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I agree with you on the "you must be this intelligent to reproduce" issue, sooth.

And not like Einstein smart, but common sense smart.

Question 1: Which end of a baby is up?

Question 2: How many times a day should you feed said baby?

Question 3: Should you habitually use narcotics when you have a child to take care of?

Question 4: Should you leave a young child alone?

Question 5: Do you need money to take care of your child?

...etc, etc. Sadly, I know people with kids that would get some of these questions wrong. Common sense, people. If you can't even take care of yourself, don't bring another person into this world that will depend on you to take care of it.

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How about we do like the English did and send them all to their own colony. Just like Austraila we could find an island and dump them there and it could be like a servivor kind of thing where the least stupid will servive.

Note: If you can't see that I am joking here I don't know what to tell you.


Yeah, but then we have an island full of morons to contend with. Eventually, they'll fashion a crude raft out of welfare checks and come back to exact thier revenge upon us.

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yeha i was about to take offense a bit as i have been called white trash many times my self and that just for the cloths i wear :ohmy:

But i get what yer saying sooth, i have seen so many who are just straight up STUPID in some of the most silly things too. I mean seriosly if yer 2 yr old is literly running up n down the isles in the super market and you slowly wlak up n down the isle behind him screaming his name for all the here U R STUPID Fucking run to the end of the isel he is currnetly in, jump out as he rounds the corner grab the kid and stick him in the shopping cart, problem solved! We dont want to here ya scream JACK JACK JACK JACK while i am trying to remeber what the hell i had to get. :blink

DOWN WIT THE STUPID :Poke:spank:whip

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They used to sterilize the mentally retarted against their will.

I actually know a family that let their retarted son get married to a girl who was also mentally retarted and let them live there with their twice as mentally retarted son........

to each his own........

White trash? Thats not so bad, now is it.........wiggers we call em.

Who knows......maybe one will grow up and become president.

After all......they arn't retarted are they?

It could happen...

Be afraid.......be very afraid.

Although I doubt anyone will become president that wasn't a part of the scull and bones fraternity anytime soon lol.

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Bush is stupid enough as it is.

I knew about them fixing women who were deemed as "febleminded"

Although both retardation and genius are the result of mutation. I've got this one friend in Whyoming, he's a certifiable genius but his mom is as dumb as a rock. A big ugly rock that likes to eat things.

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It is very sad that the people who are the least qualified to raise children seem to have the most of them. There doesn't seem to be any way to knock some sense into people like that.

You can't always judge by appearances though.

I know quite a few who would be considered white trash by some who I'd trust with my life, and quite a few who are upper middle class who wouldn't piss on me if I were on fire :laughing

Edited by Onyx
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You can't always judge by appearances though.

I know a quite few who would be considered white trash who I'd trust with my life, and quite a few who are upper middle class who wouldn't piss on me if I were on fire  :laughing



Who the Hell has the right to judge? Who can actually say what is right, or what is normal, or what is "white trash?" Rarely does anyone judge me on sight now. One person does, and he knows who he is. My hair is presently pink and black. It doesn't change the fact that I'm fairly well-spoken and a caring person. I have visible tattoos. It doesn't change the fact that I'm a good parent who loves my kids and a loving wife as well. I have piercings! Oh no!! Whatever. It doesn't change that fact that I will do anything for you if you are close to me, or that I got your back in a tight situation.

The only thing that really counts is that my husband, children, and friends love me for who I am. Not what I look like. I apologize for getting a bit wordy, but it's how I feel about the above comment.

Looks aren't where it's at. Who you are is.

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They used to sterilize the mentally retarted against their will.

I actually know a family that let their retarted son get married to a girl who was also mentally retarted and let them live there with their twice as mentally retarted son........

to each his own........

White trash?  Thats not so bad, now is it.........wiggers we call em.

Who knows......maybe one will grow up and become president.

After all......they arn't retarted are they?

It could happen...

Be afraid.......be very afraid.

Although I doubt anyone will become president that wasn't a part of the scull and bones fraternity anytime soon lol.


your telling me skull and bones actually admitted George Bush?

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My definition of a N'er or wigger or whatever you call it is living right across the street.

He doesn't work. (Ok so I dont either but.......) He wont help out around the house she does EVERYTHING including come home from work, mow the lawn.....cook...clean and raise the kids.

He DOES drink and deal drugs all day.

Young strange men coming at all hours for just 15 minutes here and there.....with young kids running around.

Cops over there on a regular basis.......

That is trashy....white.....black......whatever.

If I was her he would so be out on his ass. :grin


Who the Hell has the right to judge? Who can actually say what is right, or what is normal, or what is "white trash?" Rarely does anyone judge me on sight now. One person does, and he knows who he is. My hair is presently pink and black. It doesn't change the fact that I'm fairly well-spoken and a caring person. I have visible tattoos. It doesn't change the fact that I'm a good parent who loves my kids and a loving wife as well. I have piercings! Oh no!! Whatever. It doesn't change that fact that I will do anything for you if you are close to me, or that I got your back in a tight situation.

The only thing that really counts is that my husband, children, and friends love me for who I am. Not what I look like. I apologize for getting a bit wordy, but it's how I feel about the above comment.

Looks aren't where it's at. Who you are is.

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I hate to break it too you but most of "us" goths are considered White Trash too... even though we dont live in trailer parks etc... we are still hated by soccer moms who think we caused columbine and are just waiting to get her perfect little angels into crack and extamacy*.... there are far more of them than there are of us... so dont push too hard for legal sterilization... or the balls you cut off might be your own (metaphoricaly speaking)

Having read just a few books on National Socialist Germany, the path you are proposing has been taken before....

*spelled wrong on purpose

Edited by ZhukovCodeslinger
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I hate to break it too you but most of "us" goths are considered White Trash too... even though we dont live in trailer parks etc... we are still hated by soccer moms who think we caused columbine and are just waiting to get her perfect little angels into crack and extamacy*.... there are far more of them than there are of us... so dont push too hard for legal sterilization... or the balls you cut off might be your own (metaphoricaly speaking)

I live in a really conservative community. I'm probably viewed as some sort of white trash goth soccer mom.

*expects to be burned at the stake any minute*

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