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Song that describes your mood right now


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Everything to Everyone-Everclear

you put yourself in stupid places

yes i think you know it's true

situations where it's easy to look down on you

i think you like to be the victim

i think you like to be in pain

i think you make yourself a victim

almost every single day

you do what you do

you say what you say

you try to be everything to everyone

you know all the right people

you play all the right games

you always try to be

everything to everyone

yeah you do it again

you always do it again

you say they taught you how to read and write

they taught you how to count

i say they taught you how to buy and sell

your own body by the pound

i think you like to be their simple toy

i think you love to play the clown

i think you are blind to the fact

that the hand you hold

is the hand that holds you down


spin around and fall down

do it again

you stumble and you fall

yeah why won't you ever learn

spin around and fall down

do it again

you stumble and you fall

i wonder if you will ever learn

why won't you ever learn

come on now

do that stupid dance for me

you do what they tell you to do

you say what they say

you try to be everything to everyone

you jump through the big hoop

you play all the right games

you try to be

everything to everyone

spin around and fall down

do it again

you stumble and you fall

yeah you do it again

spin around and fall down

do it again

you stumble and you fall. . .

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Sound & Vision

~David Bowie




Don't you wonder sometimes

'Bout sound and vision

Blue, blue, electric blue

That's the colour of my room

Where I will live

Blue, blue

Pale blinds drawn all day

Nothing to do, nothing to say

Blue, blue

I will sit right down,

Waiting for the gift of sound and vision

And I will sing,

waiting for the gift of sound and vision

Drifting into my solitude,

over my head

Don't you wonder sometimes

'Bout sound and vision

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There are times I just miss being active duty.

Miss the idea of doing something heroic, possibly foolish,

but at the end, I can say I did something more,

instead of waiting for the inevitable.

When I do, I tend to think of my service song (and yes, I can sing from memory still, including the bridge):

Off we go into the wild blue yonder,

Climbing high into the sun;

Here they come zooming to meet our thunder,

At 'em boys, Give 'er the gun! (Give 'er the gun now!)

Down we dive, spouting our flame from under,

Off with one helluva roar!

We live in fame or go down in flame. Hey!

Nothing'll stop the U.S. Air Force!

Minds of men fashioned a crate of thunder,

Sent it high into the blue;

Hands of men blasted the world asunder;

How they lived God only knew! (God only knew then!)

Souls of men dreaming of skies to conquer

Gave us wings, ever to soar!

With scouts before And bombers galore. Hey!

Nothing'll stop the U.S. Air Force!

Bridge: "A Toast to the Host"

Here's a toast to the host

Of those who love the vastness of the sky,

To a friend we send a message of his brother men who fly.

We drink to those who gave their all of old,

Then down we roar to score the rainbow's pot of gold.

A toast to the host of men we boast, the U.S. Air Force!

Off we go into the wild sky yonder,

Keep the wings level and true;

If you'd live to be a grey-haired wonder

Keep the nose out of the blue! (Out of the blue, boy!)

Flying men, guarding the nation's border,

We'll be there, followed by more!

In echelon we carry on. Hey!

Nothing'll stop the U.S. Air Force!

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Guest Megalicious

just like

me, you've

lost your

sight now

just like

me, you

see no reason

to fight

but you won't

find your

pot of

gold here

just like

me, you

can't be

told now

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France Gall - Laisse Tomber Les Filles

