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Has this ever been brought up? I wondered if it was ever put out there and the possibilities. I always notice that a lot of posts are followed up one after another like a minute apart. I have often thought there should be a chatroom so you could meet and talk with other people new and not new alike. What say you Troy?

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Has this ever been brought up?  I wondered if it was ever put out there and the possibilities.  I always notice that a lot of posts are followed up one after another like a minute apart.  I have often thought there should be a chatroom so you could meet and talk with other people new and not new alike.  What say you Troy?


I second that.

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I'd donate 20 fucking bucks right now to a DGN chat room that is bad huh considering it is all I can afford for causes this month.........I have detroit rescue mission ministries in mind no doubt they will get it.......I was homeless in AZ where it is warm......and I was female and attractive...these people here do not have it that easy I dont care what people say......some are ok people just hard on their luck is all.

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Yeah but I hate yahoo groups.

There is an IRC chatroom called #detroitgothic.net on Gleek's network.

The list of IRC servers are



scaryguy.thegleek.com (yes I run a server on it too)





To use IRC you either need to use a client like mIRC www.mirc.com or there are plenty of java/CGI based web clients available.

www.sillygoth.com has a chat client.

www.thegleek.com has a chat client.

www.thedeadsociety.com has a chat client

As of now Troy doesn't like the idea of a DGN chat. So any DGN chat rooms are unofficial. This is not the first time this has been brought up. The older thread is here http://www.detroitgothic.net/index.php?sho...845&hl=chatroom

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"DGN Chat?" Why there isn't one - Official Response

The board was created (and continues to operate) under the  idea that we want to encourage clam longer-form discussion, and well thought out ideas.  Chat rooms tend not encourage that kind of discourse.  All this work building the userbase , was done under this (as well as other) concepts.

Its the Marshall McLuhan "The medium is the message"at work.

The play-nice rules , make it  such that DGN is associated with calm, generally flame-free discourse, open chat rooms are very difficult to properly manage in that way if not impossible.

In addition, it is well known  that chat rooms, when associated with message boards, quickly consume a large number of the potential ideas/posters in favor of the more lowest-common-denominator conversation chat room "style" on both the chat room and the board(s) that are associated with them.   

Every eyeball that is on a dgn "chat room" is one that isnt on the board.

You can "chat" right on DGN nearly as fast (but not quite, by desgin) as on any chat system if you really feel the need.  (PMs or on board)

There are lots of other lesser reasons why there is no "DGN Chat room" but the above are the core reasons why we have not put up a chat room.

As you might be able to tell a lot of thought has gone into this one over the 5+ years of "DGN's" existence (as well as the 10 month or so existence of the various incarnations of the pre-Spiral proto-Board era)

Its a popular idea. One that we've almost implemented several times.  As it stands now a DGN Chat room would be more of a liability than an asset for what we are trying to build. 

If you need to "chat" everyones PM / IM information is clearly visible in their profiles.

Note the above is not "set in stone" but its, at least set in sandstone, for the time being.  We've spent so much time thinking about this one its silly.

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Has this ever been brought up?  I wondered if it was ever put out there and the possibilities.  I always notice that a lot of posts are followed up one after another like a minute apart.  I have often thought there should be a chatroom so you could meet and talk with other people new and not new alike.  What say you Troy?


The above post is straight from Troy. This has been brought up so many times, all i had to do was paste the official answer ;)

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I think I remember reading something along the line before. Not quite sure where...

Edit: and because we're all geeks/dorks/etc, I'm sure we all know how to use IRC well ehough. =)


I recommend highly the Yahoo IM feature, we actually did a poll at one time and Yahoo IM was the most popular - oh and we have a Yahoo group.

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Hey I do so hate well not hate........but........posting.......just crap.....personal at the time stuff...what ever ...lets start a chat room!


Anything you are uncomfortable leaving up, edit it out or ask a mod to delete, it's ok. Even entire threads can be deleted if they have no future relevence to others.

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Lets not try to drive people away to another forum <on this forum>.  :tongue:


I wonder if he's even tried that DCC chat link though. Last I checked it was down. I can't even believe he mentioned it since it's been like that for well over two months now.

Also when it was working it was hosted on Gleek's IRC also. #oontz is basically what became of #cityclub when we disbanded it and told everyone to go there. It isn't affiliated iwth any forum, only the local G/I scene.

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