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Natural Cures, Alternative Medicine


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Natural Cures, Alternative Medicine

SO ima listening to the radio and they have this guy on, He claims in his book he has a cure for HErpes some cancers acid reflex and so many other things, I guess from the radio show the US Gov is trying to Ban this book and the FCC has in the past sued this guy. He also has a sorted Past with the law, Any how I just wonder if any of you have used this guys Book, have you heard anything about the Drama around the book and the guy.

I wantthe book just because they said the Gov is trying to ban it, it must have some merrit if our F-upd Gov is trying to ban it.

other links i nregards to this guy





^all links pulled at random from google, i plan to read throught them but i just dont have time right now, ( i am Bathing cats) i just wanted to get the descussion started befor i forgot the guys name and stuff.

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Hmmmmm, he is either a quack whose remedies hurt people or a alternative medicine healer who has the answers and they are cheap.

I don't know......how are you supposed to 'test' his theories if you don't have the ailment to which he claims to have a cure?

This lady I know (she is not nuts at all) claims her stomach cancer was beyond help and that she cured it with Kumbucca mushroom tea.

The mushroom is poisonous and must be picked at just the right time or it can kill you.

I wonder if he talks about the 'shroom in his book.....

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I saw an infomercial on this guy.....I can believe what he has to say....

Afterall, you can't patent herbs and stuff, so the Gov is pissed that they can't make it a "Drug" and get $$$$$$$$$$$$$$....paid.

You gotta ask yourself...what DID people do before there was "Drugs".


Doctors get really nice things; vacations, cool knick knacks, and other incentives to hand out pills. They don't get those things when people are at home self-medicating with herbs and stuff.

I have been contemplating on buying this book.....

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I know a 16 year old Girl who often looks to me for advice and help with stuff, any how she has Herpes, she has endured so much crap, every one at her school knows about it and well she doesn ot seem to have any Real friends, any how she has been getting stressed and upset so much about this that if there is a cure or help or something in the book that could help her it would be so wonderful, ANy how so that i oculd i na way test being she followed the information, and well most of my family has had cancer and well atthe momnet no one is affected but i know most likley i will be the next one.

He also mentioned bladder infections, colds, arthritis, etc....

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That poor thing. =(

yeah, maybe there is something in that book for that....

We intake so many toxins and we don't even realize it. Hormones from meat pesticides, and other chemicals, alcohol, and smoke, drugs etc....our bodies our sophisticated machines and can handle alot of toxins, but when we are intaking them faster than our bodies can get rid of them it begions to build up and it starts to fester within, causing mutation and feeding cancer cells.

The problem is is we can't escapte it. ..... Unless we grow our own veggics, and slaughter our own meats, and purify our own waters, we are stuck with it. And then in turn deal with the consequences.

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HE also mentions Sun Screen causes cancer or can, I have on my own thought this to be an idea to why so many now get skin cancer so easialy, See my Mother Family came From Tennesee (sp?) they all worked there asses off in the fields from sun up to sun down, no sun screen, and i am talking like a crpa load of land to work, My one uncle still own well over 100 acres of flat clear land and an additional 100 acres of forest, Gows is it pretty there, any how not one of them ever used sun screen, and none of them ever got skin cancer, we have breast (????), lung (smoking, chemicals in car factories), brain cancer(chemical in car afcatories the lack of knowing hte lung cancer was there and it moved) nothing else. How about all those naked people in africa, ya knwo the tribes, i wonder how many of them have suffrened from skin cnacer???? NOt htat people should just drop protecting there skin, but it is a poosiablity atleast in my eyes.

I dont know it probally has some merrit, some might not, but i look at things like this, if you are dying and you dont want to, why not try what ever is avaible even if it seems like Crock. If you are sick and you dont have any other way to combat it (health insurance etc.....) it is alot cheaper for me to go up tot the health nut talk ti over with Reginia and buy $20 worth of herbs, either way i am going ot be sick, if the herbs work GREAT if not i am nly out $20 versus the $100 plus it would cost me to go through a MD and pharmacy.

Oh yeah it was the mention of a cure for herpes that drew me to listen more and further want to look in to this. This girl had a low self esteem to begin with, probally part of the reason why she did things to expose her self to this dieses, now its just so much worse, she thinks about kids and if she will ever have any one to love her and have the "family" she allways wanted. Shesh she is even holding on to a fuck head in Jail casue she thinks he is the one who gave it to her and she would rather be with aperson who has it so they can be some what normal together..... :tear .... Gawd this girl does not deserve it she is so young.









they make em 4 boy n girls so its not just the guys Choice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Are you going to buy the book then?

Because I am thinking it might be a good idea.......before they ban it.

Yes if this stuff does work it would be worth it. Even with Insurance I am spending 40 bucks a month on Tashas Athsma meds.

I tried a few holistic rememdies for that though and although they helped......they did not cure it. And her Asthma is so bad I cannot take chances on not having her meds around as she could die.

But for the herpies thing....let me know if it works. This lady I know breaks out on her face with it. Oh and she has (I dont remember how to spell it) phsariasis? That skin disease. I really want to help her as her scalp is raw in some places right now. We tried the peppermint oil and it helped but she doesn't like the oily hair.

