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Hydro planing Is this True????


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I agree. Just because I have airbags, ABS and traction control doesn't mean I'd be perfectly safe to use cruise control in 3 inches of rain.

...it all hinges on common sense and basic driving skills.

A lot of people think ABS means the car will stop in any kind of weather, on a dime. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Wrong!!


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A lot of people think ABS means the car will stop in any kind of weather, on a dime.  Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz  Wrong!! 



:laughing :laughing :laughing :laughing

I can remember stories from when my husband would pull people out of ditches saying "My ABS should have stopped me." or "But I have four wheel drive."

....ahhhh the days of towing cars.

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The four-wheel drive is what gets me. People in SUVs or pickups who drive like it's a bright summer's day, when in fact it's in the teens, visibility is near zero, and there's six inches of snow on the road that has been compacted into ice.

It's not weather that truly scares me on the road, it's other drivers.

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The four-wheel drive is what gets me.  People in SUVs or pickups who drive like it's a bright summer's day, when in fact it's in the teens, visibility is near zero, and there's six inches of snow on the road that has been compacted into ice.

It's not weather that truly scares me on the road, it's other drivers.


I think it's funny....some people just don't get it......then they cry when they end up in a ditch like everyone else who's driving like an ass. :laughing :laughing

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The four-wheel drive is what gets me.  People in SUVs or pickups who drive like it's a bright summer's day, when in fact it's in the teens, visibility is near zero, and there's six inches of snow on the road that has been compacted into ice.

It's not weather that truly scares me on the road, it's other drivers.

Right on...

They REALLY should make getting a license (And keeping it) a bit more challenging. (And useful)

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Somebody may have explained this but it is worth repeating.

You cruse control works in tandem with your speedometer.

your speedometer either works by reading revolutions of your drive shaft or a tire in most modern case it is the drive shaft.

The speedometer DOES NOT read how fast the street or any surface you are on to determine speed.

Now if the cruse control is on and you loose traction your car will not speed up regardless of what the speedometer is saying.

We are from Michigan and we have all done 10+ mph without moving an inch.

I have found from experience that it is safer to keep the gas going then it is to break when hydroplaning though it is even safer to do neither.

I digress.

If you tires loose traction and cruse control is set one of two basic thing will happen.

1. your car will maintain speed until you regain traction and you will notice a slight burst in speed

2. your car will slow down until you regain traction and you will notice a bust in speed until you regain the speed the control was set at.

Don't go letting you think that your safe with the cruse control on however because those basic factors do not take into account that you may loose control of the direction of your car.

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you are wise beyond your years... noticing that your mother in law is an idiot that gets her news from forwarded emails etc.  dont believe this kind of crap any more than you would believe you could get a HUGE PENISfrom a pill or that you might have just won $XXXXXXXXX or that they can help you refinance....

p.s. you should send her lots of emails relating all the people who are killed for flashing their lights at cars with their headlights off and about the people who hide under cars and stab you with knives... oh and tell her to look out for the excaped psychopath with the "hook for a hand" he hangs around deserted areas where kids park to make out (and around stupid mother in laws homes).

Why does she have a computer anyway?


ROFLMAO I peed :woot: I have gotten every single one of those Spoof emails from her too. Except the HUGE PENIS one. She would die if i sent it ot her.

LOL i often wonder why she has a computer and not just because of these annoying emails, you shold here her when Lestat tries to explain anything about her computer to her. Omg it is so funny, we have taken the aproach to just let her take the damn thing to a repair guy n waste her $ and look stupid or take it to the guy who fixed it befor Lestat got in to computers, that guy ripped her off so much took good stuff out and replced it with crap. But No it is her son who is trying to fuck her over when it come to her computer :blink

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Ohh I forgot to thnak every one, Basically the question was not completly answered, but from what i gather no matter what it would be best to apply the gasbrakes and what ever manually self in Nasty waether.

Might just send this to Myth Busters, would love to see those guys figure this one out.

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I never use the cruise control because I heard it can get stuck.  Anyone?

Possible ..I guess. Don't let parania ruin a perfectly resonable feature on your car...

HARMONY: Yes... Bad weather, heavy traffic etc. = Manual control of your car. More importantly: Be aware and pay attention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If people would leave reasonable gaps when following other cars... look further then the tip of your nose ahead of you... etc.... A lot of accidents would be prevented.

So says the guy that was listening so intently to NPR last Spring that he ran a red light and crashed into someone... :whistling

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Possible ..I guess.  Don't let parania ruin a perfectly resonable feature on your car...

HARMONY:  Yes...  Bad weather, heavy traffic etc. =  Manual control of your car.  More importantly:  Be aware and pay attention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    If people would leave reasonable gaps when following other cars...  look further then the tip of your nose ahead of you... etc....  A lot of accidents would be prevented.

So says the guy that was listening so intently to NPR last Spring that he ran a red light and crashed into someone...  :whistling


Luckily I have never been in an accident that was more then a fun game of Bumper Cars, :whistling okay expecpt for one but it was not my fault i was on the main road making a left into a sub Community when a lady making a lft out of the sub community Hit me right smack in the drivers door. I was not hurt but cost State Farm $4000 to fix.

Yeha if every one would Just Pay more attention and Pratice safer Driving we would be okay.

Still would loe to see those guys On myth Busters try to make a cry Fly with Cruise control, LOL it was great watching them Blow up a house with Bugg Bombs, which by the way usually only happen when people use way way way to many, it took like 14 or more of those bombs to blow up 500 sq feet and they had a bunch of ingnotors rigid too, everything from the fridge to a pilot light, i think it was the open flame which made it blow finally, i forogt cause the Blowing up part was just to sweet.

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Here's my 2 cents worth.

1 cent..A driver at my work had the cruise on in the rain. He ended up spinning and hitting the center wall on the freeway because the car hydroplaned. Sad end to a test vehicle, a Jeep Liberty.

2 cent. Vehicle had traction control, it controls power to each wheel. It did not turn off the cruise.

Added note, the speedometer read speed thru a cable from the transmission, not the axle. There is a gear in the tranny that the cable links too. Had to replace those a few times because friends tore up the gear on the cable. Never did figure how they did that. Did have a friend change a tranny and not put the cable in correectly, bad angel to he had no speedometer until that was corrected. Some of the newer speedometers are electrical and not cable driven. And if the speedometer reads higher than the cruise is set for, it's supposed to idle down to slow the vehicle, in effect maintain set speed while driving downhill for example.

As far as the cruise sticking, yes it's possible if the sensor does not detect brake pressure or is faulty. Had a friend with a Mercury Tracer that when run in the rain, turned the cruise on and accelerated, even Ford engineers couldn't figure it out nor duplicate it on his car during tests in their shop.

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I never use the cruise control because I heard it can get stuck.  Anyone?


If you believe in helping the earth but insist on driving you should use the cruse control because it can maintain a fuel conservative speed better than you can.

If it get stuck switch to neutral and turn the car off then restart it the problem should be solved.

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