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Awful Plastic Surgery

Fierce Critter

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I found this site when looking for something else Awful Plastic Surgery

Initially, I was looking for a picture of Bree Walker, a woman I saw on Dr. Phil the other day. She was on there to talk about her issues with a condition that makes her hands look lobster-like. But it was her LIPS that I was transfixed/horrified by. I can't find a good picture of what they REALLY look like, as it looks like she had some ADDITIONAL collagen injected before taping Dr. Phil, but here's what I could come up with:


There's a decent picture of her old self on APS.com's page on her. They focus on her eyes, which WERE bad, but it's her lips which appear to have taken on MASSIVE proportions (she had been a television anchorwoman at one time, and looked fairly normal and attractive - PRE-facial surgery).

One website I found compares her new lips to those of Jocelyn Wildenstein - a REALLY scary example also on APS.com

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Thats an interesting website that crittter has linked to there. But the lobster handed , balloon lipped woman subject scares me to much to comment directly. (tries to block out the thoughts!! eeeeh get them out!!). :tongue:

On a related note when i used to go to the doctor in one of thoes "medical suites" there was , what i assume was a woman there that had just came out of a dermatoligists office and she had a "chemical peel" (overheard here talking to her husband about how bad her face itched) Im not sure what its supposted to look like, but it seemed she had nearly no skin at all on her face, or had a see-through layer of skin left on her face and you could almost see the fibers in the muscle tissue underneath. My asumption was that it was "supposed" to look like that till it grew back, but, i was in pain just looking at her. Her husband said something to the effect of "i hope this doesnt turn out like your last sugery". I was afraid to ask what sort of frankenstienian operation she had previously.

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I waited on a lady the other night who's face didn't move one bit when she talked.  I couldn't help but stare whenever she said something.  Wayyyy too much surgery.


This thread keeps reminding me of the movie "Escape from LA". She looks like the nurse to the Surgeon General of Beverly Hills.

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Guest Game of Chance

What kind of parents let their 17 year old daughter (Lindsay Lohan) get breast implants?


I know a girl (an acquaintance's sister) who got them when she was 14...

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Guest Game of Chance

wtf? a girl is not even done growing and changing at that age as it is. that is just sick and wrong.


That's rich Grosse Pointers for you

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