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What is with the skinny trend?


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If you are speaking of just Hollywood, both the television and the movie camera adds a lot of weight visually, so to appear fashionably thin an actress has to be way thinner than what most people would consider healthy. If you've ever been on a TV camera you'd see how it does that - adds at least 10 pounds. (Thus the reason for all the breast implants too because breasts are lost when your body is that thin).

Seems to me a lot of men want really thin women too, like it or not. I find men will say they don't want thin women and that weight doesn't matter that much to them, but in reality I get a lot more attention when I'm not carrying a few extra pounds. When I went through a time where I was so sick I couldn't eat much and was down to 113 pounds it was amazing how men who behaved as if I were invisible before were noticing me (not that I even felt like responding at the time. I was too sick to care).

I like to stay in shape but I'll be damned if I'm going to starve myself to look like those women.

Maybe nature has wired us that way, to find thin people attractive. I suppose we would all be much thinner if we were still a farm society and were forced to work hard each day, but we would be more muscular too.

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It is a bit frightening when women like Lindsey Lohan and Nicole Ricci have slimmed down to gaunt proportions when there wasn't much wrong in the first place- bodywise that is. *lol*

I think healthy is key. I have gained a lot of weight myself and need to lose a lot still, but I am not getting anorexic just so some guy can have his porno fantasy come to life. I am me, and must be taken as such, and my #1 priority is to be healthy.

I do think it is setting an impossible example for regular women to obtain. However, I do think there are plenty of men and women out there not programmed by society and marketing 'norms' that have their own preferences about what shape they like and there is someone for every shape/size imo.

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I have to ditto some of what Onyx says there.

Even on this board, I see men talking all over the place about how they prefer curvacious women.

But I never see them being picked up, vs. typically bony goth chicks.

It's like they want one thing to look at, another thing to touch.


yes, it does seem like goth/alternative guys like the goddess-type women with curves. wOO hOO

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yes, it does seem like goth/alternative guys like the goddess-type women with curves. wOO hOO


Some of them maybe, and there are exceptions, but I still say most will give thinner women more attention. What they say and what they acutally do is very very different.

Also, what is considered normal weight by insurance charts is considered overweight by many. You have to be teetering on the low end of normal for some guys.

Just that experience when I was sick and very thin has made me notice these things much more.

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Trend? You say that as if it's new. Hollywood's always parading around walking skeletons as far as I can tell. I keep myself pretty insulated from hollywood though- I can't even name anything Lindsey Lohan's done. Celebrities, for the most part, don't interest me.

I have a long & complicated history with my own body image/weight issues/eating disorder and I really don't need some external societal bullshit making it worse. I really try not to care if "most people" do or don't find me attractive- because at the end of the page it only matters if someone finds me attractive if I am interested in them. I'd agree that thin women get a lot more attention, but whatever. I get my share too. I also get the guys who come up to me and trip all over themselves to tell me how much they love big women, as if that's supposed to make me fall at their feet. :doh

I don't think it's bad or wrong if people prefer thinness- hell, I prefer people who are tall, and that's something folks can't even do anything about!

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I purposely did not hit the quote button for Holliwood

Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy too disturbing!

The only time I saw people that thin was when I've gone to Holocaust museums.

The idea of dating someone who shares the same body type as someone who gassed is maybe one of the many reasons why I'm not that into the thin girls.

If you are speaking of just Hollywood, both the television and the movie camera adds a lot of weight visually, so to appear fashionably thin an actress has to be way thinner than what most people would consider healthy.  If you've ever been on a TV camera you'd see how it does that - adds at least 10 pounds.  (Thus the reason for all the breast implants too because breasts are lost when your body is that thin).

Seems to me a lot of men want really thin women too, like it or not.  I find men will say they don't want thin women and that weight doesn't matter that much to them, but  in reality I get a lot more attention when I'm not carrying a few extra pounds.  When I went through a time where I was so sick I couldn't eat much and was down to 113 pounds it was amazing how men who behaved as if I were invisible before were noticing me (not that I even felt like responding at the time.  I was too sick to care).

I like to stay in shape but I'll be damned if I'm going to starve myself to look like those women.

Maybe nature has wired us that way, to find thin people attractive.  I suppose we would all be much thinner if we were still a farm society and were forced to work hard each day, but we would be more muscular too.

Yeah, it's true. Although some guys, goth or not, like bigger women too. There are admirer websites/personals just for them.

Why do more guys go for thinner women?

There are two things at work.

One, society thinks if you're thin you're sexy. Flab is an imperfection that needs to be criticized and corrected.

