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Friday City Club

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i was there :grin

i met paper hearts, great to talk with you n thanx for not making me feel silly ro anything :wink

Crank -i think i might finally stop mixing u up with others :grin great to meet you and i am glad you and lestat had some thing to talk about

Anthiumm (sp?) i knew i would forget how to spell yer name lol it was good to meet you

I met another guy early i nthe night but i forgot his name :erm

and i think i might have seen some others too but i dont remeber lol lol ahh those city drinks

any how i danced allot more then i have in a long time and i felt the music too so i was happy and i was very social for me which is unusual for me and i think i might have been to social cause i had some chick snicker at me in the bathroom =( and let me tell ya what, she may have had cute skirt on n all but her looks were nothing to really talk about and her personalilty did not make up for it either. So i dont how she has room to snicker at any one. I dont like people who snicker at others like they are better then everyone else. It just makes them so ugly.

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thanks for not mentioning me.. but its ok .. I remember you :p ( and hubby too)

saw others such as



paper hearts


someone else I forgot



ohhh my please dont be offended, i did see you early on in the night when we first got there and well with me not actually partying allot the two strong drinks i did have do it for me and the kdis were comming home while iw as typing and so many other things please dont take it personally. I even forgot to mention Rambo and di not rmeber untill i saw his name in your post and i believe i saw him with anthium(sp?) most of the night too and i remebred her. My mind is allways a little foggy the mornng after we go out. VIVE QUERVO!!!!!

I did want to tell you, and had hoped to have the chance last night but we did not see you befor we left, Lestat mentioned to me that he saw you dancing I cant recall his exact words at hte moment but i believe he enjoyed your style of dance allot i think he mentioned it was bit old school, either way he noticed and it was good. I also wanted to say ti was nice to see you look so well, n happy. I really enjoyed being able to catch up a bit, you should be proud of all the progress you have made. :grin


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I was there...(been away from the computer for awhile)...was there for a friend's birthday, so I hung with them the majority of the night, said hi to a few DGN people I knew...and I met Crank, who insists I've met him before, but I didn't remember.

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