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This may have been talked about before er not but heres my rant on this disgusting country....

Not only should this be america but it fuckin might as well be AMERICA INC. because now-a-days everything has to be corporated in order to do whut we want to do, we have no right's....More like rights to be incorporated, ever since busch (old dusch bag) became president he made shit harder for not only me but my whole family, he said he wants to help the natives, BULLSHIT!! The peice of land some of my family use to own out in phoenix arizona which was givin full rights to the black foot's, they were forced out just because no bullshit tax's were being payed for it, and last from whut I heard they had ta move into some crummy apt and a township is being built over the land they use to own. I dont care whut anyone say's, i'll never EVER represent this country in anyway, I even refuse to vote cuz voting doesnt work for shit, if they dont like whut we say, they'll stop it in the courts. Oh and whut about federal income tax's that gets takin out of each and everyones paychecks, FUCK! Since when did we ask to pay for weapons of destruction, thats all where this moneys going to, just so we can invade more country's and rob them of there oil, oh yeah, whut a great frickin country we live in, and now, if somone gets busted for takin a piss outside, its automaticly considered sexual harrasment.....Fuck this country and fuck busch, one of these days im gettin outta here, probaly moving ta europe.

ok, I think im done ranting now....Ahh much better, todays gonna be soo wonderful :tongue:

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Wow, looks like im not the only one who despise's busch and america inc. hehe

ehh, I wasnt worried of whut I said just the fact of my problems of cussing like a sailor....But there's nothing wrong with that either (never learns) :tongue:

Keep preachin on my brotha's n sista's (use's gospel accent)

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Apparently, realizing when someone is being sarcastic is not one of your strong points.

Let me just clear something up in that last post...

Stem cells were discovered during clone research in the early 90s.

Christopher Reeves played a fictional charactor called Superman. He reversed time in a Movie, not real life.

The person pictured is Ringo Star, not Arafatt.

The PLO and Hammas are not peace orginizations. Infact, they were the first people to think of strapping bombs to themselves and blowing up bus loads of children on the way to school.

In the 80s, Marxism did rise all over the world. Mostly in Honduras. It was only Utopia for those people not killed or brutilized.

Matthew Broderick stared ina movie called "War Games" It was a movie. A Movie. Get it? Not real life.

The FCC existed before Bush came into power as did most of their rules. Infact, it existed before the Neocons started law school.

Let me know if there were some other points that confused you.

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