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Happy birthday, my dearest love.

Because we are, once again, facing a financially tight birthday, consider this just one tiny, tiny thing I can do for you.

It sucks that your "gift" ended up being your chauffer's license. That is a true pisser.

It sucks that the pecan pie I made you ended up more expensive than that cake you made me that time. But fuck it - I wanted you to have that pie. Maybe that porn I've got selling on eBay right now will get a good bid and pay for that pie. :wink

It sucks that we only have the 1 vehicle right now, so I wasn't able to go out and get you a card, and doubly sucks that I ended up forgetting that I COULDN'T buy you a card and ended up without enough time to MAKE you one. Hence this post.

It sucks that it appears you're working late. On your birthday.

But what doesn't suck is you. I love you SO much. You work so hard for us. You care so much. You've come so far since your first birthday together with me.

I can't think of a better friend. We like the same things. We hate the same things. We get bored at the same things.

We have so few low points. So few downs. Even through struggles, we come through - together.

Thank you.


Happy Birthday!

Oh, and... blowme.gifcake.gif

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Awww, that is the sweetest.

It sucks to be poor (believe me, I do know)! but you two have something very precious together, worth all the money in the world.

You are both very resourceful and hard workers, and I'm sure you'll be back on your feet again financially very soon. I'm so glad you two are back in Michigan.

Happy birthday from me too :)

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Happy birthday, Jon!!!

You know what? You have each other. This would be your greatest gift. You've been through a lot, and haven't killed each other yet. You're always there for each other. You are each other's backbone.

Wayne and I used to be so broke, my birthday dinners were usually dollar store mac-n-cheese and a box of wine. But, we lit our candles, turned out the lights, and had a beautiful time. Because we love each other.

Just like you.

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