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I'm getting the tubal ligation done this Thursday.

I know a lot of people told me not to do it when I had mentioned it before but I HAVE TO :laughing I am much too old to have any more kids and I just don't want anymore, plain and simple. I can't handle the two I've got :grin

Anyway, I'm having serious anxiety about being forced/medically put to sleep. That whole concept of not having any control over it kinda freaks me out. I've had numerous surgeries before and I've never experianced this. Weird :blink

I hope they have the Ativan ready for me :laughing

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Well good luck. I did it at Mt clemens General and was up and out in an hour. It was the easiest surgery I ever had.

I too worry about anesthesia but only because I got real sick once. It is just unerving but if you tell them that sometimes they give you a pill so your not scared for the half hour wait while they prepare you.

Just think no more pill......condom.......babies!

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I'm getting the tubal ligation done this Thursday.

I know a lot of people told me not to do it when I had mentioned it before but I HAVE TO  :laughing  I am much too old to have any more kids and I just don't want anymore, plain and simple. I can't handle the two I've got  :grin

Anyway, I'm having serious anxiety about being forced/medically put to sleep. That whole concept of not having any control over it kinda freaks me out. I've had numerous surgeries before and I've never experianced this. Weird  :blink

I hope they have the Ativan ready for me  :laughing


I have ha dthis done and I LOVE IT. OMG it is so wondeful not to have to even think about it.

I went in on a friday morning, they preped me withthe usual, i did not start to fall asleep untill i hitthe O.R. and just as i was falling asleep they were wrapping me in a nice soft cuddley pre warmed Blanket, kinda put a real calm safe feel to the whole thing. When i woke up i felt sore, something similar to doing a million sit ups at once, as long as i did not over streach my belly area i was okay, they gave me pain meds and that made lying about no big deal what so ever. I got to go home and i had Vicodens for at home, I may have taken one or two after i had gotten home but i slept mostly. The next day (Satirday) i was again sore, so i took the V's and they made lying about no problem. THe only time i flet any real discomfort was while iw ould walk to and fro mthe bath room. Dont stand straight up right away, give yourself a little slump in your posture. Sunday i was feeling allot better little to no sorness with or with out meds,I actually felt pretty good but i milked the whole tke care of me thing and i layed about. Monday, i was out side doing yard work, no problem, no pain. The incesion in my belly button did get infected slightly so make sure you keep your belly clean, and i have another smal scar located in the pubic hair line that is smaller then my pinky nail.

After wards i have had nothing really to report, i hae not become pregnant and it has been 5 years. I some ties can feel the area inside but i tnothing more then a light a menstral cramp and it normally only happens near my period so it just might be cramps any how. I also noticed my stomach muscle tone went to shit after ward, they blow you up with air so they have planty of room to work in there, any how it streaches it out i think and ya have to work at getting you tummy tone back. (which i havent but should try to)

I am glad i got it done.

If ya need to talk about it send me a message.

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I had surgery about 2 weeks ago....it was my 1st time ever. I was afraid of the same thing....but once they put that stuff in your veins, the next thing you know, you are awake and it is over. It is the strangest thing. There was vitually no discomfort, except you might feel a little sick upon waking up and they give you a shot of something for that.....(It's good....whatever it is...)

The worst part though is if they are using a gas to blow you up, the next day your shoulder will hurt so bad.....deferred pain is what they say it is, I guess the gas irritates your diaphram which has a major nerve that goes to your shoulder.

You will proabaly arch your back for comfort then causing pain in your lower back....they should give you nice things to help your after pains, which shouldn't be too bad.

I wish you luck! You'll do just fine! You strong woman you! :wink

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The worst part though is if they are using a gas to blow you up, the next day your shoulder will hurt so bad.....deferred pain is what they say it is, I guess the gas irritates your diaphram which has a major nerve that goes to your shoulder. 

