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Phee and Paperheart's "SERIOUS" thread


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Hi, I'm your friendly guide to eternal posting.

If you would please keep your hands in you pockets, store your brain in the overhead compartment, and read this post VERY fast you will be able to achieve maximum enjoyment,


or at the least

it's candlebox equivalent of enlightenment.

Thank you and enjoy the ride.

This ride will end in approx 53 minutes

Im coming in here because I have a way of going on and on in a serious way and then people get so confused that they have no idea what they were excited about in the first place so they just poke their eyeballs out and set their pants on fire and start running down the street screaming "I'm just a happy little girl" unless they are happy little girls and then they jump up and down and scream hilary duff lyrics until their brain explodes from the serious damage that all that fluff taking over their gray matter has done and theyre lying there and their parents dont know what they did wrong but then they move on and go on DGN to expose their innernmost secrets until one day they stumble upon a thread that I have been posting on and they get so confused that they have no idea what they were excited about in the first place so they just poke their eyeballs out and set their pants on fire and start running down the street screaming "I'm just a happy little girl" which is strange considering what happened to their happy little girl but they dont know whats happening so they float into outer space and meet the pigs in space that have been in a constant holding pattern since the muppet show was cancelled over twenty years ago and then they are overcome with soulcrushing depression because it took them twenty years to get over the fact that such a milestone in televised goodness was yanked off the air like a baby panda pulled away from his mother to go live in another zoo and the new zoo isnt even that nice and it isnt really a zoo but a remote island where dr moreau lives since he needs new animal specimen to crossbreed and then the parents still reeling from the cancellatiuon of pigs in space and moreover the muppet show and of course to a lesser extent the death of their only child which although painful could never compare to the momentous occasion when a pre golf plaid alice cooper visited the set and mayhem ensued and then the parents come back as half human half pandas and they mate and ron burgandy has them on panda watch which is odd since he is a fictional character but not quite as odd as them becoming half human half pandas still mourning the loss of pigs in space so they visit DGN and get so confused that they have no idea what they were excited about in the first place so they just poke their eyeballs out and set their pants on fire and start running down the street screaming "I'm just a happy little girl" and suddenly everyone else is doing the same and it becomes this mass exodus from DGN like the scene in forrest gump where he starts running and grows a nasty beard and everyone joins him and then the thread dies and so when you search the eternal in pages 3 through infinity it is littered with the carcasses of threads that I have laid waste to and now that I have infected this thread like a virus slowly everyone who was feeling all serious about this thread will get so confused that they have no idea what they were excited about in the first place so they just poke their eyeballs out and set their pants on fire and start running down the street screaming "I'm just a happy little girl" and this thread too will die a fiery death in the pits of hell a place so dank and evil that only cockroaches and gloria estefan music will thrive


and I'm being completely serious

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Guest Game of Chance

ew gloria estefan. no thanks. that is seriously bad music.


To the beat of the rythym of the night. Dancing to the morning light.

Forget about the worries on your mind. You can leave them all behind.


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To the beat of the rythym of the night.  Dancing to the morning light.

Forget about the worries on your mind.  You can leave them all behind.


GOC, you're assbackwards. All you've got in the fridge is a bratwurst (Big Boi)

You're quoting El Debarge.

Painful, sure. But not tied to a wall with fire singing your face and nipple clamps the size of barbells painful.

I think you're looking for this

Rhythm is gonna get'cha

Rhythm is gonna get'cha

Rhythm is gonna get you

The rhythm is gonna get you tonight

O eh, o eh, o eh, o eh

O eh, oo aah, o eh, oo aah

O eh, o eh, o eh, o eh

O eh, oo aah, o eh, oo aah

O eh, o eh

Yah yeh goh

Yah yeh goh

Yah yeh goh

Those are the actual lyrics!

Thats why Gloria Estefan AND the Miami Sound Machine have earned their rightful place in the pits of hell


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That is seriously beautiful!!!!! :swoon  :swoon  :swoon

Although, if you're trying to keep your crushes to a minimum, it wont help you any.



I cant see the change. I changed it like 4 times. Then I even closed my browser, deleted temp files, refreshed the page....I can't see how it looks!!

Know what makes that seriously funny? I work on a PC help desk!!!

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Hi, I'm your friendly guide to eternal posting. 

If you would please keep your hands in you pockets, store your brain in the overhead compartment, and read this post VERY fast you will be able to achieve maximum enjoyment,


or at the least

it's candlebox equivalent of enlightenment. 

Thank you and enjoy the ride. 

This ride will end in approx 53 minutes

Im coming in here because I have a way of going on and on in a serious way and then  people get so confused that they have no idea what they were excited about in the first place so they just poke their eyeballs out and set their pants on fire and start running down the street screaming "I'm just a happy little girl" unless they are happy little girls and then they jump up and down and scream hilary duff lyrics until their brain explodes from the serious damage that all that fluff taking over their gray matter has done and theyre lying there and their parents dont know what they did wrong but then they move on and go on DGN to expose their innernmost secrets until one day they stumble upon a thread that I have been posting on and they get so confused that they have no idea what they were excited about in the first place so they just poke their eyeballs out and set their pants on fire and start running down the street screaming "I'm just a happy little girl" which is strange considering what happened to their happy little girl but they dont know whats happening so they float into outer space and meet the pigs in space that have been in a constant holding pattern since the muppet show was cancelled over twenty years ago and then they are overcome with soulcrushing depression because it took them twenty years to get over the fact that such a milestone in televised goodness was yanked off the air like a baby panda pulled away from his mother to go live in another zoo and the new zoo isnt even that nice and it isnt really a zoo but a remote island where dr moreau lives since he needs new animal specimen to crossbreed and then the parents still reeling from the cancellatiuon of pigs in space and moreover the muppet show and of course to a lesser extent the death of their only child which although painful could never compare to the momentous occasion when a pre golf plaid alice cooper visited the set and mayhem ensued and then the parents come back as half human half pandas and they mate and ron burgandy has them on panda watch which is odd since he is a fictional character but not quite as odd as them becoming half human half pandas still mourning the loss of pigs in space so they visit DGN and get so confused that they have no idea what they were excited about in the first place so they just poke their eyeballs out and set their pants on fire and start running down the street screaming "I'm just a happy little girl" and suddenly everyone else is doing the same and it becomes this mass exodus from DGN  like the scene in forrest gump where he starts running and grows a nasty beard and everyone joins him and then the thread dies and so when you search the eternal in pages 3 through infinity it is littered with the carcasses of threads that I have laid waste to and now that I have infected this thread like a virus slowly everyone who was feeling all serious about this thread will get so confused that they have no idea what they were excited about in the first place so they just poke their eyeballs out and set their pants on fire and start running down the street screaming "I'm just a happy little girl" and this thread too will die a fiery death in the pits of hell a place so dank and evil that only cockroaches and gloria estefan music will thrive


and I'm being completely serious


:blink you seriously write a lot of babble that makes sense... seriously!

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