Laisse tomber les filles

Laisse tomber les filles

Un jour c'est toi qu'on laissera

Laisse tomber les filles

Laisse tomber les filles

Un jour c'est toi qui pleureras

Oui j'ai pleuré mais ce jour-là

Non je ne pleurerai pas

Non je ne pleurerai pas

Je dirai c'est bien fait pour toi

Je dirai ça t'apprendra

Je dirai ça t'apprendra

Laisse tomber les filles

Laisse tomber les filles

Ça te jouera un mauvais tour

Laisse tomber les filles

Laisse tomber les filles

Tu le paieras un de ces jours

On ne joue pas impunément

Avec un cœur innocent

Avec un cœur innocent

Tu verras ce que je ressens

Avant qu'il ne soit longtemps

Avant qu'il ne soit longtemps

La chance abandonne

Celui qui ne sait

Que laisser les cœurs blessés

Tu n'auras personne

Pour te consoler

Tu ne l'auras pas volé

Laisse tomber les filles

Laisse tomber les filles

Un jour c'est toi qu'on laissera

Laisse tomber les filles

Laisse tomber les filles

Un jour c'est toi qui pleureras

Non pour te plaindre il n'y aura

Personne d'autre que toi

Personne d'autre que toi

Alors tu te rappelleras

Tout ce que je te dis là

Tout ce que je te dis là

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Wake up, you sleepy head,

Put on some clothes, shake up your bed.

Put another log on the fire for me,

I've made some breakfast and coffee.

Look out my window, what do I see?

A crack in the sky, and a hand reaching down to me.

All the nightmares came today,

And it looks as though they're here to stay.

What are we coming to?

No room for me, no fun for you.

I think about a world to come,

Where the books were bound by the golden ones.

Written in pain, written in awe,

By a puzzled man who questioned

What we were here for.

All the strangers came today,

And it looks as though they're here to stay.

Oh you pretty things!

Don't you know you're driving your

Mamas and papas insane?

Oh you pretty things!

Don't you know you're driving your

Mamas and papas insane?

Let me make it plain,

You gotta make way for the homo superior.

Look at your children,

See their faces in golden rays?

Don't kid yourself they belong to you,

They're the start of a coming race.

The earth is a bitch,

We've finished our news,

Homo sapiens have outgrown their use.

All the strangers came today,

And it looks as though they're here to stay.

Oh you pretty things!

Don't you know you're driving your

Mamas and papas insane?

Oh you pretty things !

Don't you know you're driving your

Mamas and papas insane?

Let me make it plain,

You gotta make way for the homo superior.

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Garbage-Stupid Girl

You pretend you're high

You pretend you're bored

You pretend you're anything

Just to be adored

And what you need

Is what you get

Don't believe in fear

Don't believe in faith

Don't believe in anything

That you cant break

You stupid girl

You stupid girl

All you had you wasted

All you had you wasted

What drives you on what drives you on

Can drive you mad can drive you mad

A million lies to sell yourself

Is all you ever had

Don't believe in love

Don't believe in hate

Don't believe in anything

That you cant waste

You stupid girl

You stupid girl

Can't believe you fake it

Can't believe you fake it

Don't believe in fear

Don't believe in pain

Don't believe in anyone

That you cant tame

You stupid girl

You stupid girl

All you had you wasted

All you had you wasted

You stupid girl

You stupid girl

Can't believe you fake it

Can't believe you fake it

You stupid girl

You stupid girl

Can't believe you fake it

Can't believe you fake it

You stupid girl

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Guest Megalicious

Swans ~ Her

I'll Walk With You

Through Space And Time

And When Sleep Is Near

I Will Fold You In

I'll Disappear With You

In Clear Blue Flames

And When Our Time Arrives

We Will Slide Through Space

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Guest Megalicious

Annie~ OLP

You're a little bit shy

A little too quiet

You're the mixed up girl

That everybody leaves behind

A little bit weird

A little too bright

But you just might be

That little bomb at their side

They'll pull your hair

They'll leave you wide-eyed

But did anybody wonder

What Annie might have in mind

On, no

There's something in the way she explains to me

"please be careful, I exist in someone else's head"

Oh, no

There's something in the way she makes believe

Please be careful

Annie dreams that everyone is dead

You're a little bit dry

A little up tight

You're the messed up girl

That everybody tries to hide

You've had enough

They're too unkind

But did anyone consider what Annie might have in mind

Oh, no . . .

There's something in the way she explains to me

"please be careful, I exist in someone else's head"

Oh, no

There's something in the way she makes believe

Please be careful

Annie dreams that everyone is dead

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Star by Jesu

If I could just ignore it...

If I could just forget it...

If I could just ignore it;

Like you do, like you.

If I could just forget it;

Like you do, like you.

You're gonna' be star.

All the dreams you are.

You're gonna' go so far;

Like you do, like you.

It won't be so hard;

Not for you, not you.