You will proabaly arch your back for comfort then causing pain in your lower back....they should give you nice things to help your after pains, which shouldn't be too bad. 


i had a laparoscopy and had this problem. oh man it was awful. my stomach was hugely bloated for 2 weeks. i had to go out a few places and people would look at me, then my stomach, then smile. they all thought i was pregnant.

it was only so bad because i had the surgery and got married two weeks later andmy stomach was so bloated it made my dress tighter than it should have been. :tongue:

good luck with this manicqueen. and watch out for the dreaded bloating. :laughing

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i had a laparoscopy and had this problem. oh man it was awful. my stomach was hugely bloated for 2 weeks. i had to go out a few places and people would look at me, then my stomach, then smile. they all thought i was pregnant. 

it was only so bad because i had the surgery and got married two weeks later andmy stomach was so bloated it made my dress tighter than it should have been.  :tongue:

good luck with this manicqueen. and watch out for the dreaded bloating. :laughing


Nice words of comfort Dyno!! :nut

You'll be fine, Brookie.

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B- I had it done 5 years ago.

Fast, easy, not very scary at all. VERY SMALL scars and cocoa butter helps them disappear fast.

I support your decision. i made mine years back due to my 'x' having a defective gene in his anatomy which may have been why our son died. You make your calls because YOU have to live with the decisions sweetie. You're a smart lass.

If you need someone to bs with call me...I'll be in surgery on the 14th of Oct myself and then...NO MORE female parts fo rme at all!

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Well thanx all for your words of wisdom and support. Though, I'm still nervous :laughing

The last surgery I had, I ended up crying like a little baby while I was scooting myself onto the OR table ROTFLMAO.gif I can't believe I got that freaked out. I can laugh about it now but when it was happening. OMFG!!

I talked to a surgical nurse today and she was going over everything for Thur. Not to eat after midnight, no jewelry and NO body jewery. I'm not going to take out my nose ring just for this. It will close within 10 minutes. So I'm gonna have a little talk with them before they take me in. It's not like it's going to fall out and get lost in my gut.. geesh! Damn precautions. It's not coming out though!

Question, I've heard women talk about some kind of Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome they get after this surgery. Has anyone experianced it? Long heavy bleeding with your periods, horrible cramps and some other weird symptoms.

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My period went from two days to 5 days, the color changed and the flow is heavier and like i said i can feel the area or tubes near my period. It feels like a pressure, if it gets too uneasy i take a midol and i am good to go. Really one of the best things i have ever done. I have no complaints.

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B- I had it done 5 years ago.

Fast, easy, not very scary at all. VERY SMALL scars and cocoa butter helps them disappear fast.

I support your decision. i made mine years back due to my 'x' having a defective gene in his anatomy which may have been why our son died. You make your calls because YOU have to live with the decisions sweetie. You're a smart lass.

If you need someone to bs with call me...I'll be in surgery on the 14th of Oct myself and then...NO MORE female parts fo rme at all!


Ummm sweetie, I'm sure you'll still have a few female parts left, the fun parts I believe. Otherwise that outfit from last Sat won't fit right....LOL OK, I'll go away and be quiet.

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My period went from two days to 5 days, the color changed and the flow is  heavier and like i said i can feel the area or tubes near my period. It feels like a pressure, if it gets too uneasy i take a midol and i am good to go.  Really one of the best things i have ever done. I have no complaints.


I agree. I had a tubal ligation done when I ended up having an emergency c-section with my fourth (my last child and I ended up with a c-section!). And I agree with Lilith 100% here.

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Surgery went well and I'm in massive pain.


Glad to here all went good. Take the pain meds and sleep, try using a pillow to lay on, try no to move to much. Should start to go away soon. The first day or two was probally the roughest but by the third day i was doing real well and liek i said the fourth day after i was out doing yard work. Dont forget to keep a close eye on your belly button, those little bugger like to get infected at the drop of a pin, so keep it clean n coverd. Also see if a heating pad place in directly near the area of pain relieves some of it, i would not apply heat directly to the Belly area but perhaps if you have the heating pad on your side or soething it might help.

Huggs Huggs Huggs Huggs

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