush said. "I want to know what went right and what went wrong.

*falls over from shock* *passes out on the floor* :laughing

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