Two, there's a comfort for men knowing you're bigger than someone, stronger than someone,


other guys call you a "goth fag" but dammit your gf can look up to you. She makes you feel like a tough guy or at least more of one in comparison to her wispy figure.

I had one female friend in HS who literally got thrown around like a rag doll.

It was objectifying in an oddly sexual kind of way.

Anyway, I thought it was fucking strange.

I sometimes wonder if I'm equal and the opposite. Maybe, I like a sensitive woman with curves so I can feel comforted in a way a rail-thin emotionally vacant person couldn't. ( And those models look more vacant than a Baghdad hotel)

Who knows?

But the ideal is not necessarily a bigger woman

I have to ditto some of what Onyx says there.

Even on this board, I see men talking all over the place about how they prefer curvacious women.

But I never see them being picked up, vs. typically bony goth chicks.

It's like they want one thing to look at, another thing to touch.

That may be true. Yet, never underestimate the power of confidence.

Everytime I talk to this one bigger girl, she has this guy or that guy wanting to get together with her. I swear, she's had more sex this summer than I have in my lifetime.

So, someone's got to be finding the curvy gals attractive.

I think it's partly a downward spiral.

You gain weight--

you feel more insecure--

less guys pay you attention-

every print ad/TV show/movie tells you you're ugly--

you feel more insecure--

you don't date as much.

I'm a tall, thin, guy and I know I'd be a lot more attractive to people if I acted differently.

Now, this woman puts it out there. (emotionally, not in the skanky sense) She acts like

"Hey, I'm attractive. If you want me cool. If you don't cool. But I think you want me because I'm the shit. "

Never underestimate the power of suggestion.

And a lot of guys are stupid. Some of them need to be told you're all that.

I honestly think all confident people get laid.

If you dont have it, fake it. Guys literally wont know the difference.

(The difference lies in the fact that if you have big tits and a small waist, you could be barfing up a kidney, and he'd still want to fuck you)

Trend?  You say that as if it's new.  Hollywood's always parading around walking skeletons as far as I can tell.  I keep myself pretty insulated from hollywood though- I can't even name anything Lindsey Lohan's done.  Celebrities, for the most part, don't interest me. 

I also get the guys who come up to me and trip all over themselves to tell me how much they love big women, as if that's supposed to make me fall at their feet.   :doh

Thin people, not skeletons. Marilyn Monroe was a size 12. The 50s celebrated the hourglass figure.

The 90s and beyond----the stick figure.

It's sick and sad, and I truly think that guys dont want concentration camp victims on their arms.

Maybe too thin girls, but not rails.

And yeah, those jerks think,

" hey look I'll do a bigger woman"

like you're a fucking charity case.

What dickweeds!

They need to get over their OWN insecurities and

admit they like someone with a little meat on their bones and then they'll treat you like a person.

AS for me, I simply like someone who's proportionate.

I have always looked for anyone interesting, and yet somehow always ended up with someone short curvy and busty. I cant fully explain it. It's my lot in life, I guess.

A waist can be a terrible thing to mind when you're looking at someone as beautiful as so many of you are.

(And I know I haven't seen a good picture of most of you. (except HH) But I think that's the point. And that's why I've crushed on so many on DGN. (besides the fact that it's mostly harmless) I feel I have a chance to fall in love with your minds before meeting you.

So many people put such a high premium on having seen the person. But you know what. Going to CC, all that youll get is the physical

and of course loud music to shout over.

I know so much about so many of you (and even more so vice versa), it would take me weeks, if not months to learn what I have here.

So, if you're looking for a one-nighter, yeah there may be others that'll get more attention. But in the end, how important is that?

Are you going to sit with the kids and say

"And I remember this one boy. He was 5'2 and weighed 250 lbs. He took me to a corner of Mephistos and was soo bad he thought he was doing me but it was really my belly button. Anyway, when I saw his Prince Albert..."


You'll look fondly at the loves,

even the ones that burst into flames after a few weeks,

and no prejudged standard or ideal can keep you from that person.

Everything else is just filler.

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there's nothing wrong with you, she must have been stoned off something.

besides, for those of us that are horizontally blessed, be happy!

my boyfriend got mad at a bunch of people because they were shouting stuff at me because of my figure. all i could do was smile. i've been teased before, and i don't care. he, on the other hand, wanted to kill. i'm not one to stop him, but i don't want to clean up the bodies.

what it boils down to is "do i think i'm beautiful?" 9 times out of 10, yes i do. i'm lucky enough to have found someone that loves me for who i am. he and i were talking about this earlier, and he prefers the plesently plumped as oppose to the tooth-picks.

to each their own, but don't make fun of someone because they aren't your "ideal" look.

