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What is with the skinny trend?


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Guest Game of Chance

Seriously, what's the big deal about any of this. I could really care less about what you (generalizing here) look like. I also could really care less if you are or aren't comfortable with your body. If you're not, that's your problem, not mine.

Really, if it makes you mad that someone makes fun of you, for whatever reason, snap back. Don't get nasty, but let them know that you're comfortable with yourself. Or if the reality is that you're mad because you're uncomfortable about who you are as a person, quit bitching about it on a message board and make some positive changes in your life.

But whatever you do, get off this topic, it has probably been the most boring week in DGN history. ::yawn::

No one really has the right to be offended about any general comment on a public message board. Individual attacks however, well that's different...

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I have to ditto some of what Onyx says there.

Even on this board, I see men talking all over the place about how they prefer curvacious women.


I would be more inclined to think that most men's ideas of a curvacious woman is much smaller than most women would like it to be.

But I never see them being picked up, vs. typically bony goth chicks.

It's like they want one thing to look at, another thing to touch.


or perhaps it's another thing they want to be SEEN looking at or touching.

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Seriously, what's the big deal about any of this.  I could really care less about what you (generalizing here) look like.  I also could really care less if you are or aren't comfortable with your body.  If you're not, that's your problem, not mine.

Really, if it makes you mad that someone makes fun of you, for whatever reason, snap back.  Don't get nasty, but let them know that you're comfortable with yourself.  Or if the reality is that you're mad because you're uncomfortable about who you are as a person, quit bitching about it on a message board and make some positive changes in your life.

But whatever you do, get off this topic, it has probably been the most boring week in DGN history.  ::yawn::

No one really has the right to be offended about any general comment on a public message board.  Individual attacks however, well that's different...

Well, Unchaste actually WAS personally attacked in another forum. And I DID contact a couple moderators about this. Not to ban them. Just a little admonishment, so they wouldnt be so personally harmful in the future.

GOC, your post was a little harsh.

When you are sensitive about your weight, and someone who has ACTUALLY SEEN YOU at CC,

knows your weight AND

your sexual activities

and lashes out because they're disgusted by it,

it no longer becomes just "a general comment on a message board"

It becomes a weapon to attack those they don't approve of.

And it hurts.

I cant imagine someone on here not liking that a couple of black people frequent CC, and then going on the EXACT threads they're known to visit saying,

" I hate those damn n***ers at the club. They really should do something about their blackness or stay away. "

I admire your confidence. I do. But not everyone is as thick-skinned as you, AND

Either you dont know any one whose had eating disorders, or you dont realize what youre implying.

It can be excruciating to live up to society's ever-skinnier standards.

I've seen people wither away aand die trying to do it.

" if the reality is that you're mad because you're uncomfortable about who you are as a person, quit bitching about it on a message board and make some positive changes in your life."

Maybe, just maybe, there are people here who arent comfortable with their bodies, because people like cheez-its make them feel like shit for not fitting society's norms.

And to expect them to snap their fingers and become thin tomorrow is absurd. If that's the weight they're meant to be at, so be it. And for us to lash out because we feel they need to make "positive changes" is rude and patronizing.

And believe me, they're not bitching about being uncomfortable with who they are.

They're speaking up, because apparently it's not enough for some of them to be uncomfortable with who they are,

they need someone to be rubbing their face in it on one of the few places they feel like they go for solace from a generally condescending world.

Look, youre obviously from the "sticks and stones can break my bones but names will never hurt me" camp.

Thats cool. :cool:cool Youre not affected by things like this.

Well, maybe the DGN user's psychologist uncle who diagnosed all the promiscuous people on here, can talk about the damaging effect that name-calling has on people.

How it reinforces emotional and verbal abuse received at home and how it can lead to further pain, depression, and in extreme cases, -------

No one should be banned for being insensitive and bigoted in "general" comments on a public message board. But they should be called on it and educated.

No one deserves to be made to feel lesser for who they are.

And bile should NEVER be condoned or accepted as just another post on a public message board.

This post might have contributed to "the most boring week."

But I think the easiest way to not have a debate over mean-spirited judgemental attacks on people is for people to not make them in the first place.

Just my .02

Ill take my response off the air.

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Thank you, the eternal. =)

One of the things that annoys me is that most assume that overweight people are lazy or eat too much or choose to be that way, or that they have never tried to lose weight. Of course there are some people that fit that mold, but there are many that don't.

Many overweight people have tried to lose weight. Oh and guess what? Losing weight is much harder than gaining it, and when you have to hear infantile comments from people, it discourages you, makes you depressed, and often makes you give up for awhile.

Some people have medical conditions that makes them gain weight/makes it hard to lose weight.

In an ideal world, we would all be accepted for our differences; skinny, fat, tall, short, pink hair, brown hair, blonde hair, no hair, black, white, etc....but unfortunately there are people that cannot expand their mind from their tiny hamster cage and accept others for who they are. I refuse to change for anyone, so if someone has a problem with what I look like, look away. There are plenty of other things to stare at.

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Guest Game of Chance

Well, Unchaste actually WAS personally attacked in another forum.  And I DID contact a couple moderators about this.  Not to ban them.  Just a little admonishment, so they wouldnt be so personally harmful in the future.

And it hurts.

They really should do something about their blackness or stay away. "

I admire your confidence. I do.  But not everyone is as thick-skinned as you, AND  

Either you dont know any one whose had eating disorders, or you dont realize what youre implying.

Maybe, just maybe,  there are people here who arent comfortable with their bodies, because people like cheez-its make them feel like shit for not fitting society's norms. 

And to expect them to snap their fingers and become thin tomorrow is absurd. If that's the weight they're meant to be at, so be it.  And for us to lash out because we feel they need to make "positive changes" is rude and patronizing.

And believe me, they're not bitching about being uncomfortable with who they are.

They're speaking up,  because apparently it's not enough for some of them to be uncomfortable with who they are,

they need someone to be rubbing their face in it on one of the few places they feel like they go for solace from a generally condescending world.

Look, youre obviously from the "sticks and stones can break my bones but names will never hurt me" camp. 

Thats cool. :cool  :cool   Youre not affected by things like this. 

Well, maybe the DGN user's psychologist uncle who diagnosed all the promiscuous people on here, can talk about the damaging effect that name-calling has on people.

This post might have contributed to "the most boring week." 

But I think the easiest way to not have a debate over mean-spirited judgemental attacks on people is for people to not make them in the first place.

Just my .02


Not to argue this further, but Unchaste did respond with a personal attack of her own.

Furthermore, I would agree with your post if we were all 8 years old. The reality is, if you are still affected at this point in your life by people calling you names, then you have some serious self-esteem issues. And if this is the case, then the issue was never about weight or promisucuity in the first place. So let's not make it what its not.

These comments only hurt people because they let them. And let's get to the heart of the matter. This is a public message board. There are people on here from the "generally condescending outside world". You are going to find some things on here that you don't agree with. We can decide to censor every little thing that someone says on here that you don't like, but at what point do we become Nazis?

As far as my own situation, I've dropped about 20 pounds in the last year. I'm now at a svelte 160. But I could probably stand to lose another 5-10 pounds. And I did it by improving my eating habits, and getting off my lazy ass once in a while.

And I hadn't noticed a post for a couple of days on this subject. I hope this is this thread's last hurrah.

I'm out.

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