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This guy is a total fraud! Don't buy his scam-book! He is a former used car salesman, with no medicinal training (alternative or traditional) and he's been convicted of various types of fraud several times. CNN mentioned that he is the only person every banned by the FTC from selling products in infomercials (which is why he instead has to just sell a book and not actual herbal remedies). This punishment is not because anyone is trying to keep things hidden for their own profit (afterall, the government doesn't make money on drugs, the pharm companies do. [especially not the FTC]). He has been banned and jailed because he is a total fraud just trying to pray on people's desperate hopes to make money. He spends something like a couple million dollars a week to run adds for his book, so guess how much money he is making off of this.

I know it's easy to mistrust the drug companies and the medical institution as a whole, but there is absolutely no way that any doctor I know would ever intentionally hide a cure from their patients in order to make money.

Why aren't herbal/alternative remedies often recommended by doctors? 3 possiblities: 1) They don't actually work. Proper clinical trials have shown no benefit. 2) Proper studies haven't been done. They may indeed work, but there's no evidence yet to show it. 3) Many drugs actually started as folk cures. Drugs companies isolate the specific substance that is causing the positive effect and sell that as a drug, or modify it slightly (like making it better absorbed from the stomach) so that they can patent it. I would venture to say that until the last decade or two, a vast majority of drugs originated from plants and herbs (and in fact natural substances often remain the model that modern drugs are based off of.)

Herpes is tough because it's a virus. Viruses are extremely tricky to stop because they don't have many molecules that we can target drugs towards, and they use much of our own cellular machinery to replicate. Some of the herpes drugs we DO have can improve quality of life a lot. They can greatly reduce the frequency of outbreaks. There's unfortunately no cure yet though.

Every time I see Kevin Trudeau on TV, I want to punch him in the face. There may be some greedy doctors out there, but to assert that we all would watch a patient die instead of recommending a cure we knew works is fucking disgusting and personally offensive.

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Take it from an alchemist/wood doctor, This guy is a rip off fraud quack slinging snake oil.

Granted some of the thing I use can kill you if you stupid and don't listen to or read directions but a good portion of the thing this guy recommends will kill you in the long term.

If you want to learn about herbal remedies you need to start with books that where either written so long ago that what they omitted was because it killed a patent or one by a person that has been in the field for a very long time.

Hell I wouldn't recommend you even read my experiment notes. Just because "I dosed a rat with tetrodotoxin and it revived it 3 day later" does not mean you wont kill it and yourself and a loved one and a responding EMT.

I know that example is a little extreme but I get a good point across.

BTW don't ask me how to get TTX, if you too stupid to figure it out, your too stupid to handle the stuff.

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Well My Mother in laws seems to agree with SDG and Vater, so she will not be buying the book which i find odd for her........ LOL

I am going to go to the library and see if the book is there, if not off to the used book store, I want to read the book my self and see, and well if i get it fro mthe library or fro mthe used book store then my $ is not going directly to The guy.

I will comment further as i have questions for those of you answered that just may be answered once i actually lay eyes o nthe content of the book.

Either way to me if you have an illness, in which you are using conventianl MEdical measures up to three time a day, and yo ustill get out breaks, and you still get harrassed and stressed and so on, then reading the information will not harm anything. Of course as with anything else good old fashioned Common senses would of course be the decideing factor in weather or not to use any one suggestions.

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Well i was at staples which is right by Border's so i stopped in Borders to look over the book

Basically from a brief and interupted read over of the book, it is all about how Things are being hidden from us.... withte exception of a 3-4 page chart which lists common ailments and the remedies........

Basically if ya want to know how things are being hidden frm us Buy the book, if you want natural remedies By a herbal medicine book.

He did mention a Book about Herpes, "Never an OUt break", he listed a few herbs an that was ab out it.

I have no conclusive eveidence if he ia fraud or not, I do know this book is not exactly what i was looking for, how ever it may have sent me in a direction to look.

SO go get it from the library or used book store but i would not buy it brand new and some great HERBAL CURES will not be lost if the book gets banned, basically the guy is "letting the Gov's Cat out of the bag" wit this book and that is why they are looking to ban it.

We all should still wear condoms though......... that part i am pretty positive on.

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Well i was at staples which is right by Border's so i stopped in Borders to look over the book

Basically from a brief and interupted read over of the book, it is all about how Things are being hidden from us.... withte exception of a 3-4 page chart which lists common ailments and the remedies........

Basically if ya want to know how things are being hidden frm us Buy the book, if you want natural remedies By a herbal medicine book.

He did mention a Book about Herpes, "Never an OUt break", he listed a few herbs an that was ab out it.

I have no conclusive eveidence if he ia fraud or not, I do know this book is not exactly what i was looking for, how ever it may have sent me in a direction to look.

SO go get it from the library or used book store but i would not buy it brand new and some great HERBAL CURES will not be lost if the book gets banned, basically the guy is "letting the Gov's Cat out of the bag" wit this book and that is why they are looking to ban it.

We all should still wear condoms though......... that part i am pretty positive on.

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I saw this guy on Penn and Teller. They totally bashed him and his book. He has no medical training and most of the stuff he claims he saw proof of in his book he could not remeber the person's name and even said he had read it somewhere.

He has a criminal past with writing bad checks and some other stuff I can not remember. They said he is banned from doing infomercials but could not stop him from writing a book since it was against his constitutional rights.

They are worried that people are going to believe him and stop taking their medication and stuff and get worse. He has no proof and no medical background and is known basically as a con artist.

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