It won't be so hard;

Not for you, not you. (x8)


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Guest Megalicious

Taking off ~ The cure

Tomorrow I can start again

With back to earth and carry on

The same as I did yesterday

Yeah I'll pick it up once more

And morning I'll be onto it

From square one start

And push it for a bit

Like I do everyday...

I'll get it down for sure

But tonight I climb with you


So high with you

Tonight I shine with you


Oh I'm so alive with you

Tomorrow I'll begin again

With heavy head to hold it

As I do it all like yesterday

Yeah I'll break it out again

And morning I'll be there in time

For clock back move

And make it for awhile

To get through everyday...

I'll roll it out the same

But tonight I climb with you


So high with you

Tonight I shine with you

Tonight I'm so alive...

With you it's always here and never there

With you it's always here and never where

With you it's always here and never how

With you it's always here and always now

Yeah tomorrow I will start again

With back to earth and carry on

The same as I did yesterday

Yeah I'll pick it up once more

And morning I'll be onto it

From square one start and "bit a for it push"

Like I do everyday...

I'll get it down for sure

But tonight I climb with you


So high with you

Tonight I shine with you


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Dal by Skinny Puppy


words fade above the snow

the carved out something stitch

the carver's all who wave surrender

through all tempers looking back

skin begins to crack

those ever double jointed lathers


closed off no power the will inside no peace

no feeling all disease around security


devised the cycles find

a call that's never caught

beneath the locusts dimed decision


the vice grips never freed

a crease upon one's debt

and never paying forward


what will we wont be late

what will be left today

when nothing left to beg the moral


what is it left you say

who will be left to play

when ugly crippled lies remain


closed off devours the meat inside of me

in freeing all afraid of life eternity


burning of sorrow deep inside no teeth

holding on to the things left to be believed


what will we want with fear

the time is coming near

with nothings left to have or hope for


what is there left to say

an ancient plan to pay

with blood and shit tomorrow


we will be learning shame

until we play the game

that in the end will bring disorder


what will be left to say

when nothing is the same

and all this shit goes under

slipping out the final mask

kiss the mercantile abscess

rusts behind teach fertile blood

the fingernails are dirty

face the coming nation loss

and go towards the final cost

crippled deaths of lost put all

the soul unconvincing


closed off devours the meat inside of me/him

in freeing all afraid of life eternity

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Guest Megalicious

Prince and the Revolution ~ Let go crazy

Dearly beloved

We are gathered here today

2 get through this thing called life

Electric word life

It means forever and that's a mighty long time

But I'm here 2 tell u

There's something else

The afterworld

A world of never ending happiness

U can always see the sun, day or night

So when u call up that shrink in Beverly Hills

U know the one - Dr Everything'll Be Alright

Instead of asking him how much of your time is left

Ask him how much of your mind, baby

'Cuz in this life

Things are much harder than in the afterworld

In this life

You're on your own

And if de-elevator tries 2 bring u down

Go crazy - punch a higher floor

If u don't like the world you're living in

Take a look around u

At least u got friends

U see I called my old lady

4 a friendly word

She picked up the phone

Dropped it on the floor

(Sex, sex) is all I heard

Are we gonna let de-elevator

Bring us down

Oh, no Let's Go!

Let's go crazy

Let's get nuts

Let's look 4 the purple banana

'Til they put us in the truck, let's go!

We're all excited

But we don't know why

Maybe it's cuz

We're all gonna die

And when we do (When we do)

What's it all 4 (What's it all 4)

U better live now

Before the grim reaper come knocking on your door

Tell me, are we gonna let de-elevator bring us down

Oh, no let's go!

Let's go crazy

Let's get nuts

Look 4 the purple banana

'Til they put us in the truck, let's go!

C'mon baby

Let's get nuts



Let's go crazy

Are we gonna let de-elevator bring us down

Oh, no let's go!

Go crazy

I said let's go crazy (Go crazy)

Let's go, let's go


Let's go

Dr. Everything'll be alright

Will make everything go wrong

Pills and thrills and dafodills will kill

Hang tough children

He's coming

He's coming


Take me away!

