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What is with the skinny trend?


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::: Thinks of Photoshopped/Airburshed models in 'special' magazines.... :::


::: Looks at herself in the mirror :::

"Yeah, I am DAMN proud of my belly, thank you very much."

Skinny nowdays means lyposuction. Big boobs meant implants. Nice smiles meant botox.


I prefer the fat.... it shows I'm healthy and happy.

Speaking of which, I think I just used the words of an AWESOME artist on DA who draws anime artwork. Now, do NOT get me wrong. His artwork is so much different from the rest because the women he draws actually have fat on their bodies.

You MUST see!!


Now, I'm not whoring artwork, I'm proving a point. This guy also prefers pudge over skinniness.

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Ive always found your light-hearted humor and cheesy goodness to be quite delightful.

But you seriously crossed every line imaginable with your posting on this thread.

I'm absolutely floored at your utter insensitivity.

I have much to say on this, but Id prefer to do something much more painful to you right now

*eats triscuits*

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This is awesome. He is so good! Really captures the true shape of a healthy womans body.

I hate the stick thin animae I see on TV and in some video games

::: Thinks of Photoshopped/Airburshed models in 'special' magazines.... :::


::: Looks at herself in the mirror :::

"Yeah, I am DAMN proud of my belly, thank you very much."

Skinny nowdays means lyposuction.  Big boobs meant implants.  Nice smiles meant botox.


I prefer the fat.... it shows I'm healthy and happy.

Speaking of which, I think I just used the words of an AWESOME artist on DA who draws anime artwork.  Now, do NOT get me wrong.  His artwork is so much different from the rest because the women he draws actually have fat on their bodies.

You MUST see!!


Now, I'm not whoring artwork, I'm proving a point.  This guy also prefers pudge over skinniness.

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well we all have different preferences now don't we? thin, curvy, tall, short, black ,white, young, old ... lucky for us there is such a variety out there!!

imagine if we were all exactly the same? how boring would that be?

not saying people want everyone to be the same - but that is the impression i get when people start to insult a body type, any body type. sure some people are super thin. and some are super not thin. :wink sometimes those people are happy with who they are, and sometimes they are not. i guess what it comes down to is if you are happy with yourself?? are you happy with yourself? if you are then don't worry about what other people are or are not.

Small as a peanut, Big as a giant,

We're all the same size when you turn out the light

Rich as a sultan or poor as a mite

We're all worth the same when you turn out the light

Red, black, orange, yellow or white

We all look the same when you turn out the light

So maybe the way to make everything right

Is for God to reach up and

Turn off the light

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I'm just curious, here. Since when is being fat or skinny a trend?


My 2c:

It has always been what is the most difficult to attain at the time *i.e. when the poplation is starving, the rich are normal weight or plump= money=power=sexay...when the populous is getting fat the rich have money to afford healthy food, club memberships, surgery, trainers etc so thin is in - and uber thin is extra-dofficult to do in these days of excess and lack of energy expenditure.

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Wow. Glad I came back to this thread AFTER others spoke up in defense of the plus-sized amongst us.


But it's stuff like this that makes me reconsider being on this board at all. Sometimes I miss my anonymous days at CC before I knew anybody, and didn't have to hear how some people view my body when I'm enjoying dancing.

It's already hard for me to shut off the "shouldn't oughta" voices from my repressed, Catholic upbringing enough to dance. After reading ugliness like I did here, it makes it all that much harder. =(

Wonder why I drink so fucking much when I go there? Wonder no more.

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Wow. Glad I came back to this thread AFTER others spoke up in defense of the plus-sized amongst us.


But it's stuff like this that makes me reconsider being on this board at all. Sometimes I miss my anonymous days at CC before I knew anybody, and didn't have to hear how some people view my body when I'm enjoying dancing.

It's already hard for me to shut off the "shouldn't oughta" voices from my repressed, Catholic upbringing enough to dance. After reading ugliness like I did here, it makes it all that much harder. =(

Wonder why I drink so fucking much when I go there? Wonder no more.



critter, consider the source.

the people who matter don't mind and the people who mind don't matter.

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This is an excerpt from a post I did in my now-regretted topic "Who is Cheez-its"

'You know, honestly, if you are so threatened by someone with weight having hot sex with handsome admirers, then maybe you need to deal with your own issues.'

We all have our own hangups, it's when we project what we think is ideal upon others, it becomes dangerous.

Ive met/seen full pics of so few of you I dont even know what most of you really look like.--so it's really just been the charm and wit that has won me over.

It certainly did with Unchaste and Saephyr. :swoon

I just wish people werent so cruel. =( =(

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Wow. Glad I came back to this thread AFTER others spoke up in defense of the plus-sized amongst us.


But it's stuff like this that makes me reconsider being on this board at all. Sometimes I miss my anonymous days at CC before I knew anybody, and didn't have to hear how some people view my body when I'm enjoying dancing.

It's already hard for me to shut off the "shouldn't oughta" voices from my repressed, Catholic upbringing enough to dance. After reading ugliness like I did here, it makes it all that much harder. =(

Wonder why I drink so fucking much when I go there? Wonder no more.


EXACTLY - everything you said (except the Catholic upbringing).

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Wow it looks like if I want to piss off a lot of people at once I know what to say....

Fortunately I'm not ten and I'm much more creative.

Fuck skin color every body's blue!

Then what would all of these bigots do?

Instead of your tone they would hate your size,

which is why I must pluck out all their eyes.

BTW:if you look at artist rendering through out history then you will notice that the trend swings every few hundred years or so

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For save the boobs, I will hold an all-month telethon until she and every other boobless anorexic is cured

Oh and Brenda and Dyno, although we're all in FC's corner no matter what weight and it hurts when anyone slanders us,

in the end Jon is the only one that truly matters, because DGN or not, he is the one that will share all the joys and sorrows with her,

and he appears to be one happy otter :grin .

Happy Birthday again, lucky man :jamin:jamin

edited to show proper respect to what FC & OG have together

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Ya know i used to be fat and now i am not so much and i have to go around every day wondering if that "hot" guy who is hitting on me cuase i am not so mcuh any more would have turned around and made fun of me when i was larger.

behavior such as i have read here today saddens me, it is rude and there is no other way to put it. It casues all kind of hurt feelings no matter the size of a person now, then or in the future. It can destroy people and there realtionship with others in general.

I sincerly i hope you have gotten what ever boost your ego needed perhaps now you could come from behind the box and be a real boy.

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