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I walked in the door tonight with my lower lip out, feeling really embarrassed. I told him what she said to me. He wrapped his arms around me and held me for a REALLY long time. I've been getting more and more comfortable with my body lately, and this bitch just said something that felt.....wrong. Wayne told me that he was glad to see me with some meat on my bones for once and that he loves me no matter what. It doesn't matter what color my hair is, what I wear, or how much I weigh. He loves me. I haven't met too many men who don't want the Barbie. I'm sorry, sir. I'm the Anti Barbie. I can only be me. If being me means being a little thick around the middle, fine. He loves ME.

I feel so much better now.

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This is something I used to think about quite a bit. I used to be skinny when I was younger (5'4" 120lbs). To stay that way I ate 500 calories a day, exercised 4 hours a day and did lots of coke. Yeah, I got hit on, A LOT, but it was from men that I wouldn't care to be around. It was too hard to stay that thin (if I even LOOK at food I gain weight, okay), so I gave all that shit up. Anyway, I am not thin now, but as I've gotten older, I've gotten more confident, and I still get hit on fairly regularly, and guess what? The people that hit on me are people I actually want to talk to.

On a funny note, I hate telling people that I used to be skinny. The looks of shock and horror I get are amusing. I might as well have said that I eat baby fetuses every day for breakfast. Then they will ask me “what happened?” So I tell then that I was tired of eating a bagel and a salad every day, exercising for 4 hours each day and doing insane amounts of coke. That usually shuts them up.

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Yes this is what I was referring too. My freind has gotten so thin she has no tits now and her man and I prefer her a bit heavier.

I used to dance and made more money when I was thin but....I hear with the whole HIV scare men are starting to like more meat on their women...like it proves you don't have it or something.....I wonder if that is true....?

It is strange a man would want a stick thin woman. I read it is natural and healthy for a woman to have a bit of padding in her ass for menses and what not.....otherwise you won't and that is bad for your bones.

I have gotten so thin I stopped menstrating for 2 1/2 years. My daughters have freinds in school doing all kinds of crazy stuff to stay thin....here is one that almost made me call someone's mom.....except I found out mom is messed up and doesn't care.....this girl and her sister are eating cotton balls and drinking orange juice to stay full feeling.

I think these girls are going to kill themselves I really do....and I think it is pictures of starlets starving that makes them think men like it.....but that is too thin.

My kids would rather look like someone off of the fitness channel than 'E'.

It is a bit frightening when women like Lindsey Lohan and Nicole Ricci have slimmed down to gaunt proportions when there wasn't much wrong in the first place- bodywise that is. *lol*

I think healthy is key.  I have gained a lot of weight myself and need to lose a lot still, but I am not getting anorexic just so some guy can have his porno fantasy come to life.  I am me, and must be taken as such, and my #1 priority is to be healthy.

I do think it is setting an impossible example for regular women to obtain.  However, I do think there are plenty of men and women out there not programmed by society and marketing 'norms' that have their own preferences about what shape they like and there is someone for every shape/size imo.

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Why will people never understand

that it doesn't matter how much you weigh, but how you carry yourself. It's all about how you feel about you.

Yes, I am a big girl. I'm a size 19. And I'll admit it, no, I'm not thrilled about my weight, but I've learned to live with it. I'll never be thin. Maybe if I was doing coke and speed and not eating, I could drop 90 lbs, but no thank you. I live for Taco Bell food. And I like my tits. I like my hips and my ass. Hell, someone even told me that they thought my legs were sexy, and I'm 5'0". I may have a belly, but you know what? If you can't see past that,


I try to carry myself well & with confidence, and I feel like I do fairly well. I get hit on. A lot. I have a sense of humor, and I'm a huge flirt, and you know what? I think that's what guys really want. They would rather be with a big girl who's down to earth and knows how to laugh than some snobbish toothpick.

You know what, Hollywood? You can take your skin & bones and shove them up your uptight asses!!!

I'll keep my curves, fuck you very much.

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I have picked up some dieting habits... in a sort of lame round about way....

I Have been slimfasting it to make sure i dont become a fat ass.... that way I can overdo it once aday and drink alot on weekends....

its not so bad... besides since I am a guy, I am loath to buy new clothes if my old ones are not full of holes or somthing....

that being said, I dont want to end up looking like i just got out of a two year stay in Auchwiz.... (hence the drinking and binging here and there)

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