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Guest Megalicious

Clean Break ~ Jenny Owen Youngs

Make it a clean break

Make it a fast cut

Don't wanna feel the ache

Don't wanna keep the rush

Parts of me that

I don't need anymore

Can go

Don't bother with the table

We can do it on the floor

God knows I am sure

Make it a clean break

Make it a fast cut

Don't wanna feel the ache

Don't wanna keep the rush

Don't need more anesthetic


And no more laughing gas

Jut sterilize the scalpel and let's get this over with

We can muscle this in sex

As I come to I still feel you creeping in my skin

It's back I lie under the knife and start over again

Cannot buy no vitamins

Make it a clean break

Make it a fast cut

Don't wanna feel the ache

Don't wanna feel the rush

Make it a clean break

Make it a fast cut

Don't wanna feel the ache

Don't wanna feel the rush

Make it a clean break

Make it a fast cut

Don't wanna feel the ache

Don't wanna feel the rush

Edited by Megalicious
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Guest Megalicious

Inside your pretending

Crimes have been swept aside

Somewhere, where they can forget

Divine upper reaches

Still holding on

This ocean will not be grasped

All for nothing

Did you really want

Did you really want

Did you really want

Did you really want

Refuse to surrender

Strung out until ripped apart

Who dares, who dares to condemn

All for nothing

Did you really want

Did you really want

Did you really want

Did you really want

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Future Proof by Massive Attack

Borderline cases

Reinforced glass

Absent friends

Passport photos

An elastic past

Empty pocket

They think it is all...

They think it's soul

All wrapped up on a swollen lip

He draws the warm pipe.


Chemicals captured in winter's grip

Turn us on

Seperate the leper

Hungry ghosts

Hungry ghosts

Another imprint

In borrowed clothes

We can be numb

We can be numb

Passing through

Blow blow blow blow

Borderline case

Future proof

Real thin air

Real thin air

Real thin air

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Guest Megalicious

Morning song ~ Jewel

Let the phone ring, let's go back to sleep

Let the world spin outside out door, you're the only one that I wanna see

Tell your boss you're sick, hurry, get back in I'm getting cold

Get over here and warm my hands up, boy, it's you they love to hold

And stop thinking about what your sister said

Stop worrying about it, the cat's already been fed

Come on darlin', let's go back to bed

Put the phone machine on hold

Leave the dishes in the sink

Do not answer the door

It's you that I adore-

I'm gonna give you some more

We'll sit on the front porch, the sun can warm my feet

You can drink you coffee with sugar and cream

I'll drink my decaf herbal tea

Pretend we're perfect strangers and that we never met...

My how you remind me of a man I used to sleep with

that's a face I'd never forget

You can be Henry Miler and I'll be Anais Nin

Except this time it'll be even better,

We'll stay together in the end

Come on darlin', let's go back to bed

Put the phone machine on hold

Leave the dishes in the sink

do not answer the door

It's you that I adore-

I'm gonna give you some more

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Come away with me in the night

Come away with me

And I will write you a song

Come away with me on a bus

Come away where they can't tempt us

With their lies

I want to walk with you

On a cloudy day

In fields where the yellow grass grows knee-high

So won't you try to come

Come away with me and we'll kiss

On a mountaintop

Come away with me

And I'll never stop loving you

And I want to wake up with the rain

Falling on a tin roof

While I'm safe there in your arms

So all I ask is for you

To come away with me in the night

Come away with me

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Guest Megalicious

Pink Maggit~ Deftones

I'll stick you

Then I'll...

I'll...take your oxygen - away

I'll...set you on fire

'Cause I'm on fire

And always you alone

So when...to

This whore

I'm free

And they, lose her

So forget about me

'Cause I'll stick you

Now push back the square

Not that you need them - and you don't

Well there you go!

Cause back in school

We are the leaders of it all


Or stop your lies

It's what you do

Push back the square

Not that you need them - but you don't

Well there you go!

Cause back in school

We are the leaders of all

So transpose...

Or stop your lies

It's what you do


Or stop your lies

Oh...push back the square

Not that you need them - and you throw

Well there you go!

Cause back in school

We are the leaders of it all

you are

you are

all you are

all you are

all you are

all you are

is me...

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