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Chronicles of Riddick

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I really enjoyed PitchBlack so was looking forward to this movie a lot -- plus I'd watch anything with Vin Diesel in it cause I'm shallow that way. ;)

I watched it yesterday. I'm still feeling vaguely creeped out today.

*spoilers below*

I expected eye candy but got that plus a whole lot of fun special effects. It was much darker than I assumed from the previews.

It wasn't really a horror movie, more scifi/fantasy which is my very favorite type of movie, but there was a general creepiness about the dead/aliveness of the warriors and *shudder* those Cleaners. Ewww. The whole atmosphere of the movie was vaguely chilling to me.

My gripes with the movie: The whole warrior - wipe out the planet thing didn't make logical sense to me. Why ferret out people and kill them? (especially people who wouldn't make good warriors or breeders). Why not make a show of force and then try to convert those you can, then leave and set off the planet-killer thing?

Of course, the leader seemed to be clinically insane so in that way I guess his orders would not be logical anyway.

It was very strange to me the direction they went in - didn't have much to do with the original at all and also very few ties other than the female lead. I still thoroughly enjoyed it and absolutely loved Judi Dench as the Elemental -- one of my favorite actresses - also some very interesting special effects. I've never seen these type of movements applied this way in a movie and it made for some amazing scenes.

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Well, I've not slept since seeing them since I only *just* finished watching them about an hour ago. I'll let you know on that one. ;)

Yes, I did enjoy them although I think I liked Pitch Black better than Chronicles mainly for the reasons Onyx posted above. The only reason I can think that they destroyed the planets were (a) Cleansing the unbelievers or (b) Cleansing out the dissidents who would not willingly convert to being Necromongers (sp?)

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Yes, I understood why they destroyed it when they were finished with the planet, but why did they ferret out people in their houses at the beginning?

Why use an inefficient Cleaner plus lose a bunch of your troops when you have a planet killer?

(This was before they even got a chance to hear them preaching about how awesome the Underverse was). Strange how they let a bunch of them get away and go to that meeting. ? Maybe I missed something.

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but why did they ferret out people in their houses at the beginning?

Because they needed to replace the troops that they lost during the initial takeover. If you remember, when Riddick is being escorted into the Lord Marshall's ship, he sees people dressed in black, hanging by their arms with things sticking out of their necks. This is the way they converted people to the Necromonger "way of life".

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I saw Chronicles of Riddick and purchased the DVD (will probably watch it this weekend). I enjoyed Chronicles very much. They actually put some effort into the script and story so there aren't gaping plot holes. Though I'm sure some inconsistencies have been unearthed, there weren't any glaring "omgwtf, that doesn't make sense!" moments upon first viewing. I hope it made enough money so there is a Chronicles II. :)

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  I hope it made enough money so there is a Chronicles II. :)


I would like a part two also.

If I can get over my creeped-out mood I may watch it again. I think I missed quite a few things the first time through.

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As I too think there should be a third movie I did a quickie web search and found this article from Aug of last year:

Vin Diesel & Twohy Talk On 'Riddick' Future

Wednesday, August 11th, 2004

Vin Diesel and writer/director David Twohy talked about the future of the The Chronicles of Riddick franchise to Empire Online.

"From the very very beginning, when everyone thought it was crazy, I was thinking of The Chronicles of Riddick as a trilogy," said Diesel. "That would start with the movie you saw, and Pitch Black would act as a prequel that introduced you to the character. So in simple terms, in Chronicles 2 we venture to the Underverse. We knew we could get away with a PG-13 on the first one, but once you go to the Underverse it's rated R, because it's a place where war is the norm and there is constant, constant battling. Then on Chronicles 3 we will see Riddick return to Furia, to deal with the homeland."

David Twohy said, "We did a lot of talking in this film about the Underverse, and one way of talking about it is the promised land - that this leader of this new Necromonger faith has found. If you want to look at it more scientifically, scientists have this concept of multiverses - multiple universes, y'know. The idea is that this 'verse they talk about, this Underverse, is a parallel universe, and the door to that, the portal to that place, has been found by the Lord Marshal. And he is the one guy who has stepped across, and gazed upon its beauty and its power, and taken a little bit of it back with him. So there's much to be plundered there."

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  • 4 years later...

I like both but as stand-alones not sequels. Actually for most of the same reasons you listed. The one thing that irritated me about Pitch Black was the fact that he treated the little girl in chronicles like a little sister and such and then they follow it with creepy sexual tension. Yeah she's hot, I'd totally do her, but I'd never do someone that I had or do view as a